All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: DownsizingI started RVing in 1962 with a Chevy Corvair Green Brier conversion (no pop top), similar to the Volkswagen Wesfalia. We have been up and down a number of times, including two VW's, and about everything down from our current Holiday Rambler Ambassador PDQ 40, with 4 slides. (our first slides) We bought that to take the grandkids all of the USA before they got...too old...Now we are downsizing again. I loved a RoadTrek Popular 21, which I kept in Calif. as my "Condo" My wife hated it. Now we are considering a Phoenix Cruiser or Coach House in the 26 foot range--a little larger than the Class B, I would rather have--and smaller than a 30' + class A my wife would prefer.Re: Dish Network - No Network feeds after 2/25/20142/2614 and still getting the 4 feeds. Has some deal been reached?Re: Roll Call Alaska 2013Bear spray: we have taken the properly labeled large canister across the border into Canada as recently as last September. This is the same product (Counter Assult), as sold in Canada. You should be able to get a letter from CA (include in French) the proper I'D of the product. Do NOT take tear gas, or small containers . There is a letter from the U S EPA , as I remember, which identifies this as a acceptable bear spray. We traveled with 2 labs who went ashore at least 3 times each day in high density brown bear country when traveling by boat. We always let bears know we were there and gave them both respect and space. In many hundreds of days no problems...but we backed away several times. If you are not going to hike, fish or kayak in areas where there may be brown bears then don't bother with the bear spray. Last summer we saw a sow and two cubs on a golf course in Canada. The golfers "played around" them--probably not more than 50 yards away from the bears....I would have just picked up the ball, and gone to another hole.... We have taken Counter Assult across the Canadian boarder at least14 times. It may well depend on the border crossing, and policy may change. We have been in some Canadina places where bear spray was recommended/required. Never threaten or use it on a human in Canada. If you feel better buying in Canada or AK, do so. We enjoyed the river boat Discovery, with the visit to the Chena Village & Susan Butchers Kennels. In very remote areas and I always carried bear spray, as did many back country rangers. I won't argue that a.44 mag with 5 hot loads & a 320 grain bullet is the best fire round. But that was what I carried when a 12 guage with slugs or a .45.70 rifle was not practical a last resort. ( the weapons were legally shipped to Alaska.) Enjoy, but respect all wild life! We now have a smaller and smarter dog,Re: Roll Call Alaska 2013A few thoughts from our trips to AK and other remote areas. We had to replace the diesel air filter several times on our first trip in 1996--hard to find in AK--we did find them in White Horse. We will take several extra air filters with us this time. Although we washed the rear radiator out regularly, we did so mostly from the rear--take time to do it from the inside also. We had a problem with mud after we got home. We have run both a ScanGaugeD and a VMSpc for diagnostics on our diesels. Once we lost all analogue dash gauges for about 1,500 miles. Now we have digital back up for all of the functions. Communications: I am a HAM operator, and carry both a HF and 2 meter radios, which give use both short and long range communications. We came upon a bad wreck in a remote area and were able to get a message to RCMP for help. In the mean time, we disconnected the propane and battery from the wrecked trailer (safety precautions). Fortunately no injuries (I am an MD, my wife an RN, but we do carry extensive first aid supplies) We helped to direct traffic, (included a tour buss where the driver off loaded the passengers and went on the shoulder around the wreck) until the professional help arrived. We also have a Wilson dual band 3 watt Cell phone amplifier, and an external "Trucker" antenna for the cell phone frequencies. We find this extends our cell phone range considerably. For WiFi we use an external antenna to a USB port--probably will go to a TP Link external router on this trip. There is a definite advantage to having an amp and antenna in any camp ground or if parked near "Free" Wi Fi. Finally we always carry a Personal Locator Beacon. These are registered to our persons, and transmit to the international SAT SAR system via 406 mHz satellite system. We have a route plan with our contacts as well as our medical information etc. If you have a life threatening emergency and are out of range of phone/radio, these may save your life. We carry them when in the RV, the TOAD, hiking, fishing or on our kayaks etc. These are about the size of a deck of playing cards. Our current preference is the ACR ResQLink 2880 or 2881. They cost in the $250 range. No yearly fees, and good for 5 to 6 years without a battery change. We also carry bear spray when hiking.Re: Roll Call Alaska 2013There is a very good chance that "Thataway" will also join the party. We made our last RV trip to AK in 1996, but have been to SE AK towing a trailerable boat via Prince Rupert in 2009. Plan to fly the Grand kids in and out of Anchorage and they will be with us for a month. Heading North the first week of June.Re: 2010 Winnebago 40L. . .from Hell !We had the following problems with a 1991 Winnebago 38' diesel pusher: Service brakes failed--bad master cylinder after multiple trips to various service agencies. (electric over hydraulic brakes--not air) That unit had no "parking break--just an Allison transmission which you could crash into "Park" one time. The 100 gallon water tank fell out of the bottom of the coach and wedged against the rear wheels. The accellorator jammed wide open (cable jacket wore thru, and ice formed to freeze the cable.) Someone put a gasoline filter in the diesel line--and engine lost power due to disintregration of the filter and plugging of the line. Those were the major items--there were many other minor problems. We were also faced with "we can not get to it for several months". We threatened to take the unit to FMCA annual meeting and park it with cardboard lemons on the sides over the phone in a conference call with the dealer, service center and Winnebago. The factory did get us into a service center the next day. We found out later that the unit had actually been sold, and then returned as a "Lemon"--we were told it was a Demo! I have not owned a Winnebago since. I am sure that there are a number of good units built by Winnebago, but they will never get my money again.Re: Honda 2000i Carb Job With Photos Must Read!!!!!Good write up. I have been using an almost indentical proceedure for about 5 years. I use Stabil, but if I don't run the Honda every few months, there is some gunk in the carb. Sea Foam helps, but in my experience does not prevent it. Shutting down the engine does not drain the carb, as a fuel shut off valve. Also there may still be some residual even with closing the vent.Re: Anyone make a mistake buying first MH ?I have made a number of mistakes buying motorhomes--no motorhome is perfect. Mistakes I have made: Too light a chassis--16" wheels on an Allegro 28 footer and kept blowing tires, despite being within weight ratings, proper inflation and increasing load range of tires. Too much rear overhang--gives handling problems. Having a bathroom which was too small (did not have full head room for me @ 6'2" and not enough leg room. In fact the floor space of that motor home was too small with our 3 dogs. Purchase of a motorhome which was the first of a model series (Winnabego Adventurer Diesel built in 1991)--multiple problems. I think that many folks are taken by the "glitz" of a model--and don't think about the way which they will use the unit. Also if you want to go to remote sites, slides, long length, and height can be a problem.
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Bucket List Trips Bucketlist destinations you just can't miss. Which spots stick with you?Jan 18, 202513,487 Posts