All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Diesel vs gas...................... "G" wrote: tgatch wrote: "G" wrote: Hishdeer wrote: ilovetocamp wrote: Paying $1.55 a gallon for diesel and getting over 20mpg. 2004 Dodge Ram 2500 Diesel 2004 Challenger 32TKB 5th wheel with 3 slides. You are NOT getting 20mpg pulling and 32 foot 5th wheel with 3 slides. I'm NOT buying it. I would bet he is, depending on his driving! I don't take sucker bets. Nobody... and I mean NOBODY can get 20 MPG towing a 12'8" tall by 8' wide, 10,000+lbs 5er. I don't care what driving habits one has. The only way for that to even be remotely possible would be to be driving down hill ALL of the time. If that Cummins is getting 20MPG towing that kind of size and weight, I'm trading my truck in TODAY!!! You have till the end of the month for employee pricing on the new Dodge's. When I first picked up my new 3500 4X4 short bed I was only getting 17.5 mpg without the 5th wheel. I took it back to the dealer after 2500 miles and they did a "reflash" on the engine.I now average 26.5 mpg without the 5th and 20.5 with. This mileage is at 2200 rpms, about 70 miles an hour. I have had ford and gm diesels and was a little leary about buying the Dodge but I have to admit, this is the best truck I have ever towed with hands down. I cannot imagine what will happen when I install a chip. Keep you posted. You don't know how to figure gas mileage. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. You can't get 20.5mpg going downhill with 60mph tailwind. There is no chip or a reflash made that will increase your mpg by what you claim. Get a new calculator and ask somebody to show you how to figure gas mileage and then have your odometer calibrated. Did Paul Bunyon do your mpg calculations?Re: Diesel vs gas...................... "G" wrote: Hishdeer wrote: ilovetocamp wrote: Paying $1.55 a gallon for diesel and getting over 20mpg. 2004 Dodge Ram 2500 Diesel 2004 Challenger 32TKB 5th wheel with 3 slides. You are NOT getting 20mpg pulling and 32 foot 5th wheel with 3 slides. I'm NOT buying it. I would bet he is, depending on his driving! Sorry, I just am not buying that somebody is pulling a 32 foot Fifth wheel and getting 20mpg. The frontal surface area creates way too much wind resistance. Read the posts here and see what everyone is getting pulling a 32 foot 5vers with a diesel ..AND IT SURE ISN'T 20MPG. I just had my post removed on another thread where some guy claimed he got 10mpg better mileage using Canadien gas. That is impossible. There is no gasoline on the planet that get you 10mpg better while towing in the mountains over running flat and level!!!!!! The guy is flat out 100% telling a big falsehood because a 10mpg increase using Canadien gas is a JOKE and a lie. I'm NOT buying that 100% false fairy tale story either.Re: Diesel vs gas...................... kennard04 wrote: maryb1976 wrote: I would like some info on the Ford V10 vs the diesel. My husband and I are buying a new truck to tow a toy hauler.. I've heard different stories on each. Does anyone have the Ford F-250 V10? or the diesel. Can you tell me what gas mileage you get.. empty and full? V10 or diesel.. Thanks!!!!! I get 12-15 solo, depending on how many kids in hot rods I have to show what 'real motor' means. I get 8-11 towing depending on hills, altitude, etc. I would say if you're going to be towing alot, for many years, you will get more out of a diesel. I do not tow full time so a diesel wasn't a good choice for me. Typically you'll get 2-5 mpg more in a diesel. But for very heavy loads, and lots of towing you'll be happer than with a gas motor. The gas engine will tow whatever you buy, but it will work considerably harder at it's tow capacity. I tow around 10K, and the V-10 is a monster for that weight. It's smooth and quiet and very fuel efficient for a big, hard working truck. Drive both, see which one you like, then sit down and figure fuel mileage, fuel costs (diesel is alot higher out here), fuel availability and higher initial buy in costs. At 100-150K miles you should break even with the gas motor for cost. If you buy a new truck every few years you need a gas motor. If you will keep your truck 10 years a tow only, or mostly with it get the oilburner. Kennard, Of all the posts I read, your post hit the nail on the head. For the first 150K miles there is no financial advantage of a diesel over a gas engine. People just don't keep a diesel over 150K miles because most are afraid of the big engine repair bill.Re: Diesel vs gas...................... Jeff Tow Truck wrote: I HAD GAS AND GOT TIRED OF THE 7 MPG. SO I WENT LOOKING FOR A DIESEL. NOW THAT I HAVE ONE, I GET 10 1/2 TO 11 MPG. THE GAS HAD MORE POWER BUT THE FUEL ECON. IS BETTER FOR MY WALLET. GAS IS AROUND 2.05 AND DIESEL IS 2.25 TO 2.30 HERE IN VA. NOW. BACK WHEN I BOUGHT THE DIESEL I THINK I REMEMBER DIESEL WAS CHEAPER THAN GAS? LOL...I got a 1986 23 foot MH with a carbed 350 gas with a turbo 400 transmission and I get 10-12mpg between at 55-60 mph. A turbo diesel today doesn't show me much at all on fuel savings. I have NEVER got less than 9.0mpg...NEVER...and 9.0 was fighting a headwind.Re: Diesel vs gas...................... ilovetocamp wrote: Paying $1.55 a gallon for diesel and getting over 20mpg. 2004 Dodge Ram 2500 Diesel 2004 Challenger 32TKB 5th wheel with 3 slides. You are NOT getting 20mpg pulling and 32 foot 5th wheel with 3 slides. I'm NOT buying it.Re: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info.MY Honda clone 3000 watt with the 196cc engine is purring like a sleepy kitten and has performed flawlessly for about 5 hours. I think I will change the oil in a another couple hours to Mobil One 10W30.Re: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info.Here is some information for everyone. I just bought a 3300watt 220/120 volt 6.5 HP Honda clone generator and it is as quiet as my former Honda 2500 watt unit. It was a great value for the money at 306.00. One thing I found out was that if you wanted the FULL 120 volt amperage you had to flip BOTH 15 amp circuit breakers to the ON position to get the generator's full 120 volt amperage. IF I just selected 1 circuit breaker to the on position to run a high amperage draw acessory like the the air conditioner the single circuit breaker would "flip" to to the off position. When I turned BOTH circuit breakers to the on position the air conditionerr would run just fine plus it would run the fridge, TV, and Tv, etc. When I flipped the voltage selector switch to the 220 volt position naturally both circuit breakers had to be flipped to the "ON" position and you connected your 220 volt source to the now activated 220 plug. What I did do is I added a female 120volt 30 amp RV receptacle giving me a dedicated receptacle for my MH's power plug. So now I got a twist lock 220, standard 120 and a 30 amp RV receptacle. Pretty simple upgrade. What I really wondered about was why the 220 volt receptacle was just like a standard 120 volt receptacle in your house. Looking at this generator you would think it just had 2 120 volt receptacles if you didn't notice a 220/120 switch and a labels identifiing whch plug is for what voltage. I changed the 220 volt receptacle to a bonified 220 volt twist lock since I am not aware of ANY 220 volt appliance that uses a 120 pulg for 220 volts. Somebody screwed up bigtime on that one. All receptcles checked out correctly on my Fluke multimeter. Now there is NO possibilty of plugging in a 120 volt tool into the 120 volt receptacle running 220 volts. IT is Amazing they hooked it up wrong in Chinaland like that.
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