msmd1 wrote:I charged the battery overnight and when reinstalling it, found a 4" white wire coming from the back of the left end of the control panel hanging loose. I cannot seem to find anywhere it should be connected. :?When I got my 46538 from Cos...
Hey again curt12914,I've been lurking here awhile (last couple years) & have seen this forum in all it's glory & into it's darkest gloomy corners. I'm pretty handy around a trailer, built things for it, "moded" things out(currently trying to weld a ...
curt12914 wrote:When I had problems with one of my EU2000i's, the carb had loosened and ruined the spacer and gasket. They did not have one in stock, but they took the pars out of a (new),generator they had in stock, to get mine going.Don't get me wr...
Old & Slow wrote:I just noticed on Costco website, listed under shipping and other info' ~ Any online order my be returned to any of Costco 500 locations.That is good news, to see it listed under the ad for Champion.Don't have to be a do it yourself ...
msmd1 wrote:I guess that I will be looking for the UPS man sooner than later. I hope mine works, unlike class A wannabe.Turns out the AVR (auto voltage regulator) was no good. Somehow it picks up a DC current off the brushes & controls the output AC...