All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Jan-Feb-March in Mesa, AZ- few questions about heat sources BarbaraOK wrote: joebedford wrote: I've stayed in Mesa several times. The parks had a truck that came around and filled propane tanks but I didn't use it because it was cheaper to take it / them down to the local Chevron station. The trucks swap out propane tanks, they can not fill in the parks. It is a Mesa Fire Marshall rule. If you are in Mesa, electricity is cheap compared to the cost of propane and we never used the propane much - - only a couple of times when it got really cold (like freezing), otherwise we just used the space heaters and maybe the propane furnace for a little in the morning to take the chill off. For weekend entertainment, I work security at an upperscale RV park in Mesa. I have propane trucks thru the gate every Saturday morning and I assure you that they are not swapping tanks on high dollar coaches.Re: Devil's canyon UTHaving stayed at Devils Canyon many times, #'s are right. #7 is the big pull-thru with the double tow in the satellite view, my usual spot for short term. Long term, Nizohni, less than an hour away and in the tall timber.