All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: AC shroud campigloo wrote: It sounds like it may be, for lack of a better term, hinged. Remove the screws and it might just come right off. Cool thanks. It had screws all the way around. Easy as pie. When I took it off the cooling fins were smashed to all hell. They are thin as hell. It is going to take mea full week to straighten them out. Now I have to figure out how to do that. Wow, it never ends. Almost as bad as a bot.Re: Hellllllllllllllllllllpp fixing hole in roof opnspaces wrote: Well without a doubt you have to fix the crack around the skylight no matter what you do to the rest of the roof. As far as the missing wood I would definitely cut through the rubber roof with a razor blade knife and see what is happening. My guess is you have had a water leak for a while and the wood rotted out. A few thoughts on cutting the hole. Use a razor knife and a straight edge to make the cut. Cut a three sided hole (across the back and up the sides) leave the material uncut at the front (the side toward the tongue) Make your cut over existing good wood so you have something solid to press down against. In other words if the hole is 4' x 4' make a cut that is 4'6" x 4'6". Use 4" wide Eternabond tape and seal the cuts making sure to press down really hard./ If there is water damage you need to make sure you identify and fix the leak. If you can't fix the rafters then lay a sheet of plywood over the hole that is larger than the hole. Taper the edges with a sander and definitely round off any corners. If the wood on top of the hole makes the rubber roof too short you're going to have to fill the gap with something. I would probably tape a strip of Eternabond onto the wood patch under the exposed cut. Then lay the rubber back down and tape Eternabond from the rubber roof to the strips added in the middle. just noticed what the problem was. Sorry it’s a 4“ x 4“ piece of wood that broke off under the rubber roof when I stepped on it not 4‘ x 4‘. Stupid me. think I should do? Re: skylight/sunroof. clear, cloud, or smoke. salem wrote: The one over the bed is smoke, the one in the living area is white. white or clear?Re: Hellllllllllllllllllllpp fixing hole in roof opnspaces wrote: Well without a doubt you have to fix the crack around the skylight no matter what you do to the rest of the roof. As far as the missing wood I would definitely cut through the rubber roof with a razor blade knife and see what is happening. My guess is you have had a water leak for a while and the wood rotted out. A few thoughts on cutting the hole. Use a razor knife and a straight edge to make the cut. Cut a three sided hole (across the back and up the sides) leave the material uncut at the front (the side toward the tongue) Make your cut over existing good wood so you have something solid to press down against. In other words if the hole is 4' x 4' make a cut that is 4'6" x 4'6". Use 4" wide Eternabond tape and seal the cuts making sure to press down really hard./ If there is water damage you need to make sure you identify and fix the leak. If you can't fix the rafters then lay a sheet of plywood over the hole that is larger than the hole. Taper the edges with a sander and definitely round off any corners. If the wood on top of the hole makes the rubber roof too short you're going to have to fill the gap with something. I would probably tape a strip of Eternabond onto the wood patch under the exposed cut. Then lay the rubber back down and tape Eternabond from the rubber roof to the strips added in the middle. that is some really good advice.thank you. What I'm having a hard time understanding is the missing wood is/was sitting on nothing. there is a 2-3inch void between where the missing wood piece and the inner ceiling. there is nothing to secure the new piece of wood to (no rafter) at that location. Re: AC shroud opnspaces wrote: Most AC shrouds have 4 screws on the top that are sealed under some caulking. Once you peel the caulking and unscrew the screws the shroud should lift off. ya, that is what I thought too but mine has no screws on the top. I think it is a latch type thingy on one side I can't see and 2 screws on the opposite side. I have to look closer when I get home.Re: Rubber roof cleaning wildtoad wrote: Dawn will clean it, but it also can remove wax on the sides of the RV. Spic and Span is good. For the mold/mildew, add some Clorox bleach to the bucket of wash water. ( I use a 2 gallons yard sprayer). Spray it on the roof, use a medium bristle brush to scrub, not too hard. Let it rest for 10-15 minutes for the bleach to work, rinse it off, really well. Go over the heard to clean spots. I started using (Lysol all purpose cleaner) and it worked great until my wife flipped out and said that would hurt the rubber. anyone used Lysol all purpose cleaner in the yellow bottle?{creative}&hvpos={adposition}&hvnetw=o&hvrand={random}&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=e&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl={devicemodel}&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4583726545497113&psc=1Re: AC shroudI looked on youtube and can't find the exact way it comes off. maybe I will look for the manual.Re: Hellllllllllllllllllllpp fixing hole in roof DutchmenSport wrote: Well, if it were mine, I'd probably cut the rubber back a little. I'm make sure the inside of the roof was good and dry. I'd make sure the rest of the ceiling is dry, the walls are OK, and nothing is damaged by water intrusion. I'd then get a couple cans of Foam Stuff and pump as much as I could inside that hole, which will adhere the ceiling to the foamy Stuff also, as well as the underside of the roof. But it would seal it all. Then I'd lay a sheet of tin a bit bigger than the hole between the roof and the rubber with some Liquid Nails between to seal it down. Then lay the rubber back over the tin sheet and then use Eternabond tap to seal the seams of the rubber, and last, logs of RV caulking on top of that. Then ... never step on that spot again. It will last forever. Edit? I'm assuming the hole went clear through to the inside, after re-reading your post? If the hole went all the way through the inside ceiling, do the same thing on the inside. Before pumping in the Foamy Stuff, simply find a decorative ceiling "pretty", like a medallion used for lights or ceiling fans. Anything that looks pretty. You can get a nice decorative covering and simply glue it to the ceiling over the hole inside. You may need to use a few fine screws or a staple gun to hold it in place. Liquid Nails is great for stuff like this. Then when the glue dries, or Liquid Nails dries the covering over the hole, do the outside of the roof and "pump the stuff" full! Thank you very much 4 the advice. No it is just the roof. the inside ceiling looks great. so your saying a thin sheet of tin between the roof and the rubber. That may be possible. I was planning on just putting something directly on the finished roof and seal and screwing it down and then caulking it all up. thank you again for the advice. you a big help.Re: skylight/sunroof. clear, cloud, or smoke. afidel wrote: You can also just apply automotive tint, comes in various transmission levels from 70% to 5%, though 50% and 35% are the most common. too true. that is what she was thinking. Someday I will be able to think for myself. Thank youskylight/sunroof. clear, cloud, or smoke.I'm redoing my roof and I'm replacing the sunroof/skylight. or current one is smoke and it is always dark and depressing in the trailer. Well my wife convinced me to buy clear this time, which I did. well I'm starting to second guess my purchase. My wife says if it sucks we can Always paint it or shove ssomething into the dome to damper the light or sun rays. Has anyone had a good or bad experience installing/using a clear skylight?
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