All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Best RV parks from rapid city to billings (also devil's t)We stayed at the Billings KOA for an over-nighter in June. It was very nice, but also quite pricey.Re: Help with Big RV Trip PlanningThat sounds perfect! Yellowstone advice...make sure your groceries are stocked before you get there. There are two groceries in town with good selections, but they are very expensive. Also, take a small cooler to pack your lunch in for the days you go into the park. It will save you not only money, but also time. You can pull over at any beautiful spot and eat, not stuck in some horribly long line at one of the stores or restaurants in the park.Re: Tow Vehicle ImprovementsJust got back from our 3 1/2 weeks out west and am pleased to say my rig did great pulling up grade and down. The only thing that gave me any trouble was the side winds we encountered a few times during the trip. But, I understand that side wind conditions plague most TV and TT combos and it was tolerable. Worst of it was 35-40 mph winds for most of the trip across Kansas. Thanks again for everyone's advice and information!Re: Help with Big RV Trip PlanningWe just returned from a 3.5 week trip out west. My best advice? Give Yellowstone as much time as you can. We spent a week there and could have spent even more time. Have you traveled long distances in your camper? If not, use caution with extremely lofty goals of driving distances. Our longest day was 440 miles and it was a killer!Re: Top 3-4 Travel Trailer BunkhousesWe have a Salem Cruise Lite 281BHXL. We are nearing the end of a 3.5 week trip and still love it. It has met all of our needs. Are there things we would tweak? Yes, but we can work around those things and keep them in mind in the future (waaaay's a 2013) when we trade. I don't know how to link a floor plan, but I can tell you we have pulled it from Indiana all the way to Yellowstone and then some and haven't had trouble - knock on wood!Re: fridge questionHope you don't mind me highjacking your thread but, since we're on the fridge topic, do most of you run your fridge on LP while on the road? I read somewhere that its not recommended but that's the only way mine will stay cool otherwise (no DC mode).Re: 12 Volt Kill Switch? RoyB wrote: These are usually found in POPUP that have fold-over cabinets etc and when you get the unit ready for travel they want to keep you from having the hot ceiling lights from being left on accidentally which might catch something on fire. We previously had a pop-up, so I was aware of the switch in those but I haven't heard of a similar switch in TT's.12 Volt Kill Switch?We are new to TT's and after I saw a post in another thread about a 12 volt kill switch, I realized I have no idea if our TT has one. I have not seen any switches that I don't know what their purpose is, so my question would be if all TT's have one or does it just depend on the manufacturer?Re: Fixing a Boo-booLooks nice!Re: Tow Vehicle Improvements LeBout wrote: He was referring to non-Interstate roads. I-90 from South Dakota up into Montana doesn't have any horribly steep grades at all. I just took that route a few weeks ago although in the reverse order. I find that route easier to traverse than across the southern part of Wyoming on I-80 which has some LONG grades. Thanks for the info! We leave in less than a week. Looking forward to the challenges and seeing the sights.
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