All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Do all campers leak ??????If you buy an RV you're gonna have to Maintain it and yes, unless you are a DIYer, you're gonna have to pay a penny, especially for labor. So this is the point where you ask yourself if you can take on another "bag of Expenses." UV rays and Oxidation are killers, it would be nice if I could keep My Moho tarped or covered at all times, especially in the S.Texas or Az or Nv sun, but CG's don't allow it, so yes get ready to recaulk every 6 moths to a yr, and reseal every yr to 2 yrs. If you're not a fulltimer and you keep your RV in a garage you may be able to extend the recaulking and resealing intervals.Re: Gas tax increase in some states July 1st jfkmk wrote: fitznj wrote: We never learn. NJ had the lowest gas prices in the North-East, people from PA, NJ, DE used to cross the border to fill up their tanks. Great, more tax revenue for NJ. So what did our illustrious leaders do? they raised the gas tax by 23c. So people from PA, NJ, DE stopped filling their tanks in NJ. Result? Tax revenues are down. No sh*t. I'm not an economist but I could have figured that out. So what do we do ? we elect a governor who promises to raise taxes. Are we stupid or what? Oh and that 23c tax increase was supposed to be temporary and offset by a reduction in sales tax. So what do you think happened to the sales tax? Are we stupid or what? Fits, you’re absolutely right! Except, when they implemented the higher gas tax, they added a provision to have a minimum amount brought in by the tax. If the tax didn’t bring in the minimum, it gets raised. So, as we chase away the fuel purchasers from surrounding states the tax goes higher to make up for the loss. Then we elect the moron who promised to raise taxes! Folks this is NOTHING new. WE live first and foremost in a Capitalist Country. Right? It's Basic Economics (all these nice talking points we're making here are.....Nice, but moot.): When Demand goes up, So does the Price. period. Basta. It's always been that way. Basic supply and demand. It's not gonna change.Re: Gas tax increase in some states July 1st down home wrote: ...and we now are the worlds leading producer of oil and should be energy independent but prices and axes are going up. So what does that tell you? We keep saying Europe bad this and Europe bad that. So Again, What does what's happening here tell you? Maybe it's time to RE-Focus or Re set it.Re: Gas tax increase in some states July 1stHmmm, EV's don't use gas and bybrids use less. Gov't (fed'l and state) have to make up for the "Loss" somehow. Sad.Re: USAA InsuranceMountainKK. is Absolutely right. I guess you can approach it from different angles, but like he said IT'S NOT ABOUT THE MONEY. At this day in age computers have come so far and are soo fast. Every website I need is stored in my favs and it takes seconds to see my stocks/bonds, banking and insurance. Everything I want is at the tip of my fingers BUT still I go to the banks, even if I don't have to. It doesn't have to be ALL on 1 site. But if for some it's a Must-have, then so be it. I've shopped around enough to know that USAA Definitely would not satisfy my banking and investment needs, not for a longshot. So different strokes for different folks, it's a service that wouldn't benefit me. I'd still find myself using other websites. I have GEICO Military and they've always treated me like a king, Absolutely no CS complaints there. So to each there own. Many of us have different priorities.Re: USAA Insurance"So it really doesn't matter there which company you chose. Some companies won't even sell policies in Mass - I'd guess because they can't raise rates, and can't make enough money. IF insurance is mandatory - which is true in most, if not all states - then it should be regulated as well. AND, yes, it should be mandatory, so we do not become victims of the uninsured. Of course, even mandatory here in Florida, there is still a "fee and choice" for uninsured motorist coverage, and based on the laws there should be none of those ... right? Don't bet on that one. " Wow and you're from Mass. Too. I don't mean to Derail or change the subject, but when I read that, it reminded me of the Current Health care Issues. Anyway, I digress. Sorry. If you don't mind I'll use this in Other Forums.Re: USAA InsuranceUSAA will go through your credit record and driving record with a fine toothed comb and God forbid you have a felony or misdermenor in your history. Some folks love USAA and swear by it, Me, nah I don't. When I 1st Enlisted in 1990, I called them to insure my car, they said we don't service ENLISTED military members, only officers. I know they service Enlisted too now, but that never sat well with me. I wans't good enough for you then, so you don't get my business now. To each their own. That's my take.Re: Rust Around Basement Doors on Power Bridge Chassis vfrmarc wrote: Looking at trading my 2013 Gasser with trailer style basement doors for a 2014 Diesel Pusher on a Power Bridge Chassis. When examining the basements noticed lots of surface rust near the bottom hinges on almost all the basement swing doors. My current coach doesn't have that issue, just wondering if it is a paint touch up maintenance issue or a sign of lots of salty road driving. The areas in question are exposed to mother nature the basements themselves have good seals and look fine. Coach has less then 20K miles on it. The jacks and springs also look real rusty. I think your intuition is Correct: Salt. Hence poor maintenance (by previous owner). As you know up north you put salt on the roads to make them safer. The downside is that (as you know) it eats anything metal on your vehicle. BUT if you (like us) go to the coast a lot that Salt isn't your friend either. When we went to the coast the 1st time (we were 50 yrds from the beach)I noticed Rust forming around my Chrome Rim bolts after 2 nights there. I wiped most of the exposed metal down the best I could, but when we got back home, I took that Power washer and hosed down any exposed metal and got under that chassis and power washed it. When I got on my roof I ran my finger across part of the roof, my finger was full of salt film and sand, so fine you couldn't really see it with the naked eye. Anyway, make sure you give your RV's a thorough washing when you come back from the coast. If you live at the coast, I'd recommend a thorough wash at least once a week. Experts say to wash your car every 2 weeks, if you live in a salty evironment you should wash it more. Hope this helps a lil.Re: Sub 35 foot Well Built Motorhome?Well, If $$$ is not a concern Go with New Aire from Newmar or Tiffin Allegro Red or...the Foretravel (ic 37, the chassis is actually 35 ft).Re: Opinions on this travel trailer LoudRam wrote: What does everyone think about this new layout? We're not getting it, it's just that this is different so I'm curious what everyone thinks of it. Doesn't get more open concept than that.
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