All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsVan for towing?Thinking of a new TV in the near future. I've always had trucks, and put a cap on first thing. For me the bed is useless without one, firewood, generator, etc needs to be covered, and more secure out of sight. At a campground last year, I saw a family towing with a Ford 3/4 ton van with diesel, and thought that really makes sense. Why isn't that more popular, is the price of a van a lot higher? I sure don't see many vans with the diesel, but probably because I wasn't looking. I would guess you could get it in 4WD also. Does Ram and Chevy make them also?Re: Hey Boondockers; what TT do you have?I boondock, that is the reason I keep it small, and large capacity FW tank. The FW is IMO the weak link for being in the bush. I have a Jayflight 21QB, it has 90 gallons of FW, my last was a Jayflight 19RD, both had 90 gallons FW. That is the main reason I went with the Flights. (and the porcelain crapper, lol) The new 21QB has LEDs standard, my last trailers I had to put LEDs in myself.Re: Back up camera locationLast trailer I put the camera in the back window. New trailer I put it on the roof ladder. Both were hard wired (not wireless).Re: Dumping Waste in Septics bid_time wrote: PAThwacker wrote: Ken O wrote: I don't use chemicals either, to me its the same as flushing money down the toilet. There is no way I can dump in my septic, its behind the house, a long ways from where I park the RV next to the garage. So, I built a homemade septic in the woods near the RV. I used two 55 gallon drums, connected them so I had a solids/digester, and clarifier, then a small 20' leach/drain field with perf pipe. Many years ago I worked for an outfit putting in septic systems, and had an idea of how they work. I have a backhoe, it was easy. Its real nice to just leave if there is a line at the CG dump station. Or, if boon docking where there aren't any place to dump. I'd be one pissed off neighbor if my well was close to that diy system I don't care if my well was close to it or not. My neighbor would be getting a visit from the Health Department. That is just unacceptable. That's why they have to pass laws, cause of the stupid things some people will do. Wow! I thought I was doing good, my scaled down system is no different than yours, and for the little that goes in it, its overkill. Yeah, your cell phone would be burning up making calls if you were near me. Around here there are deer camps, and seasonal cabins with just outhouses. An outhouse is just shack over a pit in the ground. I have been to some deer camp parties, and can tell you more UNTREATED sewage is going down in a few hours, than my TREATED system in years. Also, hunters out there, no flush toilets in the woods yet (more calls). The cattle up the road are dumping all the time, (more calls). Etc. I'm sure your pets are toilet trained, don't know about your neigbors, more calls. I wish you well, we just live in different worlds.Re: Dumping Waste in SepticsI don't use chemicals either, to me its the same as flushing money down the toilet. There is no way I can dump in my septic, its behind the house, a long ways from where I park the RV next to the garage. So, I built a homemade septic in the woods near the RV. I used two 55 gallon drums, connected them so I had a solids/digester, and clarifier, then a small 20' leach/drain field with perf pipe. Many years ago I worked for an outfit putting in septic systems, and had an idea of how they work. I have a backhoe, it was easy. Its real nice to just leave if there is a line at the CG dump station. Or, if boon docking where there aren't any place to dump.Re: Travel Trailer Cover? Good/Bad Idea? ktmrfs wrote: Ken O wrote: I'm also thinking of a cover, we had a real bad tree sap summer. Any recommendations for a cover? my first cover was an adco with tyvek roof, the designer series. Lasted 4 years, maybe could have gotten one more year out of it but the sun had definitely started to degrade the fabric. Downside is the weight and bulk of the cover. It would barely fit in a 50 gallon garbage can for storage and was not easy to get on the roof. Current cover is a Classic accessories perma pro lifetime warranty cover. 3 years old, holding up well, big advantage it is ripstop nylon, much much lighter than the adco, but seems to be holding up and doing as well or better than the adco. Also has more zippered panels so likelyhood of getting easy access to a door is better. And, amazingly it will actually fit into the supplied duffle bag!! Also the adco length breaks pretty much matched my trailer length, like 6 inches over my trailer length so I had a very good fit with the adco. with the classic accessory I was about 10 inches over the length for one size, so the next size up gave me about 3 extra feet, tougher to get a nice firm fit. Thanks!Re: Travel Trailer Cover? Good/Bad Idea?I'm also thinking of a cover, we had a real bad tree sap summer. Any recommendations for a cover?Re: Mr. Pink StuffI don't blow, just pink up. I put a similar system in the S&B for when I head south for the winter. I plumbed in a pump, put a bypass for the HWH, and run the pink though the whole house. I throw the breakers to the house, no sense heating it if I'm not there. I have a pretty good check off list, which took years to complete, because there are things you don't think of. Like the saddle valve to the fridge ice maker, the water in the washer pump housing, etc. When I just blew, I always had breaks in the pipes when I got back, the pink fixed all that.Re: Near-freezing temperaturesvalhalla360, thanks. I do remember the name of the campground as "LoW", it was a Passport CG.Re: Near-freezing temperaturesIt was below zero, as I said the water mains in town froze up. It was a big deal there. I-10 was closed down, as it started as freezing rain. It was end of January or beginning of Feb. I'm not going to search weather temps, I was there, and it happened. Don't care if you believe or not.
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