All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Cool Mods - Thread restored 10/18/2012About a dollar a foot. I haven't been shopping for these lately but had thought about getting some and, somewhere else I entirely forget where or in what context, I got the idea these lights were under a dollar a foot. Maybe not.Re: Cool Mods - Thread restored 10/18/2012 kearlms wrote: Before you know it the whole camping world will have these on their TT's. I actually like the idea. We boondock in some very far away dark places. Would be nice for finding the TT once the lights and lanterns are out. Also, they are down low so they are not as much of a nuisance to all those around you. Looks good. Looks like they got them on sale for $1.00 a strip plus $2.91 shipping for the next 11 hours. But no combined shipping, $2.71 for each additional item, Adds up.Re: Cool Mods - Thread restored 10/18/2012Just make sure you keep the aluminum isolated from the steel. Aluminum in contact with steel results in galvanic corrosion and that place on the A-frame is a bad place to have in a weakened state.Re: Cool Mods - Thread restored 10/18/2012 batman99 wrote: TMBLSN wrote: batman99 wrote: ... I removed 3 windows from my wife's TT's windows... His and Her TTs? Many years ago, I bought a Jayco 29FBS trailer for my wife - for ther birthday. It's in her name. Thus, its hers (but I make the monthly payments on it). I have no problems saying its my wife's TT. If wondering, our previous TT was in my name (that I made the monthly payments on it). Thus, it was my TT. My previous TT (after it was all paid for) was replaced with her NEW "much larger" TT. Thus, its her TT. So yes, I removed 3 windows from her TT. Makes sense to me.... . Makes sense to me too. I have to say, that is a really cool mod, turning your trailer into her treiler.Re: Cool Mods - Thread restored 10/18/2012I was using some Proflex the other day and noticed a note on the tube to not apply to styrofoam. I was sealing up a add on hose coupling so I could hook a hose to the entry side of the trailer. I was not too worried that some of the caulk would go into the opening and make contact with the styrofoam but wondered what type of reaction the styrofoam has with ProFlex. I did not have a piece of styrofoam handy to test so I proceeded with the job.Re: Cool Mods - Thread restored 10/18/2012 ctpres wrote: Forgot the most important and useful mod. Pointing rooftop mobile RV type antennas is hit and miss. Using gets the direction but it is not easy to transfer to the antenna rotation. What I did was put a 360 degree/round compass protractor between rotation disk and ceiling. Now all i do is use a small compass to find north-align protractor with north and then rotate antenna to antennapoint findings. I can hit stations dead on every time now in just seconds. I really like this one. More good use of my Garmin etrex vista Gps with gps compas. I never heard of before. ThanksRe: Cool Mods - Thread restored 10/18/2012 85AllegroSam wrote: MissouriCouple wrote: 85AllegroSam.....what did u use to round off the corners on your Lexan project? and do u have an estimation as to the total cost for your door project? OOP's --- did not notice this post when it hit so I am a little late. There are all sorts of ways to get the corners to the right radius, --- the right ways --- and my way. I hunted up a dish cover that was the same curvature as my windows. I looked a little stupid rummmaging through our store of dishes, jar tops etc but eventually found the two curvatures I needed. When I told DW what I was doing she started helping me find something so she could make sure I did not saw her good dishes. My reassurances that I was not going to saw her dish weren't worth much. A couple of smooches and she was ready to sacrifice a dish. I then traced the corner with a felt tipped Sharpie pen and cut with the Sabre saw. The dish is living happily everafter:) I have not done my door yet but that is next. I would have ordered enough plastic to do it all if I had been confident in working with the material. After experience the ease of this project using Lexan, the door will be a piece of cake. I am going to do mine in 3 pieces so as to be able to take down sections. OOP's again --- Forgot to include the answer to the other part of your question. It was around $200 to cover all my windows including the door windows. I got my plastic pieces all precut from Here - same place a privious poster mentioned. Measure carefully and save yourself a lot of work.Re: Cool Mods - Thread restored 10/18/2012 MissouriCouple wrote: 85AllegroSam.....what did u use to round off the corners on your Lexan project? and do u have an estimation as to the total cost for your door project? OOP's --- did not notice this post when it hit so I am a little late. There are all sorts of ways to get the corners to the right radius, --- the right ways --- and my way. I hunted up a dish cover that was the same curvature as my windows. I looked a little stupid rummmaging through our store of dishes, jar tops etc but eventually found the two curvatures I needed. When I told DW what I was doing she started helping me find something so she could make sure I did not saw her good dishes. My reassurances that I was not going to saw her dish weren't worth much. A couple of smooches and she was ready to sacrifice a dish. I then traced the corner with a felt tipped Sharpie pen and cut with the Sabre saw. The dish is living happily everafter:) I have not done my door yet but that is next. I would have ordered enough plastic to do it all if I had been confident in working with the material. After experience the ease of this project using Lexan, the door will be a piece of cake. I am going to do mine in 3 pieces so as to be able to take down sections.Re: Cool Mods - Thread restored 10/18/2012I got my Lexan from this site. I laid out my sizes on paper to scale to get maximum yield so I could figure out what size sheet to buy and sent them the sizes and cut instructions. The cut the pieces perfectly and shipped them really fast. All I had to do was round the corners. Slickest project I have done in quite a while. I am not sure why the above Web address did not turn into a link. Can anyone help me on that?Re: Cool Mods - Thread restored 10/18/2012 cdgm wrote: MarionMedic wrote: So, You guys have found "plexiglass" to be too delicate for RV use??? I'll have to make a note of that. .............:h Just make sure your plexiglass is Lexan brand and you will have some tough stuff. There are other brands of Plexiglass that work too, just be sure it is polycarbonate as was said earlier. Some manufacturers of plexiglass do their best to confuse us. Polycarbonate whatever the brand seems to do the job as far as I know. I paid a little more to get Lexan brand just to avoid getting sucked in. I did not want the hassle of working with bad stuff. I cut the Lexan with a sabre saw and drilled holes like it was butter but carefully. Not a mishapp in over 60 holes, and 32 rounded corners on my storm windows. I kept putting off doing my project because I was hearing about how difficult it was to drill through plexiglass, and how susceptible it was to cracking while working with it. The fears were groundless with the 3/32" Lexan.
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