All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Avion truck campers - Hundreds of photosIs that the Mulley Point Park in Alabama? I can’t remember the post revealing the location… GarryRe: Avion truck campers - Hundreds of photos 67avion wrote: Joshua Tree, California, 2020 Well, I got a call from Chuck Cayo and the '67 Avion is fixed better than ever. He found a solar panel that is flexible and fits the roofline better - avoiding the problem of wind lifting it from the top of the camper! And, it's rated at 400W - twice as much as my older solar panel! And, it fits between the roof vents unlike the previous panel that covered the middle vent! So, we're planning on traveling up to Watervliet, Michigan, a bit later in the Spring and pick up the old girl. At Last! Would love to get more information about the solar panel!! Great to hear you’re back on the road!! I have to replace the vent over the bunk as the plastic broke. Been too cold… wind chill below zero. Have plastic sheeting over the vent for now. Planning to use a metal one to replace the plastic one that always UV’s out. Also looking at upgrading the 2002 F350 to a 2011 F250. Both gas, 4x4 crew cab short bed and both have the same GVRW….???? That’s all for now, GarryRe: Avion truck campers - Hundreds of photosHey guys!! I replaced my door knob with a standard house lever style and it’s working great!! As for power, I don’t have a factory power plug. A previous owner had connected a black RV power cord direct to the breaker box in the closet and is cooked up in the rear compartment and is uncoiled out the door when plugged in to shore power or generator. Hope this helps! GarryRe: Anyone towing a 2007 Honda Element with Manual Trans.For manual Trans, put it in neutral, turn the key to accessory and make sure steering wheel not locked. Turn off anything that is on when key in accessory (radio etc) and head on down the road! Manual Honda's are the easy one the autos take a very specific procedure.Re: Avion truck campers - Hundreds of photosGlad to hear that the C-10 is going to get repaired. What damage is it that you weren’t able to repair yourself this time? Unfortunately my C-10 has nearly a foot of snow on top of it here in Central Washington. After last summers trip to Texas pulling a UHaul trailer down then pulling and empty 8.5x 24’ cargo trailer back I found that the bed cross members had rusted away from the years in Kodiak, AK on the 02 F350. So when my boys came home from the military on leave they helped me out by cutting off the rusty bed and wire wheeled and painted the frame. Replaced the broken brake cables and installed a replacement 2007 rust-free bed. The bed bolts no longer stand above the bed floor. ????. But now I am building a small bunk-room in the front of the cargo trailer, as we purchased a small fixer in central Texas and are slowly moving things down so that I can retire in two years. Then we hope to home base from the little house in Texas and travel around the country in the C-10 and F350. I’m just limited in power with the 5.4 gas engine and no money for a new truck. Yet when traveling with just the C-10 we get 11-14 mpg. Add any trailer and I’m down to 7-11. And while it will cruise 70 with a trailer on level I’m grabbing gears on the 6 spd at the slightest grade. So the Avion will get a break for the next few trips to Texas and we’ll just camp in the trailer freeing up the bed to haul a four-wheeler or a riding lawnmower etc. sorry for the rambling. Just catching up from not posting anything for a really long time. Happy New Years to you all! GarryRe: Avion truck campers - Hundreds of photosMerry Christmas all!!!Re: Avion truck campers - Hundreds of photos ticki2 wrote: This is a topic I have been meaning to bring up for a while now . Leaks or condensation ? I have noticed wetness around the base of the wall where it meet the dinette seat on a number of occasions. At first I thought it was a window leak . Then I thought it was coming down the fridg vent , Checked all the caulking and even put a hose to it , no leak . Then I tried glueing some foam sill seal , 8” high , around the bottom of the wall thinking it might be condensation. This helped but not enough . From some of the paperwork I had from original owner it was an early complaint to the dealer . This winter while stored outdoors I opened all the side windows and bath window about an inch . I’ll be darned , dry as a bone . Our weather goes from cold and dry , cold rain , snow , and everything in-between almost every other day . What are others finding ? When we still lived in super wet and cold country of Kodiak, Alaska, I fought water at the joint between the wings and upper skin and like you never found a "smoking gun". Now that we live in the high desert arid country of central Washington State, even with rain or snow, we have not seen any water return. I did remove most of the reflectix from the tops of the wings because it was trapping in the moisture between the outer aluminum skin and saturating the wood wing. That was when I almost lost the camper due to wings going soft and the camper almost fell over. Now with the Stable-Lift and dry wings I fell confident that we will be using the C10 for a long time to come. Let me know if you find anything out! V/R Garry GarryRe: Avion truck campers - Hundreds of photosI started with a Wave3 and still have it but below 30F it can’t keep up. Later we added a forced air furnace (12,000 BTU I think) made for smaller RVs. Installed in the bottom of the closet above the metal propane tank area. We have camped in -10F and the camper was 70+F. Goes through a lot more propane when camping in that cold but it is nice to have dry heat that is vented outside. Question.. Does anyone have a roof mounted AC in an alternate location than the front or rear vent location. And in the C10 where is the 110V power dead end in the ceiling from the breaker panel? We are headed to TX thus summer and our Alaska acclimated family wants AC. Thanks again! GarryRe: Avion truck campers - Hundreds of photosYup. Bought a 1963 Boles Aero 280-H double door trailer. 25 ft box and 28 ft overall bumper to tongue. Steel chassis with all aluminum skeleton and riveted aluminum skin. I’ll try to post some pics. Got home and the next two days have been snow! Thanks again! GarryRe: Avion truck campers - Hundreds of photosI dont have access to the back side for these rivets. Thanks for all the replies!! I will let you know what I get and how it works out! As a side note, when we moved back to the "Lower-48" we got our 2001 Nomad 308 travel trailer out and lived in it for a few months till we found a house to buy. But with all our kids leaving to grow up, we are looking to downsize, and we love classic rigs and yesterday went to go look at a fixer Travel Trailer. We still need room for my mother-in-law that travels with us, some of the time and we love the camper, but would like to do some longer trips in the future with a bit more room. So Yesterday we took a long drive to look at two 60's Boles Aero Travel trailers. The first was a 69 23 ft box, listed as a 27 ft that was gutted and in need of everything. Next we looked at a 62 25ft box listed as a 28 ft trailer all original but with water damage to the interior. The Boles Aero is constructed similar to the Airstreams and Avions with the all aluminum frame and skin with a steel chassis. We will make the decision later today if we bite the bullet. It is a bit more than I paid for the Avion C10, but not alot more, but is alot more work to resurrect to a useable state. Any one every have or know of Boles Aero trailers? Thanks again! Garry
GroupsBucket List Trips Bucketlist destinations you just can't miss. Which spots stick with you?Jan 18, 202513,487 PostsTravel Trailer Group Prefer to camp in a travel trailer? You're not alone.Apr 19, 201944,027 Posts
Bucket List Trips Bucketlist destinations you just can't miss. Which spots stick with you?Jan 18, 202513,487 Posts