Pertaining to solar. Battery type and capacity depends on what comfort level you're trying to achieve. It takes very little to sit with a good cigar and Makers/coke and stare dumbfounded at a mountain range or a busy squirrel.
Welcome to this awesome world of discovery and trial and error. Always ask questions. Best advice I can give is always drink filtered water, and anytime a fairly common item breaks, buy 2 or 3 of them when you replace it. Have fun. I've been followin...
I have done nearly all my camping in the eastern half of the country. I have 2 group 31 duracells, 2-100 watt panels I put a piano hinge on them and have them slung in a 1 inch nylon web strap for carrying. I use an MPPT controller. I put rubber tube...
Am joining this discussion a bit late. But will just say that I read these forums and others before I bought my tow vehicle. I remained patient, and landed a cherry 99 f350 dually w/7.3 and 4:10 rear end. My TT weighs in at about 6500 and I put a 100...
OK. Went to Lowe's got 25ft 10 gauge, a 30 amp 110 breaker, a 30 amp female socket and box. Took about an hour and cost 42 bux. Will never have the breaker Poppin again.