All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}Doug & Sandy I'm so sorry for your loss....Ms Daisy at 8.5 yr old went to Rainbow Bridge in Sept 09...Leaves a BIG hole in your heart...GOD BLESS LoisRe: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}The bricks look GREAT....Never dreamed when i bought Ms Daisy Viars brick she would be at rainbow bridge before it was put in...I still miss her so bad LoisRe: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}That is really super nice...looks great Lois Dixie Flyer wrote: There it is!! Re: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}Me and DH both watched the clip....Great job Richard...I thank GOD everyday for you and Sue for the wonderful work you are doing for the animals...I can see why GOD called you to preach...its like when you talk or write you have a gift of grabbing peoples attention they won't to hear what you have to say ..We just can't turn you off..LOL Thank You Richard & Sue Lois Dixie Flyer wrote: RV Buddies Interview Here is a taped interview that was done at the Rally in New Mexico. I hope you enjoy it. Re: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}My Vet told me the same thing ...upset stomach ...Pepto-Bismol so i always keep it on hand Lois Gentle Spirit wrote: Wonder why Peaches has an upset tummy. My vet told me that I could give Wolfie pepto bismal. If you have one of those plastic syringes for liquids that'll work. You could also give her some yogurt with the active cultures in it. Re: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}Well Richard and the gang is in my home stomping grounds....Ft Chiswell Va campground is only about 15 mile from where i live... man wish i was at home now so i could run over and say Hello ....but i still wont get up to meet them we still in Pigeon Forge Tenn been up here about a month....may make a trip back to Va next week and then back up here till after Christmas and then maybe to Az ? not sure yet maybe Fla? I dont know.... LoisRe: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}Thank you all for the nice thoughts and i know Richard is correct..There will be another dog for me ....not to replace Daisy that can never be ...but i will wait on the one that wonts to claim me..... I never knew how bad it was to lose your beloved pet until it happened to me.. Daisy was my own special dog... no bodys dog but grannys... She loved me every bit as much as i LOVED HER.... Lois RogerNCindy wrote: So sorry to hear about Daisy. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Re: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}For some reason i cannot get to where i need to post a new topic But anyway i just wonted to tell you all that i have lost my beloved Pet Daisy (Chihuahua) heart failure..I'm in Tenn and couldnt take her to Va Tech Vet School thats who always took care of her.. she started acting funny couldnt get her breath right so i took her Monday to a Vet Here in Pigeon Forge Tenn he gave her antibotics said she had sore throat done xrays and put her on heart meds bad heart..she died sometime after 2 am Wed morning i was up with her till then...i got up at 6:45 am and she was dead..Lord how i loved that dog..I got Daisy when she was 6 mo old so i had a blessed 8 yrs 3 mo with her and Thank God for the time i got to spend with her she was the best Dog anyone could ever have she loved all animals & people and thought everthing loved her..she wasnt afraid of no one are no other Dog she loved them.. Now shes at rainbow bridge with Old Fellow and all the others that have passed on...LORD i miss that Dog she was a blessed gift from GOD to me and i thank GOD for what time i had with her here on earth....I didnt choose Daisy she choose me i didnt wont a dog but she wonted to be my Dog so she became my Dog and i loved her unconditionly the very same way she loved me... LoisRe: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}ok link to vote..... please Dixie Flyer wrote: Okay, I just voted. I have been thinking about the thirteen animals that died due to abuse here in Burke County and have come up with a way to remember them in the Old Fella Memorial Walkway and still keep it the way it was designed. Folks can buy a brick with one star representing the life of an animal that has died from abuse. The wording on the brick can read Always Remembered How about that??? Re: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}I also think that would be really good to put on the bricks.... Lois Code2High wrote: 1 To the Thirteen we could not save 2 Please know that we tried 3 Please know that we cared 4 Please know that for you 5 people everywhere have cried 6 your suffering will not be forgotten 7 it will not be in vain 8 though you were abused 9 and so badly neglected 10 you were loved 11 and you will be 12 always remembered