All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's?Merry Christmas everyone! And best wishes for 2019! May God bless... whiteknight001Re: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's?700 pages. Wow... Thank you, Griff, Leeann, TreeSeeker and all the members who have supported this thread from its inception. I am humbled that one simple question has brought forth a body of information that continues to grow and give back to a unique group of RV'ers who prefer their RV paid for, and who take on the challenging tasks (as well as the little ones) to put them on the road after a hiatus, and keep them movin' on down the highway of our lives. May God richly bless us all! Mark "whiteknight001"Re: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's? Griff in Fairbanks wrote: Ballenxj wrote: Let's forget the motorhomes for a moment. Griff, how are you doing? Reasonably good, engaged in a steadily increasing level of cardiac rehab. The primary cause of this heart attack, as well as the previous one almost two decades ago, was mental and emotional stress, with age to a lesser extent. Been taking it easy and avoiding things that cause me stress as much as possible. Moderate exercise is both a stress reliever and a means to improve cardiac function. Thanks for asking. I probably should have commented sooner but I've been focused on rehab. Yes. Please let us know as you go along. Stress is a killer. Take it slow, Griff, please get well! Mark "whiteknight001"Re: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's? Griff in Fairbanks wrote: Very important caveat to the current discussion: (If you hear me say, "Oops," try to run faster than I am.) Griff, Sounds like you have some time in as a "bomb technician" too! I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. I've either stupidly done things you have warned about, or nearly did. And I survived! The only thing I can say is Jesus must love me... all my best and keep it coming! Mark "whiteknight001"Re: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's? Gene in NE wrote: Not sure if it would be legal or fair to "pipe" this topic to another website for some unspecified user access. It is fine just where it is and "RV.NET" has provided server hosting space for many years. For that they deserve any "atta boys" they have earned. I might be tempted to print it out on paper for personal use. Or..... you could print to a "pdf" using a free "dopdf" program. I would imagine it would create a sizeable file and that could then be placed on a USB flash drive and kept in the glove box. The advantage of a PDF file is that it can be searched whereas a 3 ring binder with 600 pages require turning the pages. :B Sounds pretty final. "Fine just where it is". And it has been ten years since this appeared, so most likely it's not going anywhere anytime soon. Sounds good. I tend to get a bit "carried away", don't I? No way I'd print it all out. That would be a bit much. Putting it on a USB flash drive in .pdf format is a good call, though. OK, nothing further to say about this. Probably would cause some issues if this was migrated to somewhere else. Good point. This is my last post. Be well. And make memories. Mark/whiteknight001Re: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's? Gene in NE wrote: Jer&Ger wrote: Tmmltn wrote: Any guess on a page number? I am somewhere in early 500s, going backwards, if i find it i will quote it/bump the info for you. No, I'm afraid I don't have a clue. But maybe you might come across it.. I'll keep looking. According to what I've been told, this is for a MB400 chassis. It was either Trish, LeeAnn, or Griff that posted the numbers if I remember right. Thanks again, Jerry There is a little known trick in being able to search this entire forum topic. You convert the web address to a printable file. You can then use the pull down "edit" in Internet Explorer or Firefox and select "find on this page" or the quick key Ctrl F. You can then add this URL to your "favorites" or "bookmark" this web address. It will take some time to load all 600 pages into one printable file. I am still a fan of Windows XP. :B Way to go Gene!! I did just that- it's soooo cool- all 600+ pages of this thread now searchable, and printable. This is one of the things that I hoped could be done with this thread- the next would be to "migrate" it to a web site, and find a way to keep it updated with current responses. Kinda like it being in two places at once, here on the forum, and there on the web site. I'd really like your thoughts on that. In the meantime, I'm sorely tempted to take this whole thread to FedEx Kinko Office or whatever its name is now, get it loaded on a nice duplex printer and produce the "Book of A-Dodge-io" lol... This thread really deserves a web site of its own... Give it some thought, Gene, and all of you folks here. And many thanks for being some of the greatest folks in the world I could have ever hoped to associate with, on anything, but especially old Dodge RV's! Mark/whiteknight001Re: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's? Leeann wrote: Mark, that truly is funny. My hubby's is also red...and we bought it in June for $1300. He'd had a 1982 KZ550 D (the LTD is a C-3), black, that died right before I met him and he'd been missing a motorcycle ever since - been riding since he was 12. I found this one on Craigslist about 45 mins away and he drove it home. It was a slightly late wedding present to him :) Back to the gasahol issue. He bored out the accelerator needles a little to make the RV behave a little better on ethanol since we can't get real gas in our Nazi state. Leeann, That is really wild... I can relate about being 12 and riding. Had a bike then, and went everywhere, including a buncha places I shouldn't have, but never got caught! If it ever gets in your system it's there for good, at "submolecular level" lol... Good thing he can use those files and drill jets. That's a lost art these days. The gas problem ain't going away anytime soon. It'll only get worse. best regards to y'all! Mark/whiteknight001 "Old Fat Guy on an Old Kaw"Re: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's? Ballenxj wrote: This looks like a god place to ask. I am currently looking at an older 23 ft class C Dodge to possibly buy. Anything I should watch out for? Hello Ballenxj There are a number of things I could think to tell you, and there's plenty of good folk on here to help as well. I'll toss out a few things that come to mind for me: If you have a friend or family member that's a good reputable mechanic, ask him or her to go with you. It's a little harder for a seller to B.S. two people or more. Ask plenty of questions. The first one should be- "How long has it been sitting? And why?" Make sure to start it up and drive it. Check the fluids before cranking it up, and note the condition- is the oil/trans fluid black? Is the coolant level low, or just water in the radiator? Check the brake fluid, and how the brakes work. Don't forget the park brake. Check the tires- are they aired up? What shape are they in? Let it warm up where it's parked, and look for leaks before you drive off. Check your lights, turn signals, flashers, low/high beams, markers and brake/back up lights. Notice smells and sounds inside and outside the vehicle, and any smoke or burning odors. If you have a mechanic with you, let him or her ask questions too, and check things. Two heads are better than one. Look where the RV is parked, and make sure no limbs have fallen on the roof. Also look inside the RV for signs of leakage and rot, insects or critters. There's nothing more disenheartening than to warm up the engine and discover the mother of all wasp nests in the doghouse, and all of its occupants buzzing all around you in the cab while you're driving...! Pack a can or two of hornet spray- the kind that lets you blast 'em from 15-20 feet away. If you're allergic to stings, best let someone else do this, and keep your epi pen handy! Don't expect folks to tell you things. Ask specifically what maintenance has been done while they have owned the RV, and what issues they have had. This is an investment, and it's only right that you are well-informed of all the risks that go with it. Go with your gut feeling about things. If something doesn't seem right, keep asking more questions. If there are things that will need repaired, and the price asked doesn't seem to take that into account, bring it up. Haggle. If they're really motivated to sell, they will. That's the most I can think of for now. Keep us posted about what you find and how it goes. Good luck with it, and hope it all turns out very well! Mark/whiteknight001Re: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's? Leeann wrote: Now I just have to find those instructions or wait until he gets back from his motorcycle ride (in keeping with the spirit of the thread, it's an '82 Kawasaki KZ550 LTD, 4-stroke, 4-cyl). OK Leeann, this is really wild... A year ago, I went looking for a motorcycle to ride to work, so I could avoid putting more miles on our minivan, and for the simple fact that the fuel mileage for a bike is soooo much better than it. Since fall was coming on, the thought of "gasoline-assisted cryotherapy" (nice cool fall riding) being wonderful for my arthritis appealed to me strongly. I found what I was looking for about forty miles away, listed on Craigslist. A fully Vetterized 1983 Kawasaki KZ1100 A-3, in very good condition for being stored nearly ten years in a machine shop. Aside from rebuilding the carbs and tuning it up, along with the other maintenance stuff needed by a thirty-plus year old machine, it's red, fast and comfortable. The P.O. still had all his documentation from the local dealer up until it was parked, and wanted it to go to someone who wanted to take care of it and ride it regularly. That was me. After I paid him $1500, I rode away. Nothing like a Kaw inline four. "Voodoo Red" as I call her, will be cared for very well, and I"ll continue to ride, weather permitting. Shortly after getting "Red" (and doing a load of the maintenance stuff...) my insurance agent told me that if I took the MSF Basic Rider Course my insurance on "Red" would be less, when I brought in proof that I passed. So I did. One Rider Coach watched me pull up on the day of the course, and was thoroughly looking "Red" over. I offered him to go for a spin, and he took me up on the offer. Turns out he owned an '82 like "Red" (full Vetter fairing, bags and all) at one time, and he said he never got over selling his. He remarked that if I ever wanted to sell, to call him, and handed me his card. It's amazing what is valuable to most folks. Sure, I'd love to have something new, but I prefer the smooth power and handling of "Red" over a new V-Twin something or another any day. And she's a good-looking gal, a real one-off. As cliche' as it sounds, they really "don't build 'em like they used to." Even more dangerous on two wheels! Mark/whiteknight001Re: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's? Leeann wrote: Mark, I don't own and Pradas. I have cowboy boots; do those count? Maybe I should put on the Timberland work boots instead... :) ooooooohhh... would you?! lol.... cowboy boots- they "lift and separate" like no 18 hour job can... har... At the end of this day, Leeann, I'm just amazed at it all. How something as simple as one question, actually snowballed into this- a resource of information for folk who choose to buy a time-proven vehicle, rather than a new, fancy rig, and actually enjoy the camraderie with others doing the same thing. One of the things that does linger in the back of my mind is how to keep this thread a continuing presence for others to come to, learn from and contribute to. If it were possible to have this thread coincide with a website that would carry it forward as well- kinda like archiving something in two places, that would work real great. I would welcome ideas on how to make that happen. Not only from you, but from all the folk here in this thread. I doubt that will vanish into the thin air of Cyberspace any time soon, but I think, after 10 years and 600+ pages, this thing really needs a Bat-cave of its own... but that's just me... think about it and post here. I'm like Winnie the Pooh these days- "a bear of very little brain" lol In the meantime, I've kicked field goals, but have never been one... lol... waiting with bated breath (does Listerine work on that?!?) Mark/whiteknight001