All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Do you rent out your coach? Bill.Satellite wrote: No. Check with your insurance company if you do give this a second thought!!! I let a good friend borrow my previous coach, needless to say he backed into a 'parked' minivan with a person sitting in the driver seat. To make a long story short, my RV insurance company had to pay all of the damages (to the minivan and repair of my coach). I was about 30 miles away during this incident. :M Strangely enough, I called my insurance agent prior to this event. If I let my friend 'borrow' the coach, it was covered. If he 'rented' it, my insurance company wouldn't cover any of the damages. :E Never again! :SRe: Our new THOR AXIS Love it so far!Congrat's on the purchase! :)Re: How nimble is a 35' Class A motorhome?I have a 31' and I wouldn't take it sightseeing, shopping or anyplace other than a campsite or a gas station.... I have my JK for those tasks :W Just sayin :ERe: Towing overweight RoyB wrote: My F150 did great towing my 8800lb fifth wheel trailer until I go into the hills of SW Virginia. I have ZERO problems now with my large and heavy OFF-ROAD POPUP trailer with my F150 truck. In case you didn't know, towing a TOAD with a towbar is different than towing a trailer or 5th wheel. The main difference is tongue weight, there is virtually no tongue weight towing a TOAD (flat towing).Re: Towing overweightIf the hitch is rated for 5K, you still need to consider your GCVW. If you are under your GCVW, you might consider upgrading the hitch to a class IV hitch to compensate for the weight difference. It's just a suggestion to your dilemma and not advice. :RRe: Third Major Blue Ox CasualtyI didn't see that you had safety chains/cables, did you? :h My Blue Ox Adventa LX was been working awesome over the years.Re: THOR DIESEL MHMy 'entry level' THOR gasser has been fine, I have no complaints and it meets my needs for my amount of usage. It's not on a Prevost Millennium level, but then again I didn't spend that kind of money. I've seen 'new' pickup trucks that cost more than what I paid for my coach (in 2011). IMHO, only YOU can decide if a THOR would meet your (quality) expectations or not.;) I swore I'd never own a mopar product, just look at the TOAD my sig. :ERe: How many of you are running your AC units? fla-gypsy wrote: No AC needed in N Florida but then we are the ONLY state in the union without any snow on the ground. We (CA) need snow/rain, its been a dry season so far :SRe: How many of you are running your AC units?It supposed to be 90's in my local desert this weekend, so I might :hRe: Another comparison questionIMHO, it's a decision only you can make. I am personally satisfied with my Hurricane as it meet my needs for the amount of usage it gets. Sure, Hurricanes are considered "entry level", but it didn't break the bank when I bought it. :W Good luck with your decision.