All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Full-timing it with teenagers?? Are we crazy? KKWilliams wrote: Wanderlust, as a homeschooling dad myself I can tell that some of the comments about socialization of the kids and need for it hit close to home for you. No one here was being critical of your family or your choices. You asked a question of whether you are crazy for thinking of full timing with teenagers and people answered that question. They were giving you the input that you asked for in your post. There is a lot of good information here about the different aspects of life on the road. My suggestion would be to start over. Introduce yourself. Then ask for some help working through your questions. You are afraid of not have a stick and brick house to have as a backup. I bet a lot of people who are full timers have had that same fear. How did they handle it? Sounds like a lot of people saying try it for a few weeks or a month before you put it on the market. Most people don't just jump into it. My family is thinking about it right now. We have spent over a month on the road at a time. We really enjoy it. Our family works more smoothly without having to worry about the chores and such when we are on the road. This next summer we are thinking of giving it a three month trial to see if we really really like traveling with all of the kids. We are planning now for next summer. If you are still reading this thread what other concerns do you have? That people who have been doing this for a while can help you with? Have you picked a TT, 5ver or MH? What are you using for a TV or Toad? No one knows your family like you do. If you have thought this through then go for it. If you are in the beginning stages of this, my advice is to plan it through. Look at maps and find places that you could get to and return back to work every two weeks. Plan some longer trips where maybe you fly back for two weeks and the rest of the family stays put or moves further along to stretch out your geographical area. Stay excited about it, and have fun with the process. Good luck! You are right, I probably took the unsocial comments the wrong way bc we hear it every single day. My kids are involved in activities that they can miss and pick back up so that's not an issue. We are apart of tons of homeschool sites and random people ask questions all the time. The parents there welcome new people and I addressed this site the same way. I didn't feel the need to go into details, but my wife and I both grew up camping all summers and actually met that way. We own a small camper now and do travel the two weeks I am off. We have talked of getting a bigger rv for 3 years and using that time to really enjoy our kids. As a homeschool dad we hear all the time you must be ready for them to go back to school we hate our kids home. I guess we are just those weird people that like being around our teenagers. We have made the decision to do it, just wasnt sure if we should rent our home out to see how it went. But we are actually ready to move on from this house either way. We were already talking about building this would just be a year break. I expected people who had full timed with kids to give the good and the bad. Not the responses I got. However the area we are in, it isn't uncommon. We have a lot of traveling jobs in our area and have rv parks that cater to only people who work in certain jobs here. Maybe it's bc we are in the south, where so many people have this option. Thanks for all the advice.Re: Full-timing it with teenagers?? Are we crazy? darsben1 wrote: Nomadic life for teenagers is not giving them the stability THEY NEED. No peers, no permanent church and NO ROOTS Keep your dream and when they go off to college THEN start your dream. Thanks for your input but normal was thrown out a long time ago. The army life took us to 9 different states in their short life, the house we live in is far from their "home to grow up in". They adjust to moving and traveling fine, in fact they enjoy it. Roots are overrated. The dream is for all of us to go as a family, so the desire isn't really there for retirement. I think we just have a different way than "normal" to raise our kids and was hoping to find open minded people on this site. I was looking more for families that have tried it to give advice, not the attacks of you are unsocializing your kids and ruining their life responses I got. Honestly we already know our decision, was just looking for some people who have experienced it.Re: Full-timing it with teenagers?? Are we crazy?We have considered it for 3 years, but just getting more serious now. It is a downsize thing but not financially, just looking for something more adventurous. My kids are social, but with us coming home every couple of weeks it isn't like friends are out of the question. They have grown up as army brats so moving isn't new to them. We are in the deep South so winter's are usually mild. Also, not a control thing at all. We just want to raise them out of the box and they are out of the box kids. We are ok with different. It wouldn't be forever unless we fell in love with it. We would eventually buy or build another house to make a home. We have looked at base cost and it seems cheaper than what we pay now, but i know the reality is it could get much more expensive. But like I said it's not a money thing, it's just wanting to give our kids the experience and we could so much more learning if they could go and stay and experience new things every couple of weeks.Full-timing it with teenagers?? Are we crazy?We are considering packing up and going full time as a family of 5 and our dog. We have always homeschooled so that is not an issue, my work schedule is on 2 weeks off 2 weeks. So we would have to stay at a RV park near work half of the time and travel the other 2 weeks. Not very many people are approving of this idea, mostly due to them thinking we are traumatizing our kids. We would be moving from a 3000 sf house into either a 5th wheel or possibly class A- thor and newmar both have toy haulers we are considering. Have we lossed our adult minds and just living in a dream? Our kids think it would be awesome and are all adventurous and love the outdoors. But reality is we are all used to luxury and space. I'm concerned what happens if we regret it, we can't get our home back. Any advice for someone who desperately has wanderlust and we are all ready to pack up, put the sign in the yard, and go. BUT the what if's have us hesitant. Also would love some full-timers with kids advice, is it a struggle? class A or 5th wheel? What are some must haves in a RV when living full time?
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