All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: What is Unique To Your Coach? bshpilot wrote: DSDP Don wrote: You just proved my point.....maybe you should have read more about how the system works! It's not the end all for Rv's, it's just a nice feature. You have a very specialized RV and I know they're expensive. Yours is great for hauling a heavy load, but comparing your tractor front end to most RV's isn't really a fair or useful comparison, especially since yours is a niche market with probably less than 1% of the RV market share. I probably should have worded it differently, but you also took a shot, in a round about way, at the Comfort Drive system. you're reading between lines that don't exist, don't knock my ride (until you've ridden in one)...opps look at me reading between YOUR lines. ;) :S i think you MISSED my point....i read what they had on their data sheet & watched the video, if its more than power steering their advertising people need help. feel free to watch the video yourself.... I just watched the video and its more than obvious its much much more than you insist it really is and the video shows much much more than you think it does? are we watching the same video??Re: Tough decision - Stressed out Deano56 wrote: where is this excise tax coming from? In general, all tangible personal property located in Mass is taxable, unless expressly exemptRe: We backed out of the deal msmith1199 wrote: Effy wrote: Being a little harsh here on the OP. I mean it sounds very much like the seller was not fully disclosing the fact that the unit had water damage. I know it's not required for MH's but in this case shaking hands or a gentlemen's agreement is moot. I bet he was willing to drive it anywhere to complete a deal and unload it. Good for the OP in doing due diligence. What do you mean by you know it's not required for MH's? Fraud is fraud. There is no exception for a motorhome. where is the Fraud? gawd almighty you people make a mountain out of a molehill here/The guy wants to buy a MH the seller lets him have overnite to examine at his leisure ? the guy sees something that hes not comfortable with and backs down from the deal? there is no fraud on either partys partRe: We backed out of the deal GlennLever wrote: rgatijnet1 wrote: GlennLever wrote: can buy anything, decide you don't like it, find something wrong and get your money back? Your word and a hand shake means nothing? I"m not sure about you guys but to me the deal is never over until the money has changed hands AND, on a vehicle, the title has been signed over. Neither happened in this example. :B I think up to the time you give your word and shake hands there is no deal and you can do all the inspections and examinations you want. Once you give your word and shake hands you have a meeting of minds and the deal is done. wrong.When the bill of sales is signed and the money actually exchanges hands then the deal is done EOSRe: Any Monaco Dynasty Owners? Mr.Mark wrote: Deano56 wrote: the tires are original and need replaced, he said he would put new ones on if someone were to offer 110K. Did not see missing screw covers The link that you listed must be of a different unit as they have it priced at $67,500. It is mostly grey in color on the outside. A new set of Michelin's should run a little over $6,000 through the FMCA program. Buy it at $67,500 and buy your own tires! MM. no one in their right mind would pay $6000 for new tires there are many many cheaper and as good or better alternatives out thereRe: Newbie Learns About ShorepowerThat is not true at all.A 15/30/50 will power all outlets on a MH BUT its not enough power to effectivly run anything but the converter especially through 50 feet of cord. A 30 amp to 50 amp will also run all and any of your 120V requirements except trying to run 2 AC at the same time or any other combos that load to that degree If when u pluged in your 15 amp cord and only had one powered outlet you have blown breakers on the inverter/converter system Also when u clicked on converter you most likely turned it off that's why the batteries went deadRe: Windshield popping out Executive wrote: So, now when you level the coach, instead of the windshield popping out, it'll simply break... IMHO, your 'fix' is only temporary. Something's wrong with how you're leveling. Stabilizing your coach should not cause the frame to flex that much....Dennis people that don't know should not post!/ALL big coaches especially diesel rigs and the longer the worse it gets flex.Thats why one should always deploy all 4 jacks to level properly and evenly as possible.When a windshield pops out its usually a combo of front cap flex(poor factory construction) and wrong sized opening(too large) My 2008 Allegro bus poped out and its because the opening is wrong size(too large)and leveling simply increases the chances of it poping because ALL chassis flex when leveling My windshield rubber was held in place by screws(from the factory) The glass guys had to screw the new one in place and also seco flex the whole windshield in the rubber to keep it from poping out in the upper was 5 years old and Tiffin paid the labour bill of $600Re: Frivolous question but I can't find the answer...... dayakster wrote: What is the difference between an Allegro Bus and an Allegro or other Tiffin model? Is it just a name or is there a real difference in design/chassis? I've googled and scanned several pages of the product knowledge forum at the Tiffin board but can't find the question/answer. It's not life altering as I've already got the bus but the question haunts me. I only need a short answer....thanks. Allegro Bus is mid/semi upper stream Diesel pusher made by tiffin Kind of around in the same area as a Monaco dynasty or Newmar dutchstar type thingRe: What to look for and to stay away from mike brez wrote: How about This one. Aqua hot for heat and hot water,Allison 4060 6 speed trans,retarder,10kw generator,400hp cummins. mike that is one hell of a nice/good motorhome for 45K I must say.I hope the op jumps on it as its exactly what he wantsRe: What to look for and to stay away from Octanefam wrote: As you can tell from my signature we currently pull a toy hauler. We have pondered with the idea and stepping up to a class A. So with that being said looking to spend 40k. As the title says what should we be looking for and what to stay away from. Family size is just the wife and our son. I know there are a lot of questions but figured I would throw this out there. Thanks the thing is with only 40K to spend on a diesel pusher you will end up with a old,poor powered unit. most likely early 90,s no slides and lots of mileage There are some very nice gassers with slides that are a lot newer that would be a better buy for a 40K budget. A decent properly powered 38-40 ft diesel pusher with 2-3 slides around the 03-06 will run u 80-120K