All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to our TC tribe!Merry Christmas everyone enjoy family and friends !Re: Avion truck campers - Hundreds of photosI also have a SL on my 1968 C11. I was VERY lucky to find a used one in dually width for $400.00 !!!!! Yes I stole it and it works great. It is effortless to raise/lower the camper and solid as a rock. I have yet to actually take it out as I am doing a restoration that started when I got it home. And the SL was added after I got it home. I'm OK with it looking like I ran over a swing set it is uber stable/strong and the safest lift for myself and family.Re: Avion truck campers - Hundreds of photos D1trout wrote: Michael, thanks for your reply. I'll just start drilling rivets and pulling off panels. What could possibly go wrong... I think your use of bed liner material on the exterior should be an interesting look - sort of a stealth Avion. I've decided to buy a large can of the Kool Seal elastomeric roof coating, put two coats on the roof and at least one coat on the entire inside of the shell before I put the insulation in. And I am now thinking to glue 1/2" sheets of foil faced R Max polyisocyanurate insulation board (widely available, at HD and most other building supply stores) in three layers into the shell, using contact cement to bond the layers. Then sandwich everything in snugly with the inner skin. That board has the highest R value of anything on the market, even exceeding foamed-in closed cell foam. I reckon to get nearly R10 with that lay-up. What I've learned crawling around on top and from the panels I have already removed inside is that the foamed-in factory insulation was pretty erratic in its depth and coverage - voids and thin spots in many places. The board glue-up will eliminate that and be a lot easier to apply uniformly, I think. Plus I have to think that the three layers of foil will add some extra pizazz to the final R value. I figure to seal any nooks and crannies with the little cans of spray foam. i will put 1/16" x 3/4" bedding tape on the inner faces of the ribs before riveting on the inner skin, to address the thermal transfer issue you raised last spring. Thanks again for your reply. Isn't it interesting how we each find our own solutions to the challenges these old Avions present us with! Dick Interesting approach for the insulation do you think there will be any concerns with the ridgid foam squeeking from movement ? Do you think contact cement will hold ? I believe Avion thought that the application of spray foam not only insulated but also helped with structural rigidity. I would think modern closed cell spray foam is superior to what was used in the 60's for insulation and strength but I could be wrong. I'm not sure what direction I will take with mine but your idea is interesting. Will the 1/2 " ridgid foam curve without having to make back cuts ?Re: Avion truck campers - Hundreds of photosHad a decent amount of progress this morning. I drilled out all the rivets of the lower bathroom interior skin and that is now removed. Removed the aluminum angle trim on either side of the door and the interior bathroom window frame. Started on the drivers side rear but was not energized enough to start removing all the wires in the breaker box so I quit. Have to watch some football ! One thing that surprised me was how rotted the plywood backer for the exterior handle to the right of the door was ! I'm wondering if that was the leak path that killed the floor ? It literally falls apart when you touch it. So that will be replaced I'm surprised they used plywood why not a piece of pine or hardwood ? Varnish the snot out of it should live a 100 years. My goal it to have the rear section of floor cut out and replaced by the end of October.Re: Avion truck campers - Hundreds of photosI would love to be able to use mine but I'm so far along it basically needs everything replaced before I could so I might as well have the goal to finish it. My first goal is to make it structurally sound. I have replaced the wood on both sides that make up the kitchen and goucho. Now I'm moving onto the rear section by the door, yesterday I determined I'm going to cut the floor back 30 " from the door which gets me to the back of the wings. That's a good place to tie in structurally. After that I'll move to the overhead sleep area. All of these area's were obviously affected by water intrusion so I not only have to fix the wood but eliminate the leak paths. There are lots of ideas in my head, am I going to add solar ? How many batteries ? 6 volt or 12 ? What am I going to use for a toilet/black tank as the OEM is shot. I want to add a grey water tank. I am going to refinish all of the original wood cabinets. What will I use for a floor finish ? All LP lines will be new. I'm going to add Corian counter top in the kitchen . What color will I paint the interior ? You guys have all gone down this road so I'm preaching to the choir. But I'm a one man army so the pace is slow/steady. I've rebuilt cars,boats,motorcycles etc. so I am not intimidated by long builds. I do see a light at the end of the tunnel !Re: My 7lb flexible solar panel system install Victory402 wrote: Why doesn't Coleman make an A/C cover that can support a flat panel solar panel I sure wish they did. It would have helped me out with my limited space up Top. Who says it can't ? You might not be able to get a lot of watts up there but it would only raise the height of the cover by an inch.Re: Avion truck campers - Hundreds of photos67Avion you are correct I'm into it deep now. I am motivated by the fact I think this floor repair is the worst hurdle I need to get over. The entire interior has been removed ( minus skins ). After I get this rear floor section done I then move to the cab over section and that will complete all structural work. Then I can start putting her back together. I have new AC to go on the roof, going to redesign the interior a little, add a second battery and design/build aluminum black and grey water holding tanks. I know I easily have a year to two years worth of work ahead of me to finish every last detail but that does not deter me.Re: Avion truck campers - Hundreds of photosThank youRe: Avion truck campers - Hundreds of photosAnyone remember what size drill bit you used to drill out interior rivets ?Re: Avion truck campers - Hundreds of photosToday I was able to remove the bustle and all of the plumbing that was under there. Sure was interesting looking at a " repair " someone did in the past to the main sewer line.........a piece of aluminum dryer duct piping stuffed into the black ABS pipe. To make that perfect seal they wrapped with duct tape, wound in both directions ! Then covered with a mesh type band clamp she's a beauty !!! And the black tank has some interesting looking repairs also consisting of goop.......then more goop.....topped off with goop ! So that tank may be toast but I was planning on making an aluminum tank anyway. I braced what was left of the floor with plywood and 2 x 4's so I can at least walk into the coach. Now I have to start drilling out a******load of rivets so I can get to all of the lower screws holding the rotten floor on. I'm hoping I can get by with cutting about 20-24 " back from the door and piecing in a new floor. I'll cut it from one side to the other and replace. Fun times ahead.:p
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