All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Water Leak IssueI phoned the dealer I use I'm going to bring it in next week, I checked all the seals and rubbers again they r new conditions so can't figure this outWater Leak IssueSo I bought a one month old Jayco Eagle HT last summer that has three slides. I used it from August until December last season with zero issues in all kinds of weather. After this kind of investment I found an indoor storage facility so the 5er was safe and sound all winter. I took it out last Friday and set it up at home like I always do and put a level all the back bumper like always and it looked bang on so setup and slides out. After washing the trailer I went inside to hear dripping water on the couch coming in from the top molding on the rear big slide. I dried it off and assumed it was from the hose and too much pressure to close. It was calling for a ton of rain this week so I covered the couch to be safe and just arrived back here to find the towels soaked again. I put the level on the rear bumper and side wall and it is off by maybe a quarter to half an inch higher on that outside wall. I pulled the slide in and checked the seals and rubbers and they look perfect. Could that small quarter of an inch make water run into the trailer off the slide and into the trailer ?? I have checked the roof and gutters and all are perfect. I didn't bring my truck this week so I can't move it to drop that side a bit but that's the next step.Re: Led Bulbs IdaD wrote: Amazon has them. You can pick the brightness and color temperature you like. Yes but are are the plugs standard ? Usually there is a number for the bulb so it fits the socketLed BulbsLast fall I purchased a 2015 Jayco Eagle HT28 foot and want to change my regular bulbs to some softer Led bulbs. I find the ones in there now way too bright. I phoned the dealer to ask if there was a specific number led I should buy in order to not cause damage. They said they had no idea. Searching the net there are a TON of bulbs to choose from. Does anyone know of the Jayco's use a specific model bulbs I can just order online ?Re: Need some heat help please.Yes mine is not like that I only have a 5x5 inch exhaust the whole furnace in mine needs to be removed to get to the boards etc. I am going to wait until the fall to bring it to the dealer as I dont need the furnace this summerRe: Need some heat help please. mileshuff wrote: My Atwood furnace has a reset button located behind the metal grill exhaust cover. With it tripped it did exactly as you describe. Fan would blow cold air for a minute or so then shut off. A bad igniter will cause a similar issue. There is also a high temp limit (Sail) switch that would cause the OP's issue if bad. So your furnace also just had the exhaust vent on the outside no door lower and your saying you took that small square exhaust vent off and there was a reset behind that exhaust ?Re: Need some heat help please.Local RV place said to open the furnace cover form the outside and there should be a reset switch, problem is I only have a small exhaust on the outside the rest is all inside and when I remove the paneling to get to it, it is all sealed and noting to be seen for switches or boardsRe: Need some heat help please. rrupert wrote: Is there a reset button on the furnace? Not sure I assume I'd have to try and take all the wood paneling off to try and get to it. But would it work at all even the fan if it needed a reset ?Need some heat help please.I will try and keep this short but want to give all details in case it is related. Went and got my Jayco 5er out of storage yesterday. Like an idiot I hooked the battery wrong not paying attention. It blew the reverse polarity fuses in the box which I changed, it blew the fuse behind my Jensen radio and it blew the Digital Coleman thermostat for the furnace. I changed all the fuses and installed a brand new thermostat I had here still in the package. Everything now work except the furnace. When I put the switch to heat the fan comes on right away like it should but I don't hear the propane trying to lite and after a few seconds the fan just shuts down. The AC portion works just write. I wired the new stat exactly like the old one. Propane was just hooked up again I thought maybe air in the line but the stove and hot water tank and fridge are working fine on LP. Did I miss another fuse to the furnace ignitor ? Does anyone have any other advise on what to look at ?Re: Thermostat IssueYes I believe there is a fuse inside the unit I never bothered checking it because I assume if it was blown the stat would not work at all. I run it in C
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