All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info.I used a Yamaha Hour meter that uses an inductive pick up by winding its pickup wire around the spark plug wire. So when ever the Gen is running its showing me RPM. When the Gen is shut off it shows total hours run At 10 hours the unit starts flash the display {Yamaha 1st service interval} Thereafter it runs 50 hours before it flashes the display indicating service time again. So far so good, I've not needed it for back-up power as yet so I only run it while I'm "playing" with it & to make sure it runs once or twice a month. KenSRe: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info.Re Gas Gauge: Mine did the same thing. I noticed as I was fueling it for the first time that the gauge wasn't moving at all, as I filled to the top the gage finally registered about half. And yes, there was gas in the gauge.Re: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info. dash8wrench wrote: Congrats to everyone that is getting on the bandwagon. As for sound attenuation, I'm going to try some of the egg crate foam lining a box made of bathroom surround paneling. I figure the paneling should be moderately water resistant and the egg crate is the closest thing I can think of that's readily available that would replicate the wall surfaces of an anechoic (sp?) room. I'm going to put a sheet metal shroud around the muffler and duct air from a muffin fan through it to purge what is probably the greatest source of radiant heat in the enclosure. I'm mounting it on the rear of my 5er on an aluminum cargo carrier from HF. I narrowed the carrier down so that the spare tire will still mount on the back as well. It was as simple as drilling out a few pop rivets, cutting all the cross bars and then reriveting it back together. I also plan to add some stainless gusstes in a couple of locations in order to lock down the generator since they seem to be a hot commodity for theft at race tracks these days. That and a lock through the hitch reciever pin for the carrier should secure it from all but the most determined thieves. I'll take pictures tomorrow and post them. I will leave the bottom of the carrier open and have the enclosure top hinged so that it can be opened a bit to allow for convective flow across the generator/engine and to prevent the build up of gasoline fumes. Question Professor, when you return. As stated I'm planning on a muffin fan to flow air across the exhaust. I'm thinking I should put a small battery in the compartment for the fan and run it off the 12v side of the generator. The battery should act as an electrical accumulator (capacitor?) to prevent spikes from toasting the fan. I have the Big Lots generator and plan to add a 30 amp recepticle to it was well. Probably will route the wiring to the outside of the enclosure so I only have to access the generator for starting. ______________________________________________________________________ I think a steady 10 Amps on any battery only running a muffin fan will cook the battery pretty fast. I'd just run it directly off the 12v. terminals. It'll only use the current it needs. KenSRe: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info.I talk to the Parts Pro at Advance Auto Parts where I work part time as AM and he says his good friend owns a lawn mower repair shop and he says that we should use premium fuel in all our small engines. But other posts here lead me to believe otherwise. I've gotta feeling that the lawnmower guy only sees engines that won't start or start hard only because their owners neglect them and don't use a stabilizer. So he attributes it 87 octane. BTW: I am a private pilot and 100LL means 100 Octane-Low Lead it is light blue in color. So I stick to the manufacturer's recommendation and use Regular gas. There was another great post on this thread about octane & it made a great deal of sense to me As far as oil, I use Mobil 1 V-Twin 20W-50 Synthetic. It's engineered for air cooled engines and my Harley's always liked it. I also went to a cooler plug NGK B8ES (2411)+ I use an engine meter to monitor rpm & hours. I'm not an RV'er per say, but I do use my gen at hunting camp. But I bought it primarily to provide back-up power here on Amelia Island. We have an inordinate amount of power outages here. Plus the last couple years multiple tropical storms that caused extended outages in many places. So my gen "lives" in the shed you see being lifted over my house. But that's a whole 'nother story. I back feed my panel from the shed using 10 gauge UF. Separate breaker in the house panel and a GFI in the shed. Have Fun!! KenSRe: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info.found a digital RPM/Hour Meter there that will fit the bill nicely.[$34 out the door with his discount] While the gen is running it displays the engine RPM's when you shut down it diplays the hours run. It is factory pre-programed by Yamaha to alert at 10 hours & there after every 50 hours for service intervals. For anyone interested it's Yamaha Part #ENG-METER-4C-02. You can screw it on the the front panel with a couple of supplied self tapping screws OR you can attach it with a supplied velcro strip [that's me]. You wrap the supplied wire around your spark plug wire 4-5 time and secure it with a supplied cable tie. KS kc0dwx wrote: I adjusted the governor speed on my generator and got a much better voltage. Cycles were a little under 60 before adjusting and now show up as 62 or 63 hz. at 120-125 volts no load. Under AC load from my RV voltage stays well above 110. It was 95 to 100 here today and my RV was in full sun and the compressor was kicking off and on. It's an old unit so probably needs serviced or replaced(yech). A lesson I am learning is that all the plugs you find are sorry excuses for electrical plugs. The pigtail I bought to adapt to my camper plug has huge gaps in the blades on the female end.(Brand new adapter. I made some quick bending adjustments but I know the real answer is to go buy good components and make up my own. Re: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info. Ken_Romer wrote: I started up my new Champion Generator tonight and tested it with a cir saw. Worked great no isuues. The documentation is a little sparse on what the Spark Plug arrestor does?? Ken: The Spark Arrestor does just that. Prevents sparks from exiting the muffler and creating a potential fire hazard in dry brush areas where the Genset is used,be it be camping or otherwise. Such as in my case out building a deer stand in the woods. KenSRe: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info.Breambuster: Here's a link to API rating system I used the Mobil 1 20-50 & the B8ES 'cause I live in NE FL You being in S GA may want to consider doing the same. My unit will be use mostly for back-up during the storms. I also put an hour meter/tach on [see earlier post] Enjoy! KenSRe: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info.Breambuster I live in NE FL so I'm using 15w50 Mobil 1 At .6qt per oil change I don't think it'll break the bank I also, per manual, changed the heat range of the plug to NGK B8ES [2411] KSRe: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info.MrWizard: Do you recall what page the instructions were on for the fan quieting mod? Thanks KenSRe: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info.Ref: Plug Gap C46535 + Heat Range Mr Wizard was right on... I pulled the supplied plug which was a NHSP LD F6TC, checked the gap on it [only 1.7Hrs] it was .030" Replaced this plug with the NGK B8ES[aka 2411] Gapped it of course at .030. Cranked the the unit [started 1st pull as always] Low & behold the RPM was only 3560 [3680 with the F6TC] As the unit warmed up RPM increased to 3640-50. I didn't load the unit today to see what the governer would do. I'm still trying to get 5 hrs on it B4 I change oil etc, etc. I'm remodeling my house, + work 2 part time jobs so I have limited amount of time to "play" w/jennifer.... Interesting though, what the colder plug effect was on start-up. KenS