All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Cool Mods - Thread restored 10/18/2012Hi All, Have a 2014 OutdoorsRV BlackRock Travel Trailer (external link to images below) and I am looking to remove the 'shirt ward' from above the rear 'Standard Double Bed' and expand the 'Combo OHD Bunk w/ pads' to allow for both our young-ish kids to sleep up there. I have the carpentry skills to DIY this but looking for some thoughts. Ideally I'd like to retain the hinged OHD feature - bunk currently hinges between OHD storage and lay-flat bunk - but expand that storage and sleeping capacity by moving the plane of that hinge to (approximately) the front face of the 'pantry' so it would fold flat for a full-sized bunk (same dimensions s the queen below it) while providing some additional volume to the OHD feature. I don't anticipate a big issue with removing the 'shirt ward' and would really only have to ensure I secure framing to whatever 'studs' would be further out along that pantry wall at the toe of the bed and similarly in the shared wall of the bathroom along the right side of the sleeping area. I dont expect that I would need to install 'vertical supports' for the portion of the expanded bunk - the length spanning between the pantry and bathroom walls if I build it w/ sufficiently robust dimensional lumber. Perhaps the removal of the 'shirt ward' could also facilitate the simultaneous use of the single-bunk being + OHD feature byway of having a removable door (or secured-open) that one of the kids could crawl through and use w/o having to un-pin the vertical divider and flatten it out. Thanks for any tips or links you might have! I hope the link to the images works - I have not had luck in posting links via the upload-tool noted by another member. Regards, Bri@nRe: 12v batteries not receiving charge from shore power. cavie wrote: Have battery load tested. check "reverse Polarity" fuses on converter. Disconnect 12 volt output wires from converter. Test voltage out of converter. Look for resetable 12 volt fuse under toung ofn trailer within 6' of the battery. Hi there - We've almost lost track of how many times we've replace batteries (just kidding! but it's been 2-3 times over 7-ish years of ownership since new). Re: "Look for re-settable 12 volt fuse under tongue of trailer within 6' of the battery" should there be a fuse somewhere along the 'load' wire running off the converter --> battery? I will have a look. Thanks! Bri@nRe: 12v batteries not receiving charge from shore power. time2roll wrote: OK so check the WFCO is getting in 120vac and putting out 13.6vdc But it is mostly pointless if you are using a generator. WFCO is notorious for not entering boost mode (14.4v) when expected and instead will just trickle charge your battery in normal mode of 13.6 volts. (12+ hours to charge) Replace the WFCO with Progressive Dynamics, IOTA or Boondocker. (4 hour charge) Of course if the voltage is not getting to your battery you have an open circuit. In this case keep poking at all connections and components in the loop until you find the spot where voltage cuts off. Repair, replace, adjust, clean or tighten this issue until voltage is same from battery to the load/fuse center. Hi! we are not running a genny - solar panel on occasion but it's 6+ years old and connects directly to batteries at front of trailer w/ alligator clips so not likely the cause of this. I will look into your comment: "notorious for not entering boost mode" and see if that is the case. How would I best determine if this was the case? Assumedly with a volt-meter when connected to shore power or when the trailer is connected to the truck and charging via truck alternator. Thanks for any input you might have! Bri@nRe: 12v batteries not receiving charge from shore power. Flute Man wrote: Did you check the 120 V circuit breaker that feeds the converter? On that connection you previously tightened remove it and clean it up and then reinstall. You may call me if you wish and I might be able to help you over the phone. I am a retired professional electrical troubleshooter. Sorry for the delay with this. the '120V circuit breaker that feeds the converter' would be in the electrical panel of my RV,yes? I will look back at all the connections and ensure clean/secure. i think that I am leaning towards ruling out any issues pertaining to reversed polarity b/c the Mfg. of the converter notes that it is wired to 'accommodate' such errors. As such I think perhaps it is, like you'd noted, a loose/dirty connection or perhaps some worn cables that might have rubbed on the chassis of the trailer (or similar) and is creating a short somewhere. Is there a way to 'test the frame' with a volt meter to see if there's a short resulting due to this? Nobody has received a *zap* because of this. I have checked the fuses in the Truck and they are fine. TIA! Bri@n.Re: 12v batteries not receiving charge from shore power. MrWizard wrote: Use this link Upload your photo there RV net photo hosting Once your photo has been uploaded Copy the url for the uploaded photo And paste in your posting Member 1492 Created this for us I ran into a SNAFU with the uploading of the imagery (argh). Do you have any suggestions for me to find a work-around? link to Dropbox, etc.? I'm open to suggestions! TIA! Bri@n12v batteries not receiving charge from shore power.Hi All, First-time poster to this forum. Thanks in advance for any help with this.... We have an Outdoors RV Mfg. Black Rock 17’ travel trailer purchased new in 2014. I’m having issues charging batteries from both shore power and portable generator. Some details are as follows: • WFCO 45AMP Power Converter (attached pic); • Fuses at rear of Power Converter are all in working order;; • Loose ground on exterior of Power Converter was initially loose and tightening it up seemed to rectify issue for short term (battery received charge, Power Converter was warm to touch) but solution was short lived and had not worked since; • Fuses in fuse panel are all in working order (attached pic); • Control console for trailer located inside door (attached pic) should show full-power (4 lights) when plugged into shore power / generator but it does not; • Generator works when charging separate RV; • Shore power cable is not the issue because microwave and stereo have power when connected to external power source; • Batteries do charge (via truck alternator) when towing; • 12v batteries are new (2019); • Have small (admittedly underpowered) 30watt solar panel that connects directly to batteries while at destinations (we typically do not camp w/ any shore power or septic); • All light fixtures work while running on battery power; The only other thing I can of would be to check connections at the rear of the fuse panel which would involve pulling panel from housing below fridge. I do have basic tools for most tasks on hand (were currently out at lake with trailer in campground w/ no services). I also have a volt meter to troubleshoot related issues. That’s about all I can think of at this point. Regards, Brian **EDIT** -Here are some reference documents from the Mfg. of the Power Converter that is installed in the trailer: --> Brochure Pg. 1/2; --> Brochure Pg. 2/2; --> Description; --> Specifications; --> Mfg. image 1/2; --> Mfg. image 2/2; --> Pic of our unit; and -->Rules out backwards battery/reversed-polarity. I will post some additional bullets to assist with some troubleshooting.
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