All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: sell home or not to sell monkey44 wrote: Some folks on can be trusted for good advice. Some folks on cannot be trusted for good advice. The trick is distinguishing between the two. Same with any forum. Well said, taking it one step further, such is true in life... I think it's interesting that a discussion of shelter (move or not) turned into a discussion about investments (taxes and money)... Linked, but not the same... Anywho... :h Finally, when looking for "idiots" always look to thyself first, then to others. To the question poster, I wish good luck and no "idiots"! :) Cheers.Re: sell home or not to sell toedtoes wrote: Honestly, I would be asking my "money guy" (financial advisor) not a bunch of strangers on the internet. Case in point, folks here are speaking of their own experiences - which may be completely different from the OP's due to timing, location, amount of equity, purchase price, health, family, and so on. Your financial advisor can give you a projection based on YOUR set of circumstances and then you can base your decision of actual data not hearsay. Several years back, I was considering buying another house. Rather than just go on the advice of friends, I called my money guy. He gave me a very detailed breakdown of how it would change my future and I decided it wasn't the right decision to buy. At the end, he thanked me for checking with him first because he usually gets the call afterwards when the folks realize they totally messed up and want him to fix it all. So long as your "money guy" has your best interest in mind and not his money... Been burned that way, so I'm speaking from experience. It's always best to do your own homework. Regardless of what others say, but asking never hurts IMHO. Cheers.Re: sell home or not to sellSell it all, except those things you truly love, put them in storage. Once you cash out you can clearly evaluate all you have and all you want. If you are downsizing you are going to have to "lighten the load" regardless... Sooner you do the more you save. Once you free yourself from your stuff including the home the new plan will become crystal clear, your stuff is holding you back. This housing market will not last, get out at the top. We did. Good luck, regardless of your decision... Cheers.Re: Cost for truly unlimited data - Wifi/hotspot curt12914 wrote: I have never used a hotspot. My wife retired last June and we are hoping to snowbird next winter for a month or slightly more. I would like to be able to use our Roku to get local channels and streaming while we are gone south, plus normal internet access. How do I estimate how much data I will need? One thing that I did (because I have a home wifi router now) is to look at the stats on my wifi router for the last 30 days, then sum only the devices you take on the road with you... Assuming all things equal, that's what you can expect to use. Hope this helps.Re: Cost for truly unlimited data - Wifi/hotspot BarneyS wrote: joezippy wrote: Snip... Plus, if I get 4 in my family to join me, Visible is only 25/mo... Snip... There is no need to start your own party - just join an existing party. I joined a party with 51 members so don't have to worry about getting below 4 members. I have been paying $25/month with Visible for quite a long time with no throttling and no problems whatsoever. You can easily find a party to join at ***Link Removed***. Just read the various posts and pick one to join. This is how I found my group to join. Barney Awesome... Thanks for that info, I appreciate it! Cheers.Re: Cost for truly unlimited data - Wifi/hotspot way2roll wrote: Sounds like my $80 truly unlimited (no throttling or limits) on a dedicated hot spot with ATT coverage isn't such a bad plan after all. I do like some of the options you guys have thrown out there, but I'd rather not have another phone or use a phone as a hotspot. The Calyx option has me thinking...that equates to about $40/month. Looks like it's a one time deal annually. No real contract per se. Pay the full year up front and don't re-up next year if you don't want it. But if you don't use it, that's money wasted. With my company plan via ATT I can cancel at any time with no fee and add it back - again with no fee. That's one of the nice perks. Incidentally, when I researched this last year, my ATT hotspot would have been $50. I didn't really need it at the time, now I am kind of kicking myself. One thing I had thought of, if the hotspot performs well enough, it's cheaper than what I am paying for my home internet. When we lived in rural MD we survived on a hot spot alone for years because we were too remote for cable. So I could end up cancelling the home internet and save a lot of money. Quick question, as I'm leaning toward Visible: 1) If Visible is on Verizon and Calyx is on TMobile wouldn't you get better service from Visible? Plus, if I get 4 in my family to join me, Visible is only 25/mo... Currently on Google Fi, I too am thinking about dropping the home service.Re: Rving in New Zealand Lwiddis wrote: Does NZ allow left hand drive vehicles in their country? Left hand and left side of the road... We did this for 2 weeks, picked the rig 26' class B up in Auckland and drove to the south island to sky dive at the Franz Josef Glacier from 20k ft. 20,000ft Kea Jump Experience the thrill of NZ’s Highest Skydive from 20,000ft (85+ seconds freefall) above the Westland & Aoraki/Mt Cook National Parks. Our first jump and the entire family went including the 12yr old! Life changing and wouldn't trade those memories for anything. Those roads can get super windy, twisty and rainy... The trucks pull 40' triples, on 2 lanes at speed and there was one, one way bridge that handled trains as well.... hahahah Would do it again in a min, you are going to have a blast! Thanks for taking me back. Check out these pics. CheersPlans to Domicile in Nevada, mail service recommendations?Hello, Heading out in the next couple months FT and wanted to see what mail services folks in Nevada might be using... Wanting an address to the North (Carson City, Reno, Sparks) which is were we plan to spend most of our time. These might work thoughts, others? Thanks for your time, Cheers.
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