So…. Anybody actually own a Trailblazer that they tow? I am also considering one. Already know it is factory cleared to be recreational towed. If it’s AWD.
travisc wrote:Have you ever decided what your going to do? I'm wondering about this one too- measure the difference between invisibrake and stay and play duo- each have things I don't like about them- not much info on this one-I bought a 2012 Fiat ...
Yes, I plan on doing the install myself. I’m a pretty good backyard mechanic. Am looking close at the Ready Brute but am still curious about the performance of the Smart Brake. Haven’t bought anything yet so might get lucky and find a toad already...
Yes, they (Smart Brake and Unified Tow Brake) are similar but made by different companies. The Smart Brake looks easier to install with everything under the hood of the toad.
That’s one option, the Ready Brake. But the Smart Brake uses an electric brake controller. Seem like a great way to do it. Can be adjusted and controlled from the drivers seat.