All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: CELL PHONE INTERNET ACCESS MrWizard wrote: I would take that to mean that , altel does NOT have 'data connection roaming " agreements regarding cellphones, but does for aircards, or even that their aircard service is just rebranded VZW, I think that alltel has some sort of agreement with Sprint, when it comes to EVDO.Re: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info. Oldfordman wrote: Must be that shady bunch that lives in Skykomish:R Oh believe you me... I have shady neighbors enough, without anyone from Skykomish joining in. LOL They once stole an entire RV from up here. In the "G" section. Which is across the river from me. Apparently it was a pretty costly RV, too... Makes you wonder what the next door neighbors were doing while someone came in, removed skirting, disconnected wiring, wtc... and then pulled the RV out of there ??? I mean, C'mon, I would at least have gone out and asked some questions, then called the owner, just to be sure. They stole a quad, and several other things all at the same time. My neighbors... (As in entire community, not next door.)... Either crooks, or afraid of the crooks. Cops came in and arrested a bunch of folks directly across the ridge from me, for Meth. I walked over there. The rest of the neighbors were all snooping, but hiding. I just walked right up there and answered every question the cops had for me about these guys. Right in front of the guys in handcuffs. If someone doesn't stand up and show them we are not afraid, they'll go right on ruling the community...Re: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info. JosephH1 wrote: I am waiting for my THIRD generator from Parts America. I had called for a refund after the second one arrived heavily damaged, but they were willing to send another before refunding my money. Unfortately, no one sells the unit within a 4 hour drive. Somewhere way back in the pages of this thread I think I remember reading that the units once had L brackets that needed to be removed before operation. Neither of the damaged generators had the brackets installed and I believe the brackets would have prevented much of the damage have experienced. If the one to be delivered this week is damaged too I am going to get a refund and just wait until my next road trip to see my sister in W Va. and find one there. UPS is also the outfit delivering, and I believe damaging the gensets. I will give you an update when it is delivered this later week. Joeseph, It sounds to me like someone is sending you units that have been unpackaged, then returned to the store. The units were not re-packaged correctly, and thus suffered the damage in shipping. That said, I actually watched my old UPS delivery guy throw packages out of his van, and then literally kick them uphill in the general direction of the house. The second time I saw this, I reported it to the local UPS office. I had lost several packages before I called. Packages that were just tossed at the end of the driveway, and locals would drive by and steal them, because I had no idea the packages were there. I have a new UPS delivery guy, and the guy is very professional about his job. Maybe you need a new UPS guy. ;) LOLRe: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info. extexaco wrote: I believe his handle is nam boonie. Being a vietnam veteran myself, his name stood out to me. It appears that all his posts have been deleted from the thread. Not sure why. Ouch. I would have liked to see that information. :?Re: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info. extexaco wrote: Index Jeff wrote: Has anyone put any time on the small alton from costco, yet ? I recall namboonie having a good report on the alton generator, but I can't locate his post. Namboonie ??? A search on namboonie brings up no results. Are you sure of the name ?Re: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info.Has anyone put any time on the small alton from costco, yet ?Re: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info. bobandcat wrote: Let me try to help with your propane question. Bob, And Phil-Am, Thank you both for the help. That indeed does answer my question. :)Re: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info.I believe most automotive fans can be run at different speeds. Varried by the amount of voltage. I also believe that the right balance can be found between noise and air current, by varying the speed. Once the best balance is determined, keep it there. In the rv compartments with the mesh bottoms, mount the fan on the bottom of that. If it projects below the bottom of the body, put a shroud around it. The fan noise will be directed down. On an open box, put the fan on top, aimed upward. Again, shroud around it so the sound does not go sideways, but up. I plan to build a box of concrete blocks. 3 walls of blocks. The front wall will be plywood and foam. With the fan mounted on the inside front, behind louvers. That wall will be removeable after the top is lifted. The top will be hinged on the back wall. The bottom rear blocks will be set on their sides, to allow air passage. There will be a row or two, (vertically), of blocks, 8 inches behind that back wall, to deflect the noise upward. That extra wall will come back along the sides by one block's length. There will be foam on the concrete floor, Then a piece of plywood that does not reach the walls. The generator will sit on that. That's as far as I have gotten in design in my head. Nothing blocks noise like mass. I am not concerned with weight here, because the generator is not going to be moved. The point is to keep the neighbors from hearing the generator. I have been without a generator many times, in power outages, and the neighbors had theirs running 24/7. That is inconsiderate on several levels. For instance, consider laying in bed at night. The only noise is the sound of the neighbor's generator. And you are either unable to sleep because it is sweltering, or you are freezing your noogies off, and wrapped in every blanket in the house. I do not wish to do that to my neighbors.Re: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info.Ok, time for me to make what I hope will be a few useful suggestions here, my own self. Re: sound abatement. From the construction trade, I suggest what is called "SillSeal". And "Grace, Ice and Water Sheild." From the automotive... Yer ordinary junkyard cooling fan. ~~~ The sillseal is a sort of styrofoam product. Kind of halfway between plastic and styrofoam. It comes in a roll that is 3" wide, to 6 or 8 inches wide. By 25 to 50 feet long, or more. Fairly cheap. 3 or 4 bucks the last time I bought a roll. This is laid down on top of the foundation, before the sill is laid down. It helps to keep the sill from absorbing water over time, from the concrete. Also seals any small gaps between the wooden sill plate, and the uneven concrete surface. The ice and water seal is a sort of large rubber patch. You peel back the liner, and stick it down where you want it. Be careful, it will stick REAL fast. And sticks to almost anything. (Don't get it on you, or you will be wearing it until it wears off by attrition.) The actual Grace Ice and Water Sheild comes in a very large roll and costs at least a 100 dollars. But... You can get the very same stuff cut down to about a 16 inch wide roll, for about 16 dollars. It is made for trimming/sealing around window openings. The I&W is laid on a clean roof sheated surface. (The plywood.) Tarpaper may be laid over that, and the shingles go on top. The biggest purpose to the I&W is that it seals around every shingle mail that goes through it. Believe me, the stuff is awesome when it comes to making a roof leakproof. Now, the purpose to these two, would be to use the sillseal as a gasket material... And the I&W can be used for either/or gaskets, and panel soundproofing. To whit: The sillseal is easily cut with scissors or utility knife to pretty much any shape you want. It can be used, stacked or not, as a gasket between two mechanical parts to keep them from rattling. The I&W is actually a bit more useful. I completely deadened all the road noise in an old nova using this stuff. Cut it into the size you want, clean the metal panel, stick the I&W down... and viola', no more noise. I stuck large patches if the I&W to the insides of the door panels. (Inside the body of the door. Not just on the inside of the car. LOL) On the firewall and floor, under the carpet. And on the roof, then put the headliner back over it. It almost completely eliminated any noise in that car. It can be used as gaskets between rattling parts as well. With the advantage of actually sticking to one or the other... Now, as for the 12v cooling fan from a junkyard... 1.) LOTS of air movement. 2.) Since it comes out of a car, it is going to be a LOT more forgiving of changing voltages, than those 12v computer/muffin type fans everyone has been talking about. 3.) If you go pull one out of a car yourself, half the time they'll just give you the fan. If not, they are usually pretty cheap, if you choose the right car. LOL 4.) It's already got a handy, dandy mounting bracket that can be adapted to almost anywhere. I hope this helps someone, and/or gives someone some good ideas for their own project. :)Re: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info. Mel wrote: Edit - for the full size, right click and save to your diskdrive. Use any graphics program to open and resize it. It is stretching the screen width as loaded. Mel Mel, I just wanted to say thank you for that. I moderate elsewhere, (actually several places.), so I am aware of the job you have to do. And how much of it that is never seen or recognized. I would have taken the time to do the same as you have, but I have not seen many mods who would. I wanted to write anyway, and take the opportunity to mention something else... I have seen many mentions in this thread about the apparent civility and cohesion throughout. I totally agree. This thread stands almost in a class of it's own. Much credit and honor has been given to the professor, and a couple others, along the way. And very deservedly so. VERY much so. But I have not yet seen any credit or honor given to you, who have done much behind the scenes, to keep this thread in the fashion we have all come to expect and appreciate. (Of course, I STILL have not accomplished reading every single post yet. Getting real close though. Do I get a prize for finishing the marathon even though I am tardy ? LOL) Thank you for your work, mr Moderator. This thread, and the rest of the forum would not be what it is without your work, and the work of others like you. :)