Buying a brand still in existance can still bite you, they can shut down the day after you purchased it.You can call me Mr Lucky since I've had it happen twice first it was Teton and then Country Coach but other than raising my blood pressure a few p...
I would recommend the Ecobee 3. I've had both the Nest and the Honeywell Lyric neither one performed to the level of the Ecobee 3, the Lyric is a disaster, they refunded my purchase and didn't even want the Lyric back.
In 1989 we purchased a new Sun Vista by Gulfstream on a John Deere chassis with a 460 Ford engine. We put many trouble free miles on that coach after the manufacturer re skinned it due to de lamination resulting from a manufacturing. defect. Can't sa...
Not only will Medipac cancel your coverage if you have ever used prednasone, they will cancel the coverage if it has been prescribed at any time and the prescription never filled.I'm speaking from first hand experience.