All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Starting from scratch! Which model of van do you recommend?I apologize for the delay in replying. I've been burned in work, including over the weekend. I'm taking off tomorrow for a 3-week business trip overseas, so there might also be delays in my responses in the coming few weeks. But I do read and appreciate every comment that is posted. I am very interested in powertrain reliability. When I buy vehicles, I keep them for a LONG time. So I want to be sure that the next vehicle I buy won't be spending a lot of time in the repair shop. Example: The '87 Vanagon I currently drive. I bought it in April of '97 and am still driving it today. It's been a very reliable vehicle, and repairs have been pretty reasonably priced (once I found a good VW mechanic). But it's getting harder to find some parts, and I need a bigger van now. I have had initial, brief communication with Sportsmobile in Fresno and with Van Specialties in OR. I also contacted a small local shop in Escondido, CA called Oak Tree (does anybody have any experience with them?) and a shop in the Los Angeles area called El Kapitan (does anybody have any experience with them?) I think the upfitting/conversion will be very simple. I just want to be sure I start with a van that will give good service and require few repairs for many years. I know nothing is guaranteed, but I want to get as much information as possible before I buy so that I'll have the best shot at getting a vehicle that I'm happy with.Re: Starting from scratch! Which model of van do you recommend?D'oh!! Good point - diesel vs. gas....Re: Starting from scratch! Which model of van do you recommend?Hmmm,.... it might behoove me to try to coax one more year of driving out of my trusty old '87 Vanagon.... The report on Youtube about replacing cylinder heads every 20k miles wasn't appealing.Re: Starting from scratch! Which model of van do you recommend?Interesting comments - thanks. It sounds like any engine with direct (in-cylinder) injection will experience carbon deposits on the valves - particularly the intake valves. It also sounds like the automobile manufacturers treat their customers as unwitting beta testers. (I hope it's not inappropriate to inject a bit of editorial comment there...) Does anybody know if the Sprinter engine has port injection or direct injection?Re: Starting from scratch! Which model of van do you recommend?Thanks for the comment. Over the weekend I read a few articles comparing the Transit to the Sprinter - including the article you reference. It's interesting - most reviewers prefer the Transit.Re: Starting from scratch! Which model of van do you recommend?Thanks for the input Tom. I don't need 3500 class package. All I plan to put in the back is three bench seats that can fold down to be beds, and some shelving to hold the tents, sleeping bags, ice chest, etc. What I envision is that we will have three bench seats when we want to carry a lot of people. For camping, I'll remove the 3rd seat and have a shelving unit that clips in place where the 3rd seat was. I plan to have a trailer hitch, but that will just be for a bike rack that holds 4 bikes. The 1500 load rating might be enough for what I have in mind. I need to look at a floor plan of three seats that fold down into beds to see how much total length I'll need in the cargo area of the van. Once I see that I'll know what are viable options for wheelbase and body length. A step at a time, I'm getting there.... :)Re: Starting from scratch! Which model of van do you recommend?I watched a few Youtube videos about carbon-fouled intake valves in engines with direct injection and started scratching my head and humming that old Bruce Springsteen song "one step forward and two steps back". :) I'm kind of leaning towards the passively aspirated engine vs. the turbocharged model. I'm a pretty conservative driver and I've heard that repairs tend to be more frequent and more expensive on engines with turbochargers. I don't know how valid that is, but I've heard it quite a bit.Re: Starting from scratch! Which model of van do you recommend?Thanks (again) for all the helpful input. I'll check to see if the Chevy vans have a long wheelbase model, similar to the LWBs that are available in the Sprinter and Transit. I definitely need that much room to fit in the seating/cargo arrangement I have in mind.Re: Starting from scratch! Which model of van do you recommend?Thanks again! I've been saving nickels and dimes for quite awhile and have built up enough savings to allow me to afford a new vehicle - so that's where my thoughts have been directed. I hadn't thought much about a used vehicle until Paul mentioned it. That could save me a chunk of money so I would have more remaining to pay for the conversion. If I want to explore the "used option" can anybody recommend a good place to look? (Auto Trader?) I read a few reviews of 2015 Transits and Sprinters. I was expecting Mercedes to have the better reviews (because of the brand's reputation and because of the price), but based on the reviews I read, the Sprinter looked to be better. I'm going to read more reviews, and check Chevy van reviews too.Re: Starting from scratch! Which model of van do you recommend?Wow! So much good advice. Thanks! Just when I thought I had it narrowed down to either a Transit or a Sprinter, a few people mentioned the merits of the Chevy van. Dilemma!! (Trilemma??) My next step will be to find and read some forums that are specific to these three models. That should let me see comments on the most recent model years from a broad range of people. The good news is, it looks like I have three very good options.