All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Wingard PA6002R Pathway X2, Satellite Receiver, Good??I've been using a Pathway X2 with a Wally for over three years, no problems and I always get a strong signal. I bought mine off season thru Amazon, I watched it until the price dropped quite a bit.Re: dish satellite skipper13 wrote: I get all my channels but my locals are not in HD. is there a fix for this? It may be by where your locals are. My locals are from Denver and I'm getting them in HD right now.Re: dish satellite goducks10 wrote: Dutch_12078 wrote: skipper13 wrote: has dish removed sat. from it line up. my reciever will pick up 110, 119, but not 129. on the point dish screen it shows 121 and then 148. 129 was removed from Dish service due to the lease expiring as the satellite is reaching end of service life. All channels on 129 were moved to 110 or 119. That would've been nice to know before I cussed out my Dish equipment yesterday trying to setup. I had all 3 sats in clear view and kept getting the "Not all sats found" message. I did the same thing yesterday, Dutch. I think I moved my dish about 8 times trying to get a 129 signal thru some trees. I think I had to drink an extra beer or two because of the frustration caused by it. I guess it will be a good thing for the future because 129 always had the weak signal. But shame on Dish for not notifying their customers.Re: Are some kinds of TVs better for RV lifeBoth of our Airstream's came with Samsung TV's. No problems with them.Re: Were back in a travel trailer, just bought an Airstream.I just noticed a few people recently posted in this older thread, so I’ll give you an update on it. We used the 2013 Airstream 25fb for two summers. First off, we didn’t have any problems or failures with it at all during that time, it truly was trouble free. It towed great behind my 1999 Ram/ Cummins 2500 and we really enjoyed using it traveling all around the western states. We sold it last fall for much more than we paid for it in just a week. Even though it was trouble free there were several things we wanted that it didn’t have. Coming out of a truck camper the Airstream’s interior size was fine for us, but we really wanted both a dinette and a separate couch. We also decided we wanted to upgrade to a north / south bed so one person isn’t squeezed up against the back wall. The last big item that would determine that we would need a 2015 or newer if we stayed with Airstream was ducted A/C. After being inside a few fellow campers Airstream’s we couldn’t believe how much quieter the ducted A/C system is. After watching all of the RV site for sale ad’s for two months, we found what we were looking for a few days before Christmas and I bought it less than 10 hours after it was listed. We now own a 2018 Airstream 28rb queen bed, it was a one owner that was used very little and stored inside all of the time. The owner was a very meticulous retired engineer, he was one of the few RV owners I’ve ever met that understands all of the systems in a RV as well as I do. That really assured me that it was taken care of and everything was in proper order. It has all of the items on our list plus two ducted A/C’s. We haven’t got to use it yet as the weather has been way to cold and snowy here. But I expect we will be out on our first trip in early April. I was out at our storage garage today installing the Dish system from our last Airstream. Happy CampingRe: Anyone ever mounted a FoxWing batwing 270 to pop-up camper?Hallmark used to offer the Fox Wing as an option on their popup campers, I don't know it they still do. But I've seen several photos of Hallmark's with them on the web. Potential Pop-Up TC.....Thoughts on a Hallmark Guanella?Hallmark builds a really high quality popup but you really want one with the one piece fiberglass roof and the composite wall construction like they build them now. I think about 2010? Look at their web page to see what I'm talking about. They really hold their value, I sold our 2011 last spring for about 3k less than I paid for it new.Re: ATWOOD WATER HEATER WON'T SHUT OFFMy last campers water heater didn't have a mixing valve and it shut off at around 120F. My Airstream's Attwood does have a mixing valve on the water heater outlet I think it runs up to around 180F before it shuts off. I'm told the idea is a 6 gallon water heater with a mixing valve that heats the water hotter will give you the equivalent supply of a much larger water heater.Re: Porsche as a tow vehicle? Depends on the trailer . . . Skibane wrote: "the trailer was a 2019 Heartland Wilderness. The smallest of these is the M-2375BH at 28’ 9”, weighing in at 5,644 pounds with a hitch weight of 690 pounds dry. These numbers are within spec for the Cayenne depending on how the tow vehicle itself was loaded and how the trailer was loaded." So he assumed the wrecked trailer actually was the smallest Wilderness model, took the trailer manufacturer's word about its weight, and then assumed that it wasn't loaded beyond the Porsche's rated capacity... I agree, the GVWR of that model is 6900lbs. if it and the Porsche were both loaded it was likely over its rating. Sometimes the tail wags the dog.Re: Is Lance the “gold” standard RetiredRealtorRick wrote: Terryallan wrote: RetiredRealtorRick wrote: IMO, there are NO mass-produced RV's worthy of a 'gold standard' designation. Everything is pretty much built from relatively low quality components -- enough to get the job done, but nothing ever over-the-top. And of course, we as Americans, are not going to pay the price for an RV that might truly be the gold standard, because there's too much other stuff on the market that, on the surface, looks just fine and will serve our needs until something goes wrong or falls apart due to the materials and workmanship we've settled for --- then we can get on this forum and bellyache about it! :C Happy travels! You won't here me bellyache about my APEX. It has done everything I bought it for, with minimal maint, as did my 2004 Pioneer. I bought them to camp in, to keep me dry, and to follow me around. and they both did it with no protest. OK, There's one vote for the "I'm 100% happy with the quality of what I bought" column . . . . . any others? I have to say that we are 100% happy with the quality of the used Airstream we bought this winter. We have owned several trailers and two truck campers in the past. Our last truck camper made by Hallmark was also far above run of the mill quality and the resale value after 10 years reflected that.
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