All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: air conditioner has quit workingthanks for all the input y'all...i am a cut flower farmer AND a basket maker and we are having to down size and sell our farm thanks to the soft economy so i won't be able to get back to this immediately (and yes that likely was my earlier post..things don't happen quickly here when you have so many irons in the fire) but i willprint out the USEFUL answers and to those who took the time to ALMOST read my post may i say my apologies for my trying to input as much info as possible......i know how hard it is to help someone trouble shoot something that isn't there with's SO nice to have JUST as MUCH info as possible....and yes my writing style is a bit scattered.....i get the interest of being MOST helpful to you ..let me say this....putting on-off switch into on position doesn't make machine work. please help kind sirs. :) as soon as i have the time to try some of this and eliminate things i will report back but it won't be today oh and sorry for my snippiness just now but i'm a bit overwhelmed atm. ik sux to be me np i can do this thanks again to ALL i find this forum to be invaluable asset and pass along the good will and intent as often as i am able.air conditioner has quit workingour common (now about 12 years old with us being the original owners) roof mount air conditioner has quit working. for some time now (about a year or so with us using the camper sparingly over that time) when put in cool mode at the wall mount thermostat it would come on fine but began to act up a little as follows: when not actually running i would hear a humming sound coming from the roof area (air conditioner location ofc) but when temp required it to come on or i slid the control down i would get 'normal' operation of the ac. however since i didn't feel the humming when not being ON was a good thing i would turn the ac breaker in the camper to off until i needed it again. this went on like this until about a month or two ago when i noticed the campers ac breaker was tripping, but if i slid it down and back up again everything would go back to what i just described; hum when not actually running but run fine in cool required mode. this past week it pretty much quit entirely when my wife turned it on as i told her to (slide the break down then back up and slide the temp control to what we needed) which she did and apparantly it worked as before but then when i went in the camper about a half hour after she had done it i noticed there was nothing from the ac. no cool no hum. so i tripped the breaker back down and back up and got nothing. went outside to check power cord and my own personal pedestal power panel and breaker there was not tripped and all other electrical things SEEMED to be working (not that i actually checked anything but i DID notice that the 'house' fan was running normal (not the ac fan but a fan fan on the ceiling). so i went and tripped the camper breaker once more and back up and heard the hum so slid the control to cool and nothing......tripped the breaker back down and back up and nothing not even the hum.....any help in troubleshooting is greatly appreciated....i'm not THE best mechanic in the world but i do farm for a living and have to do a LOT of things around here and wear a lot of hats so i might be able tofigure it out with some guidance on what to check and where ....thanks in advance garyRe: need replacement bedroom escape windowall great sounding ideas y'all...thanks a bunch.....please feel free to keep commenting tho....never know who else might be helped out here....i'll post back when i have something new on this issue..right now i have baskets to make for this coming weekend..anyone in the richmond virginia wife and i make wonderfully useful baskets.(fb us as sunrise baskets) and can use all the help we can wife says that all the time well y'all...first day in shorts and a tank top......whoo hoo right?.....garyRe: need replacement bedroom escape windowholy******batman.....just looked at atwoods website....very nice and helpful but omg........just punching in approxiate values of window size etc.......price......$ think i can do up one myself for that much and save some money.....dang.......any other ideas out there???.....seems to me if i go to a local glass company and show them the one piece of window shard i have left for color they could make one and i could figure out a way to put a hinge on it and get one of the handles that is sold seperate from what i see on the hehr site and come up with SOMETHING..........DANG......anyway......any other ideas?Re: need replacement bedroom escape windowthanks all for the thoughts. yes we DO like the window and would like to replace with something resembling the for the temporary 'fix' for this weekend i'm good there i think......the real question is am i going to have to replace the ENTIRE window frame and all......or will i be able to find a replacement far the few salvage yards i've called have not been the way the camper in question is a 2002 montana fifth wheel 2955rl.....not new...but not so old that i shouldn't be able to find one to fit.....having said that i've had to do a major search for just door latches on the outside doors because this model/year had an 'odd' size on it......problem solved there....anyway.....any other thoughts appreciated........still looking/pondering here........i MIGHT go and have a glass up a frame somehow.......put on a piano hinge and make my OWN DANG nab it....mumbles something about dang freaking houses on wheels.......gotta love it right? garyRe: need replacement bedroom escape windowan update to this is that so far i've talked to the HEHR folks and basically they indicate that i need a manufacturer sticker....which i THINK is on the window itself??? order to get a replacement since there are apparantly several manufacturers out there and they need the 'model' number......any other suggestions???...they said if i could get one of the OTHER windows on the camper that they likely are all the same manufacturer........sooooooooo....on to get one of the OTHER windows out now........HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.........laffs..cries......jeez.....a house on wheels.....who woulda KNOWN they would be just sooooooooo special right???...... garyRe: need replacement bedroom escape windowthanks old radios i WISH it were that simple....the window glass and it's frame along with the hinged part(i'm guessing it was a piano type hinge) are all gone. the only things left were the frame external to the camper that the window and IT'S frame went into the encloses the openning cut into the camper wall.......big sigh here.....garyneed replacement bedroom escape windownot sure if this is the right place for this but i just came back from a weekend on the road and noticed my bedroom window (the kind that is used to 'escape' with the top hinge and bottom openning out with the handle that is used to push and hold it open) is poof gone......left in it's place was a long shard of glass and the interior screen along with the outer frame.....not sure what i did to have this happpen but it's gone and i have to leave for another trip this coming weekend....the local camping world folks tell me that they MAY have a spare lying around or that i might have to go to a company they say makes most of the rv windows (HEHR??)....any input out there would be GREATLY appreciated.... tho this makes me SOUND like i'm a idiot.(ok......a little bit sometimes.....laffs).....i'm reasonably adept at fixing things and making things i'm open to just about any suggestions that are reasonable...especially if they are quick reasonably permanent and somewhat inexpensive....i'm not a rich man in cash ways......again.thanks in advance to ANY input garyRe: a/c questionok.....turned the circuit breaker off and the noise what the thermostat bad or the control board.....are they one and the same??....where is the control board if not?.....and how does one determine WHICH is bad if they are NOT the same thing???....remember the a/c WORKS fine when turned on.......a/c questionmy camper is a 2002 montana fifth wheel and the a/c works but i noticed that when it's just sitting and not being lived in but hooked up to shore power that there is a component of the a/c that seems to be making some noise as if it were running but not/??......i know.....sad..laffs.but any guesses as to what is running when it's supposed to be off??.....all controls are either in the off position (cool/off/heat) is in off postion....i never really noticed when we were staying in the camper and the control was in the cool postion but the a/c had reached ambient set temp and cut off via thermostat setting that it still made this noise??? SOUNDS like maybe a compressor or possibly a fan??? soon as i get a chance to i'm going to take the shroud off and/or the 'filter' screen from the inside and see if i can 'see' anything more to help me figure out what is goin on here.....any one?....thanks in advance.... one more concept to add is possibly that i have a cover over the a/c to keep daubers out.......and yes i took that off when i tested it to see if it was working.....but not sure if it would have any impact on the a/c unit???......wouldn't think so...anyway.......take care y'all and again..thanks