Before you buy LED "bulbs", consider replacing the whole light housing if you can. There are a few reasons for this:First and foremost, you'll get better performance, and have a sealed light assembly that should last a long time.It'll look better, w...
If you're going to try to fill with gravity through the city water inlet, you're also going to have to generate enough pressure to force the check valve open (often right at the inlet).
I've been stopped once, about 7 years ago, driving my motorhome. It was an interesting experience, so I figured I'd share what happened and how I approached it. First of all, it was dark, and caught me by surprise--I had no idea why I was being sto...
A couple of things that haven't been mentioned here that might be useful for the OP:When you're trying to run the AC and/or microwave, don't worry too much about the fridge. It's only going to use ~200W (<2A) when it cycles on.Depending on how long ...