All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Taking out a wall~ and putting up a room divider~Hen? Bird? I had a friend who had a chicken they raised from a chick, probably an Easter chick, and it was quite tame and did fine in a cage when they took it with them to visit Grandma..... Not that different from the parrots, I think.Re: Taking out a wall~ and putting up a room divider~Thank you for the info. We don't have the Zeppelin any lo0nger, so I am looking for something that will work, but most TTs in the Denver area that look big enough have the bunks. I just wanted a plan if we have to get one. I appreciate the info on the walls, it doesn't sound to difficult if we can't find the open bunks. I apologize for not updating my signature, had some problems with that.Re: Taking out a wall~ and putting up a room divider~ DutchmenSport wrote: We purchased our 2006 Keystone Springdale new. Traded it a couple years ago. One feature that attracted us to this camper was because of the open bunks in the back of the camper. We no longer had kids, but we wanted the bunks for storage... more specifically for our 3 birds, rabbit, chicken, and cat. The cat loved laying beside the bird cages and just dreaming of lunch! Here's some photos. I'm sure if you search around you may find something similar to this: No slides though: FYI: This is our back yard. OMG, this is perfect! Yes, I will keep searching, open bunks would be best case, and particularly because my husband is not "handy". Never worked in construction. He amazes himself when he builds something, but has an irrational fear of destroying trailer, house, etc., lol! If I have it all planned out, he does fine. He and our son recently built a small rocket stove and it was a major undertaking. Turned out nicely, though! BTW, love your siggy. "Life Support Quote" haha!Re: Taking out a wall~ and putting up a room divider~Ahh, my bad, I did not fully explain. When I said "room divider", I was picturing something along the lines of wrought iron or something open. My mother had a lovely buffet table (like a china cabinet but finished on both sides and open shelves) and it was also called a room divider for making different areas of a large room. In this case, I need it attached, obviously, and strong enough to attach the bunks to, or at the very least, the lower bunk. Or maybe we will just take the large cages with us and attach them to the walls and floor like HankMacaw did. Plus, I don't want to spend $400-$800 on it.... No, a Toy Hauler is practically what we had, in essence, the problem being that I don't want the birds to feel separated from us. Happy parrots are part of the family. Maybe it is the size. We have Amazons, Cockatoos and a Macaw. If they were Love Bird size or Cockatiel size, they might be fine with their own room. Is it hard to take out walls? Are the panels just screwed to the struts? (Or whatever the aluminum pieces are called that are in place of 2X4s?) Thank you for the help!Taking out a wall~ and putting up a room divider~I sold my TT 2 years ago, because the floor plan just didn't work out. We had a 2006 Zeppelin with the fold-up bed and bunks in the back. I had thought the bunks would work for our bird cages. We take a minimum of 3 parrots when we travel. But after we knew our birds better, we realized they would hate the bunk area. Parrots need to be part of the family. Anyway, I am looking for another TT, and some with bunks would work if we could remove the wall between the bunks and the main area. Of course, we would still have to fasten the bunks to something. I am thinking an open support of some kind? On the order of a room divider? I remember seeing a TT that someone stripped out and rebuilt, and the supports inside the walls are aluminum, right? Anyway, it is a thought, but I want a plan in place before I tackle my husband with this.Thank you in advance for any suggestions!Re: Diesel vs gas......................just saw this thread, and I know it's old, butI have some valuable and interesting info. I personally don't like Diesels because they are smelly and pollute so much, but my son recently saw a show about Bio-Fuel, and I wish I had one! Bio-fuel (for ALL diesels) is made from vegetable oil and other ingrediants, and can be made at home. More importantly, it can be made from USED cooking oil, from Winchells, KFC, etc. I don't have the whole process, but it is being made in two locations in CO, and several in CA-sorry, that's all I know off-hand. For more information, do a search online for bio fuel, and you'll get the scoop! In fact I'm thinking about going into business, although, remember the guy in the early '80s who made fuel from garbage? (Probably ethanol?) He was on 60 Minutes. He had had attempts on his life.....and where is he now? Linda
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