All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Dexter axel brake up gradeIf there is an apology needed to offer the Op Shadow Catcher, then it is extended, I can truthfully say,,,This his posted thread fell right in with what my son and I are looking into right at this moment ~~~~~~ along with the above advice on having to change what I was told was a brand new axil on this camper, and can confirm 2 brand new wheels and hubs ~~~~the post fell right in !!!! So maybe to stretch my intrudance a bit further,,, I Thank you Lynnmor, Although non of your doing, it has made our deli ma a lot more complicated. but then I have found this is so when some good additional info come along in any scene, additional choices then also have to be made. And this in this case,it is good for us to know. Now, what to do, what to do ???? oh by the way if it matters,,,Drexel and Dexter are two different manufactures It kind of amazes me on how many names of manufacture, of these complete new or re-do electronic brake kits are out there. A couple of American made ones, which I was leaning forward on, but now if these 7" ones, are for some reasoning are made to be junk, I wonder why ? What can't they do, or do to, to the 7" sizes that does not translate to the 10" size ?Re: Dexter axel brake up gradeLynnmor I hope that you are still around, I came across what I thought was a good price on a older Coleman 12' Pop-up, bought it for my son and t his family. The owner informed me up front, that last year the bearing took out the axial and he replace it with a new one along with hew tires and wheels, but did not go the cost of putting back on the brakes. I have checked and he did buy the flanged axial that is required to add back on the electric brakes.around $500 plus. Now I read your post and,,,,,,well can you fill in the make you have been having trouble with and all of the details on all of those experience down threw the years and what was their solutions ?Re: Cool Mods - Thread restored 10/18/2012Just maybe mds47588 I told ya this before but we have that same trailer. It's good to see another, as they are very rare. Only made them for 3 years, fits us to a "T". If you install an electric tong jack, you won't need the cheater bar on your anti-sway chain hook up. Take it from one who went down that route, it make life a whole bunch easier.Re: Has anybody,,,(Toilet)I see where there in you post where there maybe several solutions,,in more way than just a sprayer Myredracer. and yes your deductions are correct,,,and pretty perceptive,,, "Walla is a word used by retarded Americans who don't know any foreign languages and barely know their own. The correct word they are looking for is "voila", which loosely translates as "here it is", "there you go", or similar meanings You could not precieve the amount of back lash I have received in my lack of "barely knowing their own" language,,,much less than any other. I have been on the corrective end,now for several year back. Learned to take it all, as a given fact, and just grin, knowing it to be so. It is a fault, I will threw all of my years of this ribbing, agree with you, and you are not by any means, at this senior stage of my life, to be the first to point it out. Sorry if I have some how rubbed your fur the wrong way,,,accept my extended apology....JohnRe: Has anybody,,,(Toilet)Yelp, Went to Amazon, Question; which ones do you see that will work before I drop the idea ???Re: Has anybody,,,(Toilet)Ok ,,,Thanks Old-Biscuit, I would instead install a shut off valve, but reaching down that low, to turn it on, then again to turn it off would defeat the whole idea. We have/use a Toilet Brush with its container which stores there in the corner. This hose would have saved some space in a small room.Has anybody,,,(Toilet),,,installed a "T" in the water line to install one of these cleaning toilet sprayers. I have an extra home shower sprayer,,,I checked on what the kit was for a 310 Dometic and it in my opinion is kind of costly. I had thought of simply installing a PVC T in the water supply line under there that goes to the toilet, then use my sprayer, buy a spray handle holder from the hardware to put on that back wall, and Walla a toilet sprayer.....How's about it,,what'ya think would it work ???Re: Bunks into Storage spaceYa beat me to it Y-Guy, it's light weight easy storage able when removed,can be made to latch on both sides and when opened latched to the opposite side, air flow, strong and takes up little width in that space.Re: Anyone have a runaway camper?figure out some way to duplicate the exact interior space of this box. Then have her set up the inside in ways she intends to place her bed and bedding arrangements, storage for what she would realistic want to take along and then with her needs, for what ever trip and time intended. I don't need to know or care to know, her age or mobility at this age of her retirement, but is she intending to sleep on the floor ? keeping in mind of all of the physical requirements for even a small trailer, it's still a trailer, with all of the equipment it might need, chalks, spare tire, lug bolt wrench,jack road side flares or reflectors, i would put the minimum anti sway on, if for nothing else, forced to drive in a rain on a slick black top road. What is the insulation R raiting. Air circulation ?Re: Full Size Murphy BedHere is what I did, take a piece of Lexan and turn one end up to 1/4" less than the thickness of your mattress. Now cut a double dense y foam the height of your mattress, the other width/size of this foam is what you will fell you need for a comfortable foot/ankle support while stretch out on your side of the bed,. sticking out from the mattress bottom. Now for one of the other sizes of this lexan, This has to be long enough,,,, to be able to support your foam's length and width and to be able to slide under your mattress a distance/length to do so. When not in use remove the foam and slide Lexan forward under you mattress untill the angle rest agaist the mattress bottom side.
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