All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: outdoor kitchens1. People in their 30s tend to have children. I started earlier than that, but a lot of people wait until then to grow their family. Also, 30s is not considered retirement age for most people, so they tend to go camping on the weekend, as they have to work Monday through Friday. I hope I've shed some light on one of the universe's most complex mysteries for you, OP. 2. You might want to sit down before reading this, OP, as it could possibly upset you: other people might like and do things that you yourself do not like or do. These things could possibly include making a fire during a brisk 40 degree day or using an awning during daylight hours. I'm guessing you might be a werewolf and use your awning exclusively at night to block full moons, but overall, using an awning is fairly common, even during the day. 3. Regarding outside kitchens: this comes down to "stop liking what I don't like!" You might not see the need or enjoy what they offer. However, other people might think differently than you do. Don't worry though! You still have the option of not having one. Conversely, other people have the option of having one. The ability to make the choice to have or not have something that you like or do not like is called "freedom", and it's kind of a big deal in the USA. 'Murica!!! I hope this helps! Full disclosure: I hate putting out my awnings and rarely do, and I do not have an outside kitchen. However, my wife would definitely like a fire if it's cold out, even if the sun is shining and some old guy is yelling "get off my lawn!" while shaking his fist.Re: Safety am1958 wrote: myredracer wrote: I'll never understand the obsession and fascination with firearms throughout the US, how easy it is to get them and how so many defend their need & right to bear arms. It's frightening to think how many around you may have a gun wherever you go in the US. We only go to "civilized" commercially operated CGs and have never felt threatened in any way. As a Brit I often have cause to argue the American gun culture with Brits/Europeans/Canadians. The one thing that has struck me after many years and many discussions is the fact that, like you, they will never understand the American mindset. As a block you all believe that the European/British/Canadian way is _the_ way with utter disregard for the plain fact that people came/come to America precisely because they want(ed) get away from that mindset. Until you can understand the underlying reason for their ancestors leaving those countries to come here and passing those traits down to the subsequent generations you will not be able to understand why most Americans hold up the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as _the_ standard for freedom in the world and that one of the main tenets of the Founders was that all men have the right to be armed for the purpose of protection against danger up to and including a tyrannical government. The majority of Americans fully understand that the Second Amendment is the only one that assures all the other amendments can stand and for that reason alone it has it's purpose and thus it is probably the most important. Without it all the others are simply scribble on a piece of paper in the eyes of a potential dictator. A very accurate and impressive post. B.C. people, read this post and then reread it.Re: Safety garyhaupt wrote: TwinTurbo wrote: Seems like a relatively civil discussion that is relevant to a fair number of members on this site. Honestly, I'm impressed and a little proud of the support on this forum. Buuuuuut we have to protect sensitive feelings and all. I'm sure you'll have your wish and it will be locked soon. I was not advocating this being locked..not at all. Was purely an observation and if you can't handle that, block my name and then you don't need to be bothered. Gary Haupt Your post seems to imply that this should be locked. You even went so far as to state there is biased moderation in play. That's more than a simple observation, that's an accusation. And don't worry, I don't have sensitive feelings and am not offended by your opinions.Re: SafetySeems like a relatively civil discussion that is relevant to a fair number of members on this site. Honestly, I'm impressed and a little proud of the support on this forum. Buuuuuut we have to protect sensitive feelings and all. I'm sure you'll have your wish and it will be locked soon.Re: Safety cmcdar wrote: TwinTurbo wrote: cmcdar wrote: OK, I'll bite... GOD didn't give you a gun. God gave you a Commandment - Thou Shalt NOT KILL. Gun ownrs talk about needing a gun because of lawbreakers with guns YET these same gun owners are often times the ones breaking the laws. If an establishment says NO GUNS (their right) why do you feel your right is above everyone elses? But this thread was not about the right to have a gun. This thread was about SAFETY while camping. I'm in a campground right now. The campground forbids firearms (their right). The only reason I feel unsafe at all is because I know that gun owners will bring their guns regardless. A lot of false assumptions in your post. First, remove religion from the convo. It is possible to support the 2nd amendment without following religion. Second, you're assuming someone that is legally armed would patronize an establishment that does not support them being legally armed. Personally, I would not and do not spend my $ at/in places that want to restrict my freedoms. At least as best as I am able to do so. You sound like you have an irrational fear of people that choose to exercise their 2nd amendment right. Your outrage only shows your blatant disregard for my rights. I say, you can have a gun, please don't bring it into my space. You say, you will bring it anywhere you please. THIS is why folks have problems with this issue. There is no "outrage" in my post. However, you're welcome to define the portion you found to be outrageous. I'm not following the argument you're making. I have the right bear arms, and I exercise that right. I don't know how you define "your space." You're putting words in my mouth, as I never said I "will bring it anywhere I please". In fact, I said the opposite. I do my best to avoid locations, entities, etablishments, etc. that do not respect my rights. In other words, you can stay in your safe space and I'll be somewhere else enjoying my freedom. I'm not sure why you find that irrational or offensive.Re: Safety cmcdar wrote: OK, I'll bite... GOD didn't give you a gun. God gave you a Commandment - Thou Shalt NOT KILL. Gun ownrs talk about needing a gun because of lawbreakers with guns YET these same gun owners are often times the ones breaking the laws. If an establishment says NO GUNS (their right) why do you feel your right is above everyone elses? But this thread was not about the right to have a gun. This thread was about SAFETY while camping. I'm in a campground right now. The campground forbids firearms (their right). The only reason I feel unsafe at all is because I know that gun owners will bring their guns regardless. A lot of false assumptions in your post. First, remove religion from the convo. It is possible to support the 2nd amendment without following religion. Second, you're assuming someone that is legally armed would patronize an establishment that does not support them being legally armed. Personally, I would not and do not spend my $ at/in places that want to restrict my freedoms. At least as best as I am able to do so. You sound like you have an irrational fear of people that choose to exercise their 2nd amendment right.Re: Safety ken56 wrote: I can't help notice that most of the negative comments are from people that live in NY,NJ,CA,IL. All States with strict gun control laws that only the law abiding good folks obey. The bad guys really don't care about the law in the first place. I also have to comment that the Constitution does not grant us our rights, we are born with them and they are 'natural' rights bestowed by our creator. Notice how the founding fathers used the word "creator" instead of God. Your god may not be my God, my God may not be your God, but they believed we all had a "creator". These rights are inaleinable meaning that men (Gov't) can't take them away from you.....and yet they do....or at least keep trying. Very good points. I would guess that most of the naysayers lack personal experience with firearms, and people tend to fear the unknown. As citizens, we're born with certain rights that are protected by the constitution and bill of rights. And it's a good thing my freedom isn't dictated by the arbitrary emotions and judgement of others.Re: How about a Forum for all the California Haters? NYCgrrl wrote: TwinTurbo wrote: We aren't obtaining the same info. Switzerland is dealing with a massive **** crisis and the gov protects the criminals to the detriment of the citizens, all the while denying and covering up reality. Not a good exampple IMO. Edit: forum is censoring the word used to describe forced sexual contact. Errrrrr...have you been talking to my mother? She keeps telling me I lived in Sweden not Switzerland. Since I'm a self avowed rude obnoxious child from a long line of same, I mutter under my breath that it was actually Swaziland...:B I suspect you actually mean Sweden which is having homogenization and once again Neo-Nazi issues. Yes they are internal problems but doesn't invalidate the well working economic and political model. I'm not hearing of sustained problems in CH of this nature outside of some UK tabloids. Oh and I don't read the NYC tabloids because well I recall the dictionaries' definition of the word. Ipso facto I don't accept much of foreign tabloids offerings either unless confirmed by better sourced media. My apologies. A bit under the weather and meds have made me groggy. The information is out there, from current residents no less. Not tabloids or questionable sources. Regardless, those countries do not have our history of liberty, and they exist on a much smaller scale. Not really apples to apples IMO. And there are many other exampmes of failed and/or troubled socialist countries. Some people enjoy true freedom and accept the rewards and accountability it brings, and others just want to feel secure and taken care of. I don't think they will ever understand each other. For the moment, we can at least choose to live our preference for the most part. That's why so many are against visiting certain states.Re: How about a Forum for all the California Haters? NYCgrrl wrote: TwinTurbo wrote: NJRVer wrote: TwinTurbo wrote: California is geologically beautiful. However, it is a nanny state, and those that value freedom cannot easily accept its laws and ideologies. And LOL at "I'll take socialist, thank you." How very sad. Thankfully, you have many socialist paradises to enjoy, such as Venezuela. So you would choose a "Jackboot" gov't. That truly is sad. I choose freedom. I don't expect you to understand. Furthermore, Socialist government is the epitome of jackboot gov. Take a look at Venezuela, where they recently began arresting bakers for using flower in ways unapproved by the government. Go ahead, I'll wait. Venezuela, is obviously not a well run Socialist nation and Chavez can be blamed for setting up a basically one export economic model (oil. On the other hand.....most of the Scandinavian and BENELUX countries, and maybe Switzerland can wave their Socialist policies proudly and with much satisfaction as it relates to childcare, work force productivity, education levels, and yes, cradle to grave aka human rights. I suspect most of the residents of these countries consider themselves free w/ little to no fears of "jackboots" in a domestic manner. Life is truly what you make of it. We aren't obtaining the same info. Switzerland is dealing with a massive **** crisis and the gov protects the criminals to the detriment of the citizens, all the while denying and covering up reality. Not a good exampple IMO. NJRVer wanted to take a shot at people from "uneducated toothless methead hater" states. Let that person fight their own battle and support their position. Edit: forum is censoring the word used to describe forced sexual contact.Re: How about a Forum for all the California Haters? DallasSteve wrote: The OP doesn't want to hear people talk bad about California, but he pauses to throw shade at Texas. SMH. I wonder how some people got a negative opinion of Californians. I like Arnold's old commercial about California. There I said something nice about it. People are hearing opinions outside of the echo chamber they exist in, and they don't like it.
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