All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: What is the value of a level rig?Funny thing here. Not one expert has referenced his experience weighing each axle separately on a cat scale. If you try it, you will find that an equalizer equalizes. The best reason to try and level a fifth wheel unit is to control ground clearance. The difference in axle travel is very slight.Re: Suburban water heater will not keep heatingOK guys. Consider me properly scolded. In my defense, the very first thing I looked for was a thermocouple. I have fixed gas water heaters for for friends and family for over fifty years, and every thermocouple I have ever seen had a wire heading out to it. I confess I have always been baffled by two way current. For a similar sixty years, I have never been able to understand how an automobile could be negative ground at a nominal twelve volts (which in these days is actually around fourteen volts) and have a coil with a positive ground at 24 to 48 thousand volts going in the opposite direction through the same car frame. The thermocouple thing was precisely what I was looking for in the first place, but quickly crossed off due to the only wire that led out of the burn chamber was the spark wire. A bit of burnishing and the problem was solved. Thank you. Had I checked with you first, we could have saved nearly three weeks of heating wash water on the stove. And as for the 2 year warranty, there is a back story to that. When the original water heater went out, I ordered a new one from Amazon for a great price. It was gas/electric. When it came, there was damage to the box and while the box was clearly marked gas/electric, the water heater was gas only. I complained to Amazon and they sent me another water heater in another damaged box. Same markings, same gas only. My presumption was that some clever souls were buying two water heaters and switching the boxes and sending the gas only back in the gas/electric boxes. I tried to work it out with Amazon, but their customer service could not get it. The price was still good for me, even without the electric function which we had hardly used in the first place. I kept one and sent the other back. Under those circumstances, not knowing what was going on with the original heaters, I knowingly elected to eat the guarantee and fix the thing myself. Anyway, again, thank you.Suburban water heater will not keep heatingI have a Suburban ten gallon water heater which is just over one year old. (It was a replacement). Suddenly, it quit working. I have replaced the gas valve unit, the high temp thermostat unit, and the control board. As far as I can tell, there is nothing else to replace but the whole heater itself. What is happening is that when the switch is turned on, it shoots gas into the heater chamber, the spark goes active and I have a hot fire. But when the spark times out, so does the gas. Any suggestions?Re: Boondocking on North Rim of Grand CanyonThanks, looks like just what we needed.Re: Filling the Fresh Water Like a BossThis business of sticking a hose down into the tank when the vent pipe is blocked is scary. Fresh water tanks are NOT designed to take pressure, and will burst, usually right around the winterizing drain nipple on the tank. I would suggest WITH THE INLET CAP OPEN, stick some air pressure (low air pressure) to the vent opening and see if you can clear the blockage. If not, because perhaps a kink has developed which you cannot get to, run a vent hose down the inlet.Boondocking on North Rim of Grand CanyonI have seen articles and fotos of rigs boondocking on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. On the other hand, these were truck campers and we are a full sized fifth-wheel rig. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge that would help us plan? This is for in the next couple of weeks or so.Re: Do RV park hookups have home outlets or just 30A plugs only?You need to find a licensed electrician and show him what you are trying to do. If he doesn't go white in the face when he sees that, I miss my guess. Let him explain what can happen if you try that.Re: My trip over the Lolo TrailWe have been camping up in Idaho off US 12 since the early 70's. Used to cross country ski up there, have camped in the TC and the Fiver many times. Never disappointed. Lots of official Forest Service campgrounds not too far off the highway, and countless spots for a TC to camp. Fantastic mountain biking. Before the wolves took over, we used to see elk and moose crash across the side roads ahead of us all the time. On hikes, we have come within ten feet of bull moose. He seemed embarresed that we got that close before he detected us, and we were delighted that he chose to run. There are places up there where one can get near the top and look off to the great distant horizon and see nothing but unbroken mountains and forest. It is a special place.Re: onan generator problem. help!First off, it may not be the regulator at all. Are you forgetting that the safety valve built into today's new tanks outlet will clamp down if the hose is empty to protect everything in the event that there is a break in the line? If several things such as the water heater and oven are running and then a big draw on the propane system happens, the sensor could presume that a line rupture has happened. Once equilibrium is established, the tank will continue to provide propane. Try opening the valve on a new tank that is full and not connected to anything and see if you can blow propane. Second, propane regulators have funny quirks. Some of these you just have to live with. Sometimes tank A will work but tank B will not. An hour later, they both work just fine. (And sometimes, someone forgot to open the valve on tank B.)Re: Fifth Wheel hitch securityWhat no one seems to be thinking about is that a fifth wheel hitch in the bed of a pickup is useless unless the mounting plates on the frame beneath the pickup bed are taken also. You cannot just bolt a hitch to the bed of a pickup, it would rip out or rip the bed off the truck. Have you ever looked underneath a truck to see the typical six small bolts that hold the bed on? About the only use I can think of, would be for someone who had some serious wear problems, and want to steal some parts. Even then, have you ever heard of anyone doing that?
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