All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Manual vs Electric slideoutSprings?Manual vs Electric slideoutRecently I bought my first RV for a steal, it has a manual bed in the back slide out. So far I haven't had too many issues, other than my strength is not what it's up to be to do this on my own. Last weekend, I think it wasn't on the level, the trailer appeared to be and I've parked here a few times before, this time, it took lots of strength to pull it out. It jumped one of the rails. I had to pop off the rail and get it popped back on under the wheel. When it was finally out, it appeared to be a bit tipped down at the end. I see that the turn buckles may have adjustments and will give it a try. Also, when pulling it out the rails can sway side to side, causing the bed to do so as well. I'm learning a lot from this lil RV, and I'm creating a list of what to features to look for, when I upgrade. I know it will be a surround bed, not a pull out, and I like what I see for the living areas that pull out. My current and learning model is a 2008 Keystone RV Outback lite travel trailer. I love it! It feels well built and my 2001 Chevy Suburban pulls it like it's not back there at all. I've borrowed my brothers and hands down I like mine more, except for the bed. His is a surround bed and no pull outs. When looking at travel trailers that are fulling pulled out or no pull outs, I'm looking at sizes that any park will take, 21-25ft I think is the general rule. Can people list good models in that size and what they like do/do not like about them. Also what they have found about various pull outs. I travel with big dogs to several types of trials (show, agility, hunting) so the living space pull out has merit.Re: Bathroom smell ... no, not that.Sorry if I hijacked, I thought we were on smells in an RV and I was reading up on what people were doing to locate and handle them. Very new to this. If there is a thread for this I will go there.Re: Bathroom smell ... no, not that.It's a 2008 Keystone RV Outback lite 21RS trailer. It has the Propane tanks up front on the tongue, vertical vs the normal horizontal placement. When the water didn't heat up with the electrical heater, I went to the propane. I did just go home and dump some febreeze into the sinks and bathtub, then I could close the bathroom sink and tub. I really think it's my grey tank as I know I overfilled it, by accidently overfilling the fresh water tank.Re: Bathroom smell ... no, not that.Lots of good information here. Very very very new to all of this. My 3rd trip in a travel trailer was with one I just bought. 2008 Everything but the electric water heater worked well. I put on the propane water heater, Yay, a hot shower. Now with all of this, we did use the toilet and I noticed we filled up the grey water tank. This trailer had been used very rarely but when I used it, no smells. Got home after a very bumpy ride, and boy oh boy, eyes watered from smell. I opened up windows and put on the bathroom fan. It barely did anything while I unloaded. I emptied the grey tank in the morning, and opened up the trailer, whew finally smell went away. Back again after driving it home from a 5 minute commute from work. Took it up to empty the black tank and rinsed the heck out of it from the toilet, until I saw clear water thru the hose. Put in the blue and some water, thought I had it licked...nope. Bought me and now I'm waiting for one of those turbo vents to replace regular vent up on top of the travel trailer but still thinking there is something else going on. I will try the garbage bag trick to see about that. I will put some bleach down the grey tank thru the sink and shower holes. Before I go up on the roof to replace the vent....are the turbo vents a gimmick or do they work?Re: Are slides safe to use in the closed position?Very new and very inexperienced. Bought my first RV trailer and used it for the first time last weekend. It has a bed slider. I have read and am reading here not to use the slider in the in position. Since my slider is manual and for one person like me it's tough to slide out and in, I made my bed with it in....bad move? Margaret
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