All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Flat towing with your truck camperGulfman I have the blue ox towbar and breaking assist. I tow a two door wrangler sport behind my f350 dually and host cascade. Hitching is made easy with the telescoping hitch bars. Breaking system is simple and easy to set up. I am pleased so far with the blue ox tow system. Also, I replaced my wired tow lights with wireless and wished I had sooner. BarryRe: Norcold gas & electric fridgeWe are in Maggie Valley and the fridge is much better. Maybe the long ride to get here, the temperature is much cooler here in the mountains. Fridge is 35f with a few ice crystals forming on the fins. It was 98f and 80+ humidity when we left Corapeake. I must of been asking too much of the norcold. Thanks everyone for your tips and expertise. So nice of you to take time to help us. BarryRe: Norcold gas & electric fridgeNo yellowing, not as cold on electric. I have put a block of ice in the fridge, it is hanging out around 39f. We are stopped now for a break. I will try and find a service center this week.Re: Norcold gas & electric fridgeThe fridge is nearly new. It is on a host cascade. The flame looks good, so I need 0f in the freezer and 35-40 in the fridge.Norcold gas & electric fridgeHeaded to the smokey mountains tomorrow morning. Started fridge on propane yesterday. Freezer is at 18.9 f. Fridge is 53 degrees. Can someone help as to why the fridge temp is so high? Never had this issue before with norcold. Fan is running behind the refrigerator. I may have to delay our trip if we can't figure things out. Thank you BarryRe: Foaming dieselThanks, I was just curious if I was alone with foaming diesel. I think I'll keep the Ole ford. Barry WFoaming dieselFoaming diesel is a puzzle to me. When filling my 2006 f350 it takes forever to get a full tank. If I don't allow the foam to dissolve I miss about 4 to 5 gal from filling my tank. I have pumped thousands of gallons of diesel to John Deere tractors and I had zero foaming issues. Anyone else struggling to fill their ford trucks? BarryRe: Lp gasThank you! I will work on my connections to my appliances eliminating the the regulators. What a great place to come for advice. Hope I can help someone one day. Take care BarryLp gasI have a host cascade with the quick attach gas valve and quick connect. I am not able to to get gas flow to my cooking equipment. Would anyone here have suggestions as to what might be going on. All of my equipment work fine on the one lb bottles. I sure would like to utilize the campers gas supply. Thanks BarryRe: Airxcel Skymaxx 97000Received my new skymaxx hatch. I have installed the parts from the new one to the skymaxx on my Host. Fourteen months to finally get it fixed. Pins on the bar handle that hold it open or locked closed and broken hinges on the handle assembly. I jury rigged it closed with bungee cords. It was really disheartening for us to have our new camper with this defect and to have to deal with it so long. Skymaxx will not sell parts to anyone, only the whole assembly. I wanted no parts of disturbing the roof seal on our new camper to replace with a new skymaxx. Artic Tern looks like a nice replacement. If anyone is purchasing a new host, please do not get the the skymaxx hatch. It is cheaply made and parts cannot be purchased. Thanks for letting me vent and I hope I've helped someone. Barry
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