All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Gas storage for Generators Firmy wrote: Well guys, I have a desiel truck. Two 20 lbs tanks of propane in an outside storage box built in the side of the camper for fridge 120v or Propane. stove/oven propane only. hot water propane only. and heat propane only. I don't have solar at the moment but thinking about it one day. The propane can get used up pretty quick if running the heat as well as other units. I have a Honda 2000 in a storage compartment area that it fits in without any other room. At some point I would like to put a small AC on the roof ( that's another question in itself, what small AC would run off a Honda 2000) so I would like to run the gen here and there for micro, toaster, AC and charge the batteries. I have room on the back camper outside possibly on the upper wall other side of the ladder where I was thinking about mounting a portable gas unit. Wanted a more permanent solution so it was always there if needed. I have in the past put a small gas can on a back rack hocked into the 2" receiver. Bungee it to the rack other side of the exhaust pipe. Worked fine but just one more thing to worry about when leaving on a trip. The 8-9K BTU air conditioners work fine off a H2K. They also are a better match to the smaller interior volume of a TC compared to a TT or motorhome. Mine has no trouble keeping things cool inside my softwalled Outfitter even out here in the 100+ degree desert. So you don't get the rapid short cycling that can happen with the larger unit, where the AC turns on and you are quickly freezing so AC shuts off, then camper warms up quick so AC kicks on, repeat, repeat, repeat that happens with 13.5K units on small spaces.Re: Gas storage for Generators user113 wrote: Of course, you could always upgrade to a diesel generator, that way you'll have a 35 gal tank for generator fuel right under your truck. Diesel RV Generator Shipping Dimensions 27H X 48W X 40D Shipping Weight 470 lbs WHERE??? are you going to stick that in even the largest TC? It also burns through .49 gal per hour at rated capacity.Re: Gas storage for Generators stevenal wrote: I converted my home generator for use with propane, and it works well. Plugs into a quick connect fitting on the tank with a short piece of hose. Why not do the same for a portable camping generator? No fuel storage issues for those already using propane. Still going to have to figure out a way to bring a spare LP tank, as a genset can really suck one dry fast.Re: Storing a softside with the top up or down?Since you keep it covered, top up with vent/window cracked will keep interior temps down and avoid issues with heat build up.Re: Anyone try 12 V magnetic door lock for extra door security? Wikel wrote: Again the general thought is looking for incremental items which could be added to increase security option. Sure there is not magic wand other than "not going" but of course could use a tank... that would be pretty safe :) Guess I'm done here. Thanks for the feedback. "Not going" isn't a sure thing either as your camper can just as easily be broken into by good old American crooks as well. Are you this paranoid about your home's security while you are off traveling in your camper?Re: Gas storage for Generators tattoobob wrote: I camp on the beach mostly, I have an onboard generator, the first time we used it we went thru alot of propane the next weekend I brought my Honda 2000i and used about a half gallon of gas at best, So we keep the generator and Safety can in the camper while on the road, While on the beach we put the generator on a piece of plywood and the safety can in the cab of the truck Those "Safety Cans" aren't really all that safe. They are made for keeping gas available at job sites or work locations and not for transporting it. They are also designed to vent fumes when pressure builds up inside, thus releasing gas vapors into your camper or vehicle.Re: Anyone try 12 V magnetic door lock for extra door security? Wikel wrote: Well I'm looking at more international travel, so just looking for any visual deterrent that might help. Maybe a sign that states "nothing to steal inside" in Spanish? lol Unfortunately, pots, pans, clothes, etc.. may have no value in the US... not the same rules in the 3rd world. South of the US Border EVERYTHING inside your camper has VALUE. To include the materials it is made out of. Your camper is WAY nicer then the houses many of these people live in. Baja racers and pit crews have been robbed, the thieves show up with guns and take everything.Re: Anyone try 12 V magnetic door lock for extra door security?OP, do you realize 600lbs of holding force is easily overcome by a 200lb person on the end of a 3 foot crowbar? NOTHING will keep a thief out if they decide they really want into your RV. Especially if you are not present at the time.Re: Tire size differenceOP, what width are your stock wheels? Will they work with the wider tire? As to the ACTUAL size of the tire, you need to find the manufacturer's published measurements as they can and do vary from the nominal listed size.Re: Odd payload numbers on the 2017 F350 DRW vs. 2016 F350 DRWBody gets lighter so of course load capacity goes up. It's all good.....until you need some body work done.
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