All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Class C Super MotorhomeWe have a super c and just love it. So easy to drive and no movement from the wind and passing trucks. We have a Dynamax just find one that fits your liking. You will be happy with the size.Re: new lifeDon't let some people thinking hold you back. We have hosted many times and are still doing it. Just love the chance to get to know many nice people. Go for it.Re: Class C vs. Class A engine access...We had a B+ Ford E 450 with the V10 was a great motor home but was hard to get at things. But we had no problems with the engine or drive train.Re: Class C vs. Class A engine access...That is one reason we went to a super C Dynamax all standard Freightliner parts. Easy to get at.Re: Change of Plans!We have a 2008 Dynamax truck conversion and love it great to drive.Re: My class C rebuild, 91 Fleetwood JamboreeYou did a great job much better than new.Re: Diesel Stoves, etcWe have a Dynamax and it has a elec. stove. Many motorhomes are going all elec. to get rid of the propane.