since ‎Mar-11-2017

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our T/T shower puts out a blast of COLD water when in the shower. I can have the water regulated to warm shut the had held shower nozzle. then when I turn it back on burrrrr its cold for a wile then warm. is there any way to fix this problem, I have ...
I would like a tire pressure monitoring set up. a quick look on EBay says that an rv ones start at 300.00 and up. ones for a car are 30.00 and up. I checked on some of the car type and they are only good for about 20 ft. i'm just over 30' from the da...
kind of a dumb question, but how do you all jack up your tandem axel T/T if you have a flat or something. I have a duel axel car trailer and have used a wedged block on the good wheel and pulled it up onto it. this would lift the other wheel. then t...
this is a tailgater antenna mount, the top comes off so I can store it and the pole easily in my storage compartment. it mounts to the front or rear so you have 360 deg. vision of the satellites. made from light weight exhaust tubing and aluminum.Jay...