All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Road side assistance NOTI had exactly the same experience with Coachnet except i didnt know the flat was caused by a hole in the inside dually valve stem. Coachnet sent a truck who replaced the valve stem with a spare he had in his truck. No charge of any kind. Good luck.Re: Shore power 50 amp to 15/20 amp aintnothin wrote: I want to hook up my 2001 damon ultrasport to the house just to keep the batteries charged. The outlet is only 5' from the coach and can't see pulling out the 25' cord and then plugging in the 50 amp to 30 amp adapter then the 30 amp to 15/20 amp adapter to do this. Can a 50 amp to 110 v, 6' cord be made? What would the wiring be? I use a 100' 12 gauge chord plugged into 15amp outlet and connected to the coach with a 15 to 50 adaptor available from Walmart. Batteries and refer. Good luck.Re: Need a new GPS, recommendations etc. BobGed wrote: Billinwoodland wrote: I put the co-pilot app on my wife's iPad which has the GPS receiver. It worked fine when we were traveling south. If going any other direction, we could not get a satellite fix. I came to the conclusion it needs an external antenna. I think I am going to buy the garmin 760. For those using the 760, where did you mount the antenna? The CoPilot app is so much better than the RV760 you might want to consider this excellent GPS receiver Dual 150A GPS Receiver Strong statement! Do you have a 760? Thanks. Jack hRe: Need a new GPS, recommendations etc.When my garmin 885 died i replaced it with a garmin 65,a simple effective reliable unit. I now have a garmin rv 660LMT i have not used. Good luck. Jack hDometec refer strange noiseChili's trip My Dometec refrigerator makes a 'whoop whoop ' sound when lighting on gas after running on electric. Will make this noise 2 or 3 times before lighting. Anybody familiar? thanks. Jack h 2005 bounder 8.1Re: Garmin RV 760 vs Rand McNally 7720Recently received the newly introduced Garmin RV 660LMT. Similar to the 760 but with a 6"screen. Setting up was a breeze. Currently available only from Garmin. Good luck. Jack h 2005 Bounder 8.1 WorkhorseRe: Details for Clear Coat RepairI repaired a small area mainly to stop it from spreading. First I used a plastic scraper to remove loose clearcote. Then 2000 grit sand paper. Alcohol to clean. Masked off and used clear cotespray can from Walmart. Barely notice able and has lasted 2 years. Less than $10. Good luck. Jack h.Re: rpm sweet spot on class A with 365hp v10 for mpg? trop-a-cal wrote: Forget about MPG's and drive with traffic staying in safe road position. The dynamics of road vertical ups and downs, negates the sweet spot due to the weight push going down and the weight drag going up grades. Sweet spots are even useless in flat terrain as traffic dictates the safest speed. Proper tire inflation to the load is more important than sweet spot RPM's. Just know enough to speed up and slow down at RV smooth and safe rates. 8 seconds behind any vehicle in front of you at 60 MPH and merge into moving traffic with signals and accelerate to traffic speed ASAP, even if it means putting the pedal to the metal. SAFETY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN SAVING A FEW PENNIES. What a bunch of baloney! jack hFactory installed Magnadyne 300 watt inverterThe factory installed 300 watt inverter's fan is howling and the unit likely will have to be replaced. Unable to find a close replacement for the hard wired Magnadyne inverter. Has anyone replaced with a suitable unit? Thanks. Jack h 2005 32W Bounder Workhorse 8.1Re: Atwood Levelers StickingI have been told that Levellegs need 14 volts to operate properly. Good luck.