All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: freezing weather mikestock wrote: I have been using the pink stuff for 20 years. Last year I bought a small air compressor that I can regulate to 50 psi. Now, after draining the tanks and bupassing the water heater, I hook it to my water inlet and go from point to point, allowing the air to blow through until there is little or no water coming through. I still use the pink stuff in the traps and run it through my washing machine pump and don't use it until warmer weather.. I disconnect and drain the ice maker. It is so much easier than the pink stuff and if i decide to make another trip it's easy to do it again. As for the wet bay: I run one of these little things on low (175 watt) setting. I blow down the same way and do not use any auxiliary heat and have never had any problems on several campers with temperature in the teens sometimes. I hate to put the pink stuff in my water system because it takes at least a season to get rid of the taste.Re: Maybe dumb question on solarI have a dual controller on my solar system which charges both battery banks independently. On my previous coach I ran jumpers from the house to chassis battery when I was parked. However on one occasion, the chassis battery failed and discharged my house batteries before I noticed the problem. I never disconnect my batteries. Ford says that if you disconnect the chassis battery, the transmission will have to relearn your driving habits.Re: batterysI bought 4 house batteries on sale from Cabelas. They are size 30 AGM, 105 amp hrs. each. I camp mostly off grid and have a 300 solar charging system. We watch a 22 inch TV 6 to 8 hours a day and they have never discharged below 12.6 volts. We run the generator for the microwave and coffee maker.Re: RE Even new rigs need to be inspected My Winnebago storyI bought my 2016 Winnebago Vista LX 30T from Roy Robinson. The most major repair was adjusting all three slides because of seal gaps. There seems to be a pattern of RR rebuilding these coaches, which is disturbing. The other issue that I have is that they have a 2 or 3 month lead time for scheduling coaches for warranty repair, which means if I have an issue at this point the coach will be out of warranty by the time they work on it. Don't tell me that they will honor the warranty anyway. I took my 2011 in for repair of the jacks when it was out of warranty by a few weeks. Although I cleared the issue with both HWH and Winnebago about a week before the warranty expired, they stuck me with part of the bill. The excuse was that it was out of warranty.Re: 5 Star Tune and Ford Warranty Dune Hauler wrote: Magnuson -Moss Waranty Act wont help you at all Ford will win every time. The money you will spend on attorneys would buy you a new motor 2 or 3 times over. I have first hand experience on this after Gail Banks lied to me that they would help support their 6 gun tuner. I spent more on attorneys than my truck was worth. Exactly right. Camping World sued Dodge in 2000 after a fuel injection pump failed on my 1998 Dodge Cummins following a Banks upgrade. Although I had a letter from Banks stating that their products would not void my warranty, they immediately defaulted. Camping World lost the lawsuit and discontinued selling Banks products for almost 3 years following this incident.Re: Warranty Repairs on Class AI was turned down by 3 Ford dealers to work on my 2016 Ford f53. I finally called Ford customer assistance and they found one 25 miles from my home who would work on it. I passed 2 other Ford dealers when driving it to the servicing dealer.Re: Is the new Ford 6 speed really that BIG a deal? wrote: Yes. I just went from a 5 speed to a 6 speed about 3 weeks ago. I think it is a tremendous difference. I love it. My wife and I can actually have a conversation at normal speaking volumes now when cruising down the interstate. My tow/haul function works like it should work. I am not sure the folks who posted problems with this function completely understood what it does. What is you chassis rating? The tow haul problem affects mostly 2016 F53 units under 20,000# gvwr. There are also a couple of examples (18,000# and 26,000#) of not being able to turn off tow haul. Every time the brake is touched the transmission downshifts no matter whether the tow haul light is on or off. Check out the NHTSA complaints for the 2016 Ford F53 and the 2016 Winnebago. It is unlikely that all these folks can be wrong. For those who have access, also check out Ford OASIS Bulletin 3243, issued June 14, 2016. Ford engineering is aware of the problem and investigating.Re: Newmar Baystar 3124- No comparison dougrainer wrote: bullydogs1 wrote: If you could swing the Newmar, do it...the support is outstanding, and the way they are built is why it is much better insulated (the heat and the cold are handled much better)...I'm not discrediting the Winnebago but the fact that Winne used Schwintek slides in some models where Newmar doesn't is enough for that decision...the schwintek slides while less of a problem with Winnebago, still are schwintek slides (ie if you put lipstick on a pig, it is still a pig)...Newmar does it differently....I have seen already this year two schwintek slides literally almost fall out of the coach at two campgrounds. Interesting. I have worked on scores of and we have sold hundreds of RV's (Motorized and towables) and have NEVER seen a Schwintek "fall out or attempt to fall out of an RV". Maybe because Schwintek does NOT design the BOX and the interior Slide Fascia's and aluminum angles and braces that hold the rooms IN and stop it from going too far out. ALL a Schwintek does is glide on floor rollers and the motors just move the room in and out on the 4 tracks. I always find it interesting when some RV'er that is NOT a Service center or professional RV Technician states they have seen not just 1 but more than 1 out of the possible norm problem and then post it. Doug Thanks Doug. I was concerned about my Winnebago, but not in the panic mode. Your shedding light on this issue puts my mind at rest. My dealer service department is good at responding to any issue. However, the dealer tends to sell more units than they can service and it takes months to get an appointment. From all the complaints I am seeing, this seems to be a common issue with larger dealers. HowardRe: Newmar Baystar 3124- No comparison 2gypsies wrote: There's no lamination in the Newmar walls so it will not delaminate. I had a 2011 Winnebago Vista 26P for 5 years, 34,000 miles, and never had any slideout problems. Therefore, I had not done much research on them. Looking at the slideout issues for Winnebagos, most of them appear to be mechanism issues. Looking at my warranty, I note that wall delamination is covered for 3 years. The bottom line is that I am not persuaded that paying another $30,000 for a similar motorhome would have been a good deal for me.Re: Newmar Baystar 3124- No comparisonBullydogs, my operator's manual says that my 2016 Vista LX 30T slideouts are manufactured by Lippert Components. When you said that my slideouts might fall out, I was very concerned and immediately checked my manual. Should this make me feel better?