classic 31 wrote:If you get 8 to ten miles a gallon towing why risk blowing yourself up for a extra 20 miles and still have to stop and put gas in vechile anyways. If you run out I am sure Good Sam will be happy to come to your rescueDo you have link...
Cummins12V98 wrote:"Well he paid more for his deductable tham the windshield cost."I'm betting my windshield in my LongHorn is WELL over $500.Comp deductible is common at $500 yes but glass coverage is usually $100. Mine used to be $50 10 years ago ...
I agree that more people would be setup for bumper pull trailer. But in looking at that size or larger, I think a gooseneck might be a good choice given the capacity. In a couple of years, a buyer of that size trailer would likely be setup for a go...