Camped out in the desert (boondocking)last night on our way to AK. 102 degrees and high winds. Felt like we were in a convection oven. Then one of those dust tornadoes hit the rig and that was an experience.Can't wait to turn north towards AK and ...
GarySandra wrote:Alaska Roll Call 2014For those leaving in May, it is time to start packing, make a list, check it, then double check.5'er is in the driveway and just about packed. We will be leaving first thing in the morning to head to CA and then...
sue.t wrote:The roads break down with spring thaw so some of the construction areas aren't known until the ground has thawed and the pavement broken. The highway construction reports are posted here:
terrax wrote:In the meantime we have added more features that are, hopefully, of good use for RVers coming to the North. Ones you are up here you can findgas stationsfree wifi hot spotsrv parkscampgroundsdump stationsattractions near your current loc...
I can think of quite a few interesting places to ride bikes in Alaska. In Talkeetna, park your RV at the city cg down by the river and bike into and around town. Nice little tourist town. Seward is also a great place to bike as it's a bit spread o...