All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: new to WD hitch with some questions atwowheelguy wrote: I would remove the propane bottle holder with a grinder and mount a new one like this. It will mount to the A frame with screws. I have one just like it and it works. I have one I took it off before I took the pics. I will get out the grinder tomorrow and start fabricating. Thanks. Moderator edit to re-size picture Re: new to WD hitch with some questions bmdakk wrote: well that didnt workRe: new to WD hitch with some questions atwowheelguy wrote: bmdakk wrote: Gotcha!Re: new to WD hitch with some questionsso in laymens terms, i should move my tank bracket so the chain brackets will allow for straight perpendicular hookup. and when it is hooked up the spring bars should be parallel to the tt frame. correct?Re: new to WD hitch with some questionspics are finally uploaded. I cant modify the brackets without cutting off the propane tank bracesRe: new to WD hitch with some questions to WD hitch with some questionsHello, I recently purchased a 22' Sun Valley Apache TT. TV is a 92 Chevy silverado SWB. when I hook it up the TV sags LOW. So I went and purchased an EAZLIFT Round bar WD Hitch(used). Im having some trouble hooking it up correctly or what I assume is correctly. I will include pics to show what I am having a dilemma on. First Due to the welded angle brackets for the propane tanks, I cannot position the chains vertical, they are angled towards the back. Is this OK? Second should the Bars be parallel with trailer frame?mine Hooked up as seen in pics seem to be angled up. The rear of the TV is an inch lower than unhooked and a 1/2 inch higher at the front bumper. I am heading out on a trip this coming Friday. just want to make sure I have it hooked up right and safe. Thanks in advance