All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsStorage towable Trailers off road types? "suggestions"Looking for recommendations on a tow-behind "BOX TRAILER," with two or four wheels and break Lights, that has more than one lock. Made of metal aluminum. About 6 to 7-foot long. Maybe 6-foot wide and five-foot-high max good ground clearance? Any suggestions for websites, brand names, where sold high off ground RUGGED Box and not over 6-foot high off the ground overall max height? Thanks in advance for any help or ideas. Sizes are all just approximates. This will be towed behind my CLass B, and not for sleeping in, just extra outdoor gear and off ROAD. OH YES, MADE IN THE USA?Class B folks, how far North and South?Over the years of RVing how far North and how far South have you driven during your like time of RVing? Then how far East to West and West to East. Atlantic & Pacific? This question is for Class b Van owners. What did you learn was the most go-to item(s) you would take again. Anyone went from Punta Arenas, Argentina in South America to Prudhoe Bay, AK. What would you advise anyone who was going to do the Paths you paved? Thanks, In-Advance for your Feedback.Re: Spouse left behind after death at a Campsite, what to do?Good feedback thanks from everyone who give me feedback as I did read all of them. If anything talking with your spouse about the probability of a life-altering event. Having some kind of family fallback system is a good option if you have other loved ones who can help. Each camper should look closer at the other's duties and ask questions about how and why they do what they do. Being open with each other is not easy when one partner is in complete and total denial. My wife asked me sometime back as we live in Florida and our daughter is in Utah. what would I do if something happened to her? WOW, I thought I would go first. After some thought I know it would be hard for my daughter with us being so far apart. I'm not much for the cold, but I think it best to be closer to her so she won't worry so much and will handle it as we go, until then, But we're talking and that is the START for a Happy ending to one's life story. Family or NO Family you need to talk about these possible issues. Thanks for SHARINGSpouse left behind after death at a Campsite, what to do?My wife and I were married back in 1974. We have one daughter who is now 48. I have been a long-time camper and had our share of outdoor toys, why before the toy haulers were popular and many other trailers I've seen roll off the assembly line. We were camping before our first family Ford VAN came along in 1975-Econoline VAN, by myself with shag carpet which was converted into a make-shift camper before that was even a thing, with crazy wild color carpet. At some point, we jumped into trailers for room and comforts. Then came the day we got a Class A, motorhome and began to tour parts of the USA before I neared retirement. Which we switched into a longer and newer model as we were going on a full-time tour. But our lives were always pulled back by our jobs and the need others had for what was in our heads. ""haha"" Our daughter and her husband followed our tracks getting a Trailer toy-Haller. Some small boats and them ATV things. Without knowing came the words I had always heard from my wife. But this time from my daughter while on a camping trip. "Dad, she said" I don't know what I would do, if I lost Jon, and had to pack everything and hook up the trailer to head back home? This was the first time I had even entertained the thought as I always felt it would just work itself all out, Okay. Or would it all be alright? Once, on an away trip in Class A, I had gotten very dizzy, sick, and broke into a cold sweat, as I had done almost 30-days apart for the prior year. A few trips to the Doctor and we learned my Gull Bladder had to go. So I was getting what my wide and daughter had been asking me about for years?. As we departed Utah and headed back home to Florida in our Class A, the very thought was what would the weakest minded person do to get it all back home in one peace? I had just turned 70-years old and the coming year came COVID-19 came 2020. We sold our Class A, and we jumped into a Class B, Coachmen Galleria. As it has turned out has been great for restaurants visits and eating out with COVID in the air, while inside the VAN watching TV. Also driving our Van to some doctor visits and took in an RV Park to do our shake-down trip. The wife and I have been together for over 50-years and were still in love and get along very well. I asked if the VAN would work? She said she could handle the VAN, but what if I dropped dead on the ground? Simple now my dear wife. Call the POLICE while I'm still on the ground and don't touch me just tell them it's not my "Gull Bladder" they will know what to do. Then call our lawyer to handle the details and drive back home. Or call our SON-in-Law and fly back home or wait and go back with JON or our daughter whatever. Also, we know she can handle the Van. But what about the VAN, give it to the KIDS, and tell Jon if he has a problem with the Beer give it to our fellow RV'ers wherever were parked. So my fellow RV'ers, I posse this question to anyone who has an idea or has been asked by their spouse. You're out on your last campground outing and then your Facedown in the dirt, What would you suggest to others be done with you? And if alone who would know? This very thing did happen to a fellow RV'er while at and RV Park. The Fire and Ambulance arrived at the RV Park, which got everyone's attention in the park. We learned the man had a heart attic and they took him away. She left with them and on her return. My wife took her a dish of potato salad. She, my wife was unable to talk with her and the RV Park gave them a Free Park visit. Some of us park fellow RV'ers guys, went over and rolled up and unhooked everything, and she towed the Vehicle all back home about 500-miles away. This all took a few days maybe just two days. It all happened kind of fast. I Would like to know your thoughts? if something were to happen in front of you? I can see at 50-or even 80-years of age can be a big deal for the partner or family members to deal with the passing of another and having to deal with the details. What would you do or think should be done, I would like to know. Let's please not know if it did but keep the post objective as to details would be helpful in just knowing. Thanks for sharing.Re: Why keep soliciting...YUP, the calls, and last year they started doing TEXT messages which I have now learned to BLOCK them all, and still, they keep calls following. I guess it takes one SUCKER to generate another 1000 or more telemarketing calls from out of the country. Thousands of dollars following out of the USA to folks making easy calls. Now I understand why OLD-man become grumpy, it's all the FREE Money folks keep asking for. OH man don't get me started or I'll jump into Flag and country. I TAKE all ADVERTIZING CALLS as an attack on the American LIFE and DON'T Answer or reply, then have fun BLOCKING CALLS and TEXT messaging advertisements.Re: Allegro Bus Fan Gear Box Replacement on Powerglide ChassisROGER, sorry buddy as I'm trying to understand your question? ANYONE DONE WHAT TO WHAT? What and where is whatever leaking? As for FAN and driveshaft coming off, what VEHICLES GEARBOX? Need more information. Could this be for one of your two vehicles? If so which one and what? 2010 Allegro Bus 43 QBP . . . 2016 Lincoln MKX Thinking of the connection between Transmission and Driveshaft, there should be a peace missing that connects the two together. It looks like a CROSS with even ends. And once in place is filled with impact grease to keep the ends pushed out connecting the transmission and driveshaft. As when this happens on the roadway that part is found laying on the roadway about 200-yards behind the vehicle. Try and recall when this happened and walk back looking for the CROSS as it's about 4" inch CROSS CENTER. Good Luck. If I understand you correctly?Re: Allegro Bus Fan Gear Box Replacement on Powerglide Chassis Ranger Smith wrote: Anyone done this on their own.. Was looking at it as mine is starting to leak. Seems easy to do was wondering how the fan and drive shaft come off the gearbox. ROGER, sorry buddy as I'm trying to understand your question? ANYONE DONE WHAT TO WHAT? What and where is whatever leaking? As for FAN and driveshaft coming off, what VEHICLES GEARBOX? Need more information. Could this be for one of your two vehicles? If so which one and what? 2010 Allegro Bus 43 QBP . . . 2016 Lincoln MKX Thinking of the connection between Transmission and Driveshaft, there should be a peace missing that connects the two together. It looks like a CROSS with even ends. And once in place is filled with impact grease to keep the ends pushed out connecting the transmission and driveshaft. As when this happens on the roadway that part is found laying on the roadway about 200-yards behind the vehicle. Try and recall when this happened and walk back looking for the CROSS as it's about 4" inch CROSS CENTER. Good Luck. If I understand you correctly?Re: Chipmunks pbeverly wrote: valhalla360 wrote: K Charles wrote: Squirrels will get rid of chipmunks, get a squirrel. Then get a woodchucks to take care of the squirrels? One year I took out 20+ squirrel's with a pellet gun. They had backups ready to go. As soon as I took one out a backup showed up. I have a Red Shoulder Hawk couple that lives on the property and I am sure they help, but my numbers stay rather steady. One of out our cats decapitated one one and used the head as a ball. Just depends on his mood at the time though, not reliable. You GUYS have made my day, as things were a bit touch and go at the homestead here in Florida. I read both messages and I started rolling on the floor laughing so hard I was crying. You added a whole other meaning to the word "BACKUP" so funny thanks. What do you think of using the SOUND alarm things? As they give off a high-pitched sound? That runs them off? I am going to setup a water bucket and then I'll just feed them to the snakes, and birds to eat. Thanks guys big help.Towing Planner, Fuel Cost, DOT TIRE Date CodeSometime Back I was Planning an RV trip with Family and friends. After I had invited everyone, I began to think about all the weight load? Fuel Cost and my tires? Feeling a bit worried about inviting so many people. I went to the Internet forum and posted the question to them. I must have gotten 20-returns from all the Math geniuses on the internet, and I R not one of them, trust me, I'm not. But one man stepped to the plate with a wonderful online calculator. Once I opened the TowingPlanner.Com website I soon noticed inside was 14-other RV-related Calculators and all for free. So So, Enjoy and I hope you have as much fun as I did, using all the calculators.IMAGE ISSUES NOT WORKING for this POSTPLEASE REMOVE ADMIN "IMAGE ISSUES" NONE OF THE FRAMES shown in IMGUR seem to work correctly, COPY PASTE NOT WORKING, USING FORUM TOOL for HTML also NOT working for me.
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