All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Dirty roof-what are you guys using to clean?That's what I thought, a tall step ladder and scrub brush with a extension will handle the job.Re: Dirty roof-what are you guys using to clean?How much weight will the roof hold ? My Windjammer has a ladder on the rear, I thought it was for looks. Will it actually hold someone ?Re: I -95 by RichmondThey are doing bridge work there, I believe they are working 7 days a week. They had the shoulder closed but had 2 outside lanes open. On Sunday you will not have the daily traffic to deal with which is a big plus. If you time it right you will have delays but it should be ok. If you have a choice try to hit it in the am. Good Luck Chuck in VaRe: RV BBQI am new to camping also and have one that attaches to to the side of m Wind Jammer. I have not used it yet, but I plan on using it to fix breakfast. I understand that it doesn't put out a lot of BTUs probably because high BTUs and gel coat probably doesn't mix.(The grill is attached to the side of the camper ) As long as it will heat a griddle for eggs, pancakes,burgers etc. I think it will serve my purpose. If it can't handle that I will have to look at more options. But from what I can gather it should do what I need plus a steak every now and then. Wow having said that now I'm hungry. Chuck in VaRe: What Did You Do To Your Travel Trailer Today?New to camping, my Windjammer is stored at my sisters house till spring. She called me today and the camper door must have blown open during a small blizzard and dumped some snow inside the trailer. I was the last one in the trailer the door was locked, but I guess I did not shut it hard enough. I went there and swept out the trailer, just a small amount of snow inside..can't wait to use it, come on spring. Chuck in Cold VaRe: PDI while TT is still winterized?I just picked up my new Windjammer mid December went through the PDI with the TT still winterized. If I had it to do over again I would have tested all the water systems during the PDI and have them winterize it before I left with the trailer. Being new to camping I was somewhat overwhelmed with the systems. Now my plans are to have them dewinterize the camper around the spring thaw, and fully check out the systems at that time. There should not be a fee but we have not discussed that. (little to late for that ) I plan on pleading ignorance ( we will see how that works ). I believe they normally charge $99.00 to preform the service.Re: Hitch will not come off the ball.I purchased a new TT mid December. Got it home the same thing happened to me, I called the dealer , they sent a service tech he was unable to get it loose. We had to remove the hitch pin ,get the truck and the trailer level, chock the wheels and pull the truck away slowly. He said he had never seen that happen before. When I purchased the trailer I also purchased a high dollar sway hitch with it. There was a adjustment on the hitch itself that had the ball slightly tilted toward the front of the truck and after moving the trailer it put everything in a bind. They adjusted it, I hope it works haven't had the weather to try it yet. It sure made me feel stupid when I was unable unhitch it but better in my yard than a camp ground. Hope this helps.
GroupsBucket List Trips Bucketlist destinations you just can't miss. Which spots stick with you?Jan 18, 202513,487 PostsTravel Trailer Group Prefer to camp in a travel trailer? You're not alone.Mar 04, 202544,027 Posts
Bucket List Trips Bucketlist destinations you just can't miss. Which spots stick with you?Jan 18, 202513,487 Posts