since ‎May-10-2007

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I replaced the OEM tires on my '09 CRV last spring with a set of Continentals. I run winter tires 5 months of the year, so if you're wondering why my mileage seems so high on the OEM's, that's why.The new tires were fine until we towed the Honda fro...
Since we bought our Embark in November 2011, I haven't been happy at the lack of a place to mount a spare wheel/tire. The debate on whether to carry a spare or not has raged here several times - my preference is to carry a spare to minimize the inte...
Sunday night while on our way home from Cobourg Beach, check engine light comes on while on Highway 401. Immediately the truck goes into some kind of limp mode. No cruise or A/C. Lights and 4-way flashers on without the switches being on. The eng...
I finally had an opportunity to getting our coach weighed (axle weights only) and would appreciate a second look to check what I’ve done to confirm my understanding is correct and I’m not underinflating my tires. Front Axle Weight: 9,720 lbs.Rear A...