We took our two kayaks along, strapped on top of the truck camper. Actually,that was some of the better part of the trip. Went on lakes only, rivers were too fast. Floated in ak,yk and be. Caught rainbows and had them jumping higher than my head.
I used tadibrothers also. Good site and helpful tech support. Installed on our 5th wheel to keep an eye on our boat towed behold the fiver. Worked good.Because of bad reports on wireless, I used wire. It was easy to install.
We have uscelluar at home, which we were told has no coverage in Canada. After some research and a stop at an AT&T store, they assured us we'd be covered using their service. So we bought a cheap phone and one months service. We had very limited se...
Hi, still having fun! Met some nice locals in Dawson. Told her we were going to run up Dalton highway and were looking for a place in Fairbanks to leave the camper for a few days, intending to sleep in the cab. She said I live in Fairbanks, leave...
Just thought I'd check in. We're at Whitehorse, roads up have been fine so far. A little construction and gravel here and there but if taken slow, 35 ish, no problem. AT&T hasn't worked at all in Yukon, as the salesmen said it would. Grr. It's fun...