All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsWashing our TT and gave our neighbours a giggleI bought this scrub free cleaner with bleach to clean my refrigerator. I normally only use natural cleansers but bought this cleanser to clean the fridge after the door closed and a mess ensued and my natural cleaners didn't get it clean enough. After I was done I looked at the front of my hybrid trailer it has those black mold dots. I had tried scrubbing them last year and I spent HOURS scrubbing at them and they were really hard to get off. The cleaner worked on the mold in the fridge why not the mold on the bunk end? So I tried spraying it and was amazed by with a quick squirt of the spray the black dots completely disappeared. The black mold spots were worse at the top on the edge of the roof, so first I got my little two step ladder then grabbed our 6 foot ladder to get closer to the top. As I'm spraying and wiping the spots with a cloth and the mold is literally disappearing in front of my eyes, I'm feeling pretty cocky, whoo hoo look at me I am a cleaning machine, this is taking minutes, no more HOURS spent scrubbing HA HA. So I try reaching a little further and the bleeping ladder starts to tip, I rocked it back and I almost caught myself but ended up falling off the third step, tipping the ladder over anyways and sprawled on the driveway and covered in gross dirty bleach water. I wasn't hurt other than a couple minor bruises so I was very lucky. I had to laugh, Man I wish someone had video taped it, it would have been hilarious. My trailer now has a widows peak of moldy dots in the center where I couldn't get at it to clean it, I'm not going to attempt the ladder again, the hitch and propane tanks just get in the way but I think I will just use a mop and stay on the ground next time. But right now the widows peak just makes me laugh every time I look at it so I'll leave it for now. Like they say if you can't be a good example be a terrible warning, and if your going to do the same thing get your neighbours to video tape you while your doing it.Re: Moldy RefridgeratorI used a cleanser with bleach and it got all but one of the marks off. And I grabbed a piece of Wood that we normally use to block the wheels and it's fairly large and heavy and the freezer can't squeeze it in to shut the door. It's tried because the wood is all the way inside now but the freezer door still stays open a few inches. And I opened a lawn chair to sit while I was scrubbing it and left the chair there and it's kept the main door from closing too. So no mold! Thank you!Hitch on the back and transporting a canoeWe have a 2002 21ft Flagstaff Shamrock by Forest River Hybrid Travel Trailer. Last year some friends gave us a Bike carrier that is hitch mounted, to add to our trailer. Their trailer came with one, or they spent the $$ to put it on the new one. When my kids were little we just tucked the little bikes inside the trailer. There was only my big bike and the kids little bikes. Now that they are getting bigger and their bikes are bigger I'd love to mount this bike carrier. The problem is, it doesn't have a hitch in the back of the trailer and the tire is actually right where the hitch would go. Are there alternate places to store the spare or would you not recommend putting a hitch on the back. I'd also like to get a canoe or a kayak, but my husband has said there is no where to put it. We are towing with a 2003 GMC Safari Van with AWD and it has a roof rack but I was told it is purely decorative. So two questions, How or would you mount a hitch on the back of your Hybrid TT, and how would you transport a canoe. My kids would prefer we got a "real boat" that they could take water skiing but that would involve buying a second tow vehicle as our car would not tow a boat, nor would I want it to. Taking two vehicles which would also limit where we go, keeping us fairly local.Re: Moldy RefridgeratorThank you for all the great responses!Re: Moldy RefridgeratorI'll have to go pick up a jug, I've been using the thyme oil on everything and don't even have any in the house. Thanks for the tip!Moldy RefridgeratorLast year we had planned a trip a weekend apart so I had left some food items in the fridge. There ended up being a thunderstorm which shut off the power to the fridge while it was in my driveway and it all spoiled. I cleaned it and it was mold free for the rest of the summer. When I opened it this spring, the fridge was absolutely gross. It had lots of mold and mostly in the same places from last summer (the lower shelf in the door and the freezer). It had spread a bit more though. I have cleaned it again and have the doors propped open to keep the air flowing. But the rubber seal around the freezer is stained and no matter how I scrub it didn't come clean. I'm using a thyme oil cleaner which is a natural mildew killer. Why I'm posting is two reasons: #1. Any suggestions on what type of cleaner I should use to remove the stains in the rubber seal. #2. What could I keep in the fridge and freezer to keep it from molding up again other than keeping the doors open. Would baking soda work? That's more about smell I thought? A cup of salt? Thank youRe: Canadian Campground Picswe camped at Sandy Beach campground in the Meadow Lake Provincial Park Saskatchewan. We were told Kimball and Greig lake is also a nice place to stay but we preferred Sandy beach hands down. Private, quiet, large sites with beautiful water to swim in. There were sites right on the lake but they were smaller and less private, we like the alone in the woods feel. Our site was #1 The sites had these high fire pits that were actually kind of nice, not as much bending over getting the fire going. The park at the beach you could even rent paddle boats or kayaks there. Humphrey Lake hiking trail this was the view from the Humphrey Lake tower, The hiking trail starts at the Sandy Beach campsite. The tower This is Kimball Lake in the Meadow Lake Provincial Park Saskatchewan. Re: Camp foodLots of great ideas here, when we camp dh ussually does the cooking, we have alot of burgers and steak on the grill, hot dogs on the fire, and dh makes an awesome roast wrapped in foil and cooked in the fire. That and potatoes almost every day which makes me happy because I LOVE potatoes and I especially love how my dh makes them and left overs make wonderful hashbrowns. Breakfast is a mix up of eggs/bacon/hashbrowns or pancakes sometimes with berries if there are Saskatoon berries (this time we found blueberries so got to have both), cold cereal, hot cereal sometimes toast when I pull out my mom's old camp fire wire with the tin base leaning toaster thingy but my kids ussually just want cereal. Dh doesn't eat lunch ever so we tend to sleep late brunch it and just snack and then have supper. Thanks for all the great ideas! especcially corn, everyone loves corn.Re: Pet Pictures - READ MY STARTING POST B/4 POSTING Here are my baby girls, Maizzie is the grey Maltese/Shi-tzu and Sasha is the black Pom. Maizzie, my happy girl after I gave her a hair cut myself. Here are my girls yapping at sketchy cat (not ours but hangs out at my brothers house and apparently just looks sketchy) I experimented with the only green function and thought it was sorta funny that I caught my girls yapping on photo (sorry I couldn't resist) This is taffy cat And here is Molly
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