All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: My Boy's Sick ...They definitely put it together when I get this I feel better. Rocky demands his food before time of course then sits and waits for his insulin shot. They all know they get a piece of cheese after their meals, Mini's piece of cheese has her benadryl and thyroid pill inside it (I ball the cheese up).Re: My Boy's Sick ...AZPops I just saw your post this evening. Both you and Calvin are in our prayers. Rocky, Mini and Scrappy Do say "Get Well Calvin, you can do it"Re: Exercise PensWe use exercise pens, started off with just 2 foot tall pens, was tall enough for the Chihuahuas. Had to go to the 4 foot tall pens when we got a Min Pin. We bought them online. We got the one with doors, DH cut the top part of the wires at the top of the door, making them like a gate. We have one outside compartment in the motor home that is used to store the pens. When we had the Trailer we just put them in the back of the truck. I know of one campground in our area that doesn't allow exercise pens. I asked why? Their answer was because it makes it hard to mow. Some places we have gone to and we ask about the exercise pens they have responded with oh yes wished more people would use them.Re: Min Pin Healed from Deer Attack and has new little brotherRocky was blind before the attack. Rocky searched for Honey, the day he came home. Jumped on the bed feeling for her. Kept standing at the sliding glass door wanting to go out there and look for her. It was heartbreaking. Every vet appointment and when we had to take Scrappy with us to get his soft harness, Rocky has met us at the door and checks Scrappy out head to tail. Scrappy has bells on a ring attached to his soft harness, so Rocky knows where he is. He follows Rocky all around. At times Mini will do a game of chase with Scrappy. Her favorite is stealing his kong. He has brought lots of smiles and laughs already. I think Honey guided me to him...saying MOM help him.Re: Min Pin Healed from Deer Attack and has new little brotherScrappy just had his last booster shots and got his rabies shot. He weighed in at 5.1 pounds. Clean bill of health! He was friendly to all but one dog (Hyper Boston Terrier) and one guy he didn't like him at all. Now that I figured out how to put a picture of him up....Here is Scrappy Do Min Pin Healed from Deer Attack and has new little brotherRocky (the blind Min Pin) who was attacked by a deer in our fenced back yard(along with his little Chihuahua sister, Honey who died from the injuries in the attack) is all healed up. He kept searching for Honey. A month after the attack, something told me to look at Craigslist and rescues for a Chihuahua. Came upon a 9 week old Chihuahua puppy (male) and my heart went this is the one you need to get. This was the story: He was bought as a birthday present for a 4 year. There was also a 8 month old boy, who they claimed was allergic to the pup.:R(didn't buy that excuse, was more like she was over whelmed) No records of a vet visit or shots. We said we would take him and be his forever home. We got him home and the poor little thing had diarrhea (was like turning on a water faucet). Did the hydration test on him and sure enough his skin didn't go back, weighed him and he was 2.25 pounds. Soaked his food with pedialite,added a tablespoon of pumpkin,and put pedialite in a bowl for him. Got him into the vet. She thought he had worms, so he got wormed and started his shots. Sent a fecal to the lab, came back the next day. He had Coccidia, he was the on med for 5 days. We put the Min Pins on the med also as a prevention. Anytime he whimpered, Rocky was right there checking him out and giving him tender licks and nuzzles. Last month he weighed in at 3.4 pounds. He will be 4 months old on the 17th. Happy, healthy full of life. His name is Scrappy of course I call him Scrappy DoRe: What's with these crazy min pins?Welcome to the world of Min Pins...The King of They are very alert, and stubborn. Takes a lot of patience and training with them. We have 2 Min Pins, Rocky is 9 and Mini will turn 10 in Oct. Rocky we got as a pup, at 5 months he killed his first squirrel. Killed his last squirrel(which was number 5) last year (before he went blind brought on by diabetes). Mini is a rescue, we got her when she was 7, she was laid back when we got her. Best advice I can give you is lots of exercise to drain some of the energy (using a treadmill is helpful). The blanket twirl is normal ours do the same thing, they love to be under the blankets.Re: removing stuck duel wheelsFj12ryder I not trying to sell anything and do work on vechs. Get harassed for a post to help! What's your problem?removing stuck duel wheelsI was reading another post about cloud driver doing his rear brakes and having problems removing rear wheels have come across this many times at work mostly on ford superdutys looking thru a tool flier found a new tool for this and asked for one but was set on the side until I showed owner what we had to do to get the wheels off now we have one haven't had to use it yet but should work good going to buy one for motorhome toolbox tool flier Was $200 found onlinefor$160 free shipping its kentool #34549 they have a YouTube video don't know how to make a link can fix computers on vechs but don't know how to post pics or links lol hope this helps someoneRe: fyi pets and deerThank You for the kind words. Update: Rocky had a vet's appointment yesterday. The drain tubes were removed, flushed the tube sites. He had a little temperature so he got another 3 day antibiotic shot, anti-inflammatory pills and pain pills to be used after the pain med patch was to be removed today. Said that the stitches look good and is healing very well. June 6th the stitches will be removed. He'll have the cone on until then. Rocky and Mini are not allowed out in the back yard any more. The front is now fenced and we are with them at all times, even though it is fenced, keeping them on a leash. There are no trees/bushes in the front yard, clear view. Thank You again for the kind words and suggestions.