All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Recall out for 2015 Superduties DirtyOil wrote: What a novel concept. Recall the trucks BEFORE any deaths or serious accidents Not so "novel", Ford isn't the first or is it going to be the last, to do a "pre" release recall on their product(s). Your adorable Fiatboy If your so concerned as to what the so-called "Ford hater" opine about, why add to it with your dribble? Your just painting yourself with the same brush... "do as I say, not as I do..." LMAO :R I'm not really concerned, just like to call a spade a spade. I'm just showing the RSRC exactly how they look, in every single Ford and some non Ford threads. They have done this for a long time now. Its dribble when I do it but gold when 45,Fiatboy,Ric do it? We always try to take the high road with these people. Most just block all of them but why should we have to keep blocking just to not see this BS?Re: Recall out for 2015 Superduties Perrysburg Dodgeboy wrote: Well if Ford decided to drag my case out for the max limit of one year what do you think they would do with a case that does not have a one year limit on it? The fact that you have said "I find this somewhat entertaining though." shows you have no interest in ending this. So who's being childish here? Ric and everyone else are entitled to their opinions. As far as Ric posting his e-mails why would he out an Engineer that was helping him? If he did this person would be fired by Ford. The thing that is BS is the WIF light never went off! So if their POS CP4 pump is so touchy that it will fail without the warning light coming on that is a design flaw and Ford should be held accountable. Finally, when the KADFC (Kool-Aid Drinking Ford Crew) posts how Ford is such a great Company for doing what they have to do, then expect people to express their opinions on that idea. Don Your adorable Fiatboy. You guys are so thin skinned yet so aggressive with your BS its unreal. Small claims court does not take years. Most of the time you get a judgement that day. I've done it before. If I were Ric and I had all these indisputable proofs that Ford and the dealership were at fault, I think I would post what I had. In fact it would be presented at small claims court like a week later. What opinion are you guys in the RSRC presenting? Anyone that does not hate Ford is a blind kool aid drinker? In every single thread? Is that necessary? Do you guys have nothing better to do? You guys love to dish but get all wound up when someone calls your ****. If you can't take it then calm down with the BS. As side note. I worked for an Italian oil company for 5 years. They are literally the worst people on the planet. They hate Americans with a passion.Re: Recall out for 2015 Superduties Perrysburg Dodgeboy wrote: OilfieldtrashLA do you know how to block people on this Forum? If you find what Ric and the RSRC Crew then block them and you won't see what they are posting. As far as suing under the Lemon Law I did that and Ford and or their Dealer dragged it out for one year to the date. The up side was Ford had to give me a 1992 F-150 for my 1990 F-150 POS. It turned out to be a POS also, same with my Aerostar and Ranger. That would be why I no longer own Ford's. Don Of course I know how to block people. I find this somewhat entertaining though. I never said lemon law. He could have sued in small claims court and easily won. I've done that before. At least with you Ford history no one got hurt. My last Fiat 2500 front suspension decided it wanted its freedom and put the truck into a ditch. My passengers head hit the door window pretty hard. We can do this all day, but why?Re: Recall out for 2015 Superduties Powerdude wrote: First of all, it's nice that Ford is admitting a mistake and doing recalls. These are not the type of threads where one just posts happy memories where they stopped for pictures and to smell the roses. Go to the travel forums for that. As for: OilfieldtrashLA wrote: Ric is well on his way to ruining another forum. Ric, just because someone doesn't currently hate the thing you hate does not mean they are blind. Get over yourself. Get some air, sunlight, go hug a puppy or something. If somebody points out an unpleasant and potentially true fact about any manufacturer, on some thread, this does not mean that they are trying to derail the thread, merely trying to educate people about potential problems. Not everybody has to believe it, but to keep attacking the messenger who brings the information to the table is just plain childish and rude. Yes, some people are on a crusade. A lot can be learned from that, such as, what would make a person do that? Could it be crappy products or crappy support from the manufacturer? Could it be defective parts and crappy warranty coverage? Those points are highly relevant to a warranty/recall thread, at least in my book. So, quit attacking anybody that posts real information, and go educate yourself on the internet. It is not Ric's job to educate you, and make you feel better about your product. His job is merely to provide information about his personal experience, which is a perfectly valid point on any thread in this forum, at least in my opinion. I'm very well educated on this topic considering Ric and the sac rider crew show up in every single Ford thread******all over it. What does Ric's water in fuel issue have to do with a transmission indicator light being slow have in common? Another excuse for Ric and the crew to call everyone a blind Kool aid drinker? Ric and his crew are the most aggressive and insulting bunch on this site. We don't need the RSRC on every single Ford thread. Ric Post all these damning factual emails you keep talking about. With signature at the bottom.Re: Recall out for 2015 Superduties 45Ricochet wrote: OilfieldtrashLA wrote: Post the emails. You have been banned from more than one forum. If things were so clear cut you should have lawyered up.If I had emails from Ford and the dealer supporting my position I would have sued. We both know you don't have to have water in your system at the time of a failure for water to cause the failure. Where are these thousands of people with dead 6.7s? Lets see all these emails? I'd love to read them and talk with the Ford engineer. Post everything with names and phone numbers. You guys just don't stop right? Let me guess here, you own a Ford Super Duty with a PSD engine.... and if your over say 60 or so you've only had a Ford truck period. Perfect sense for the insane folks. I'm 32. I own a PSD. I've owned at least one of every brand. I'm not the one posting in every single Ford thread with no useful info. The Ric sac rider crew are the insane ones.Re: Recall out for 2015 Superduties ricatic wrote: OilfieldtrashLA wrote: MARK VANDERBENT wrote: Easy for you to say, you did not buy a 40 thousand dollar truck just to throw another 12 grand into it for the fun of it. I would not expect Ford or GM or Fiat to warranty water in fuel. Thats what full coverage insurance is for. see...this is why the discussion still continues...let me say it again for those who have problems with reading comprehension...THERE WAS NEVER ANY WATER FOUND IN MY FUEL SYSTEM AT THE SECOND DEALERSHIP...ZERO...NADA...NONE...there was no sign of even emulsified water inside the HPFP... ...even the 6.7 design engineer sent me an email supporting my no water claim...he had seen all the parts...The FSE for the dealer that eventually fixed the truck told me I was caught in a political battle between two dealers...and my business was not as important as saving face for the crooked dealer...these are facts...supported by multiple emails...comprende???? probably not.... oh...and still wondering about the forum I destroyed???? Regards Post the emails. You have been banned from more than one forum. If things were so clear cut you should have lawyered up.If I had emails from Ford and the dealer supporting my position I would have sued. We both know you don't have to have water in your system at the time of a failure for water to cause the failure. Where are these thousands of people with dead 6.7s? Lets see all these emails? I'd love to read them and talk with the Ford engineer. Post everything with names and phone numbers.Re: Recall out for 2015 Superduties MARK VANDERBENT wrote: Easy for you to say, you did not buy a 40 thousand dollar truck just to throw another 12 grand into it for the fun of it. I would not expect Ford or GM or Fiat to warranty water in fuel. Thats what full coverage insurance is for.Re: Recall out for 2015 Superduties ricatic wrote: OilfieldtrashLA wrote: Ric is well on his way to ruining another forum. Ric, just because someone doesn't currently hate the thing you hate does not mean they are blind. Get over yourself. Get some air, sunlight, go hug a puppy or something. geez...I missed the destruction of some forum somewhere...maybe you can enlighten me...You also miss the point...I am a presenter of a valid point of view supported by the facts derived from a real world experience...may I suggest that those who do not like the truths that are posted...block won't be a pioneer down that road and I will not mind at all... There really is nothing for me to get over...noi anger...just a burning desire to help others avoid a fate similar to mine...what amazes me is the never ending cry that just because it has never happened to a BKK, it never will...this is a foolish position to take... If any of the BKK's ever have the misfortune of a Shameful Event, I will guarantee they will not be as happy as they claim they will be... Regards Your right, If I get water in my fuel and have to rebuild my fuel system I won't be happy. But, I will get it fixed and move on, like an adult.Re: Recall out for 2015 SuperdutiesRic is well on his way to ruining another forum. Ric, just because someone doesn't currently hate the thing you hate does not mean they are blind. Get over yourself. Get some air, sunlight, go hug a puppy or something.Re: Nice safety feature from the new Ford tailgates45, You might want to get a puppy or something to keep yourself occupied.The weather is nice right now, maybe get a kite.
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