All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Dang, is there any place warm today?Yeah south and middle americaRe: ignorance, judgment, neighborsYears ago I build a 3200square ft house 7cargarage sprinkler.pretty nice hut.. a neighbor wanted me to join neighborhood association .if joined they wanted you to get permission from them to plant a tree a Bush mow the lawn paint etc.I told them I spent boo coo bucks and I didn't their approval to do a darn thing to my house to destroy mine or their value..they weren't to g.happy. I told them this was the land of freedom I fought forworkcamping job bullhead city arizonaWife and I looking for work camping job bull head city.Wife has accounting knowledge we have owned and worked at campground I do karaoke hosting have 38 ft class a .please reply soon season is starting thanks Bob and Connie Lee nebraska